
read2();  "In Shenjing Station, all the people from all over Daxia, please move forward as soon as possible after the transmission secretary has verified the identity of the jade disc, and leave the transmission platform to avoid delays Thank you for your cooperation with the follow-up staff."

   Accompanied by the sound of sweet beauties that are constantly lingering in the station, the Shenjing Station, located in the Ruins of Taiping City, Shenjing City, has been in full operation since it opened early this morning.

Because Daxia has achieved the greatest victory since the opening of the dynasty, the entire Shenjing City will officially hold an extraordinary and magnificent celebration today after Fuyao the Great’s class returns to the dynasty. In this way, the eyes of the entire Daxia people are attracted. , Almost every minute and every second, a large number of Daxia people were sent to Shenjing City.

Above the main sacred tree structure of Shenjing Station, the blue and white sea of ​​light composed of transmitted light has not dissipated for a moment. While floating and circulating, while illuminating the entire Shenjing Station, it also makes every newcomer to Shenjing City. All of the people just feel like they are in a fairyland, incredible.

   "Father, my daughter is walking in the sky!"

Above the branches in the middle of Shenjing Station, the voice belonging to the little girl's daughter rang from the crowd slowly moving forward, and then the little girl who was carefully dressed up by the Mo shopkeeper and his wife, like a porcelain doll, lifted it excitedly Raising a small hand, pointing to the blue and white light sea above, continue to speak:

"Father, mother, look, the clouds are so close to us. No wonder people in the town say that the city of Shenjing is so far away from us, as far as the unreachable sky. If you want to come to the city of Shenjing, you really have to go to heaven. ."

After the young girl’s childish voice came out, the surrounding people from all over the world laughed very kindly. Most of these people came to the capital for the first time, so they treated everything around them the same. Full of curiosity.

   Then Mo shopkeeper holding the girl's right hand, after looking around, smiled and responded:

"Nun, we are in the sky at this time, but those above us are not clouds. Can you imagine that we are in a very large house now, and the floating light on it is just like lighting in the house. The lights, and this house is just one in the city of God."

As soon as the treasurer Mo made this statement, on the delicate face of the girl, the eyes and mouth suddenly widened at once, and then a very horrified expression appeared. The little head looked around and saw that the surroundings were all in sight. There were countless crowds, unable to see the edge, and then the little girl's exclamation came out:

   "Wow! This house is much bigger than our Yaxia Town, and there is no edge in sight. If it were the entire Shenjing City, it would be so big!"

As soon as the admiration of   囡囡 fell, the white-robed scholar Xinhao who was walking in front raised his mouth slightly, and responded with a smile:

"Since its construction, Shenjing City has been the first city on the vast land of Shenzhou. There are countless distances between the gates of the southeast, northwest, and countless people living together in it. In other words, it The establishment of the ”is a living miracle in itself.”

Xinhao's response made the people from all over the country nodded with deep approval, and at the same time became more and more curious about the true capital of the outside world. Then the shopkeeper looked at Xinhao's back and opened his mouth. :

   "Mr. Xin is so familiar with Shenjing City, is it because the locals fail?"

"Below I was born in Shenjing City, but I moved to other places with the sect very early. Therefore, I don’t know much about Shenjing City at this time. It can be said that I was born in Shenjing City. Curiosity and anxiety."

After Xinhao finished speaking, he smiled kindly again, and then a group of people walked along the circular branches and gradually led to the ground. On the way, there were officials wearing teleportation robes guiding the movement of the entire sea of ​​people. After an appointment for a full quarter of an hour, the treasurer Mo and other talents stepped into the exit tunnel of Shenjing Station that looked like a giant beast's mouth, and walked towards the front door.

Outside is the real capital city, but for some reason, the farther ahead, Mo shopkeeper's round face felt an inexplicable sense of tension. Then he glanced at his wife who was also nervous and swallowed his saliva. , Said softly:

"I know, you have always wanted to get out of Yaxia Town, out of Bingzhou, and see the outside world. You have never had a chance before, but at this time, you are stepping on the land of Shenjing City. Your wish has been fulfilled all the time. , So I feel more at ease in my heart."

   Mo shopkeeper finished speaking, smiled in relief, and then took the tearful wife with one hand, and the cunning daughter with one hand, and after taking a deep breath, strode forward.

   When Mo shopkeeper and several people completely walked out of Shenjing Station, it happened to be the setting sun, and the sun on the west completely sank into the city at this moment.

   This moment of yin and yang alternation is also the moment when Shenjing City turns from day to night. Therefore, before the Mo shopkeeper's family of three, it is a sea of ​​hundreds of millions of lights suddenly lit up.

   in all directions, from top to bottom, from left to right, wherever you can see, it is the galaxy on earth!

   "The teacher once said that the so-called peaceful and prosperous age is the night of melting the moonlight, leisure and peaceful dwellings, and the shining stars in the city of God belong to the world."

Confucian Xinhao, including the Mo shopkeeper's family, and all those who walked out of the Shenjing Station together, at the moment when they saw the vast expanse of the Shenjing city, they fell into sluggishness as if they had lost their souls, because The sight in front of me is simply unimaginable even in a dream.

Then there was a spring breeze blowing from above the city of Shenjing. It was planted with hanging willow branches across the three rivers and six banks, blowing through countless streets and alleys crowded with people in the city of Shenjing, passing through the fragrant restaurants, and finally turning Shenjing Outside the station, the robes of Mo shopkeeper and others blew up.

   The spring breeze was blowing, and at the same time, the roar of the countless people in the Pingzhi Ruins that opened their mouths together into everyone's ears, pulling their hearts back from the sea of ​​lights and stars.

   "Tianhui, Tianhui, Tianhui!"

   Under the roar of the mountain whistling and tsunami-like shouts, the Mo shopkeeper and a few people looked up, only to see a figure wearing a black robe appeared in the sky above the void of the Tianping Ruins.

The celestial robe flying above this figure heralded the identity of his new army celestial army. Then Qiu Hengji, the fat man who returned from the Arctic, bowed his head slightly, looked around at the countless cheering people below, and raised his hands. Up, suddenly lifted from bottom to top.

   In the next moment, one after another, the sun's light rose slowly towards the sky like fireworks, and then burst and bloom in the sea of ​​countless stars and lights!

   Above the night sky of the city of God, in an instant there appeared one after another vitality fireworks released by the Great Master of Taboo, illuminating the night sky, as if dozens of suns were hung in an instant.

  The Great Summer Celebration officially kicked off!


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