
read2();   In the night sky of God’s capital city, the great master’s taboo released by the fat man, the great master’s forbidden powers, the sun’s impact, burst outwards, and the fireworks formed by the scorching sun. The taboo laws that were brought even shook the extremely distant plane of the sun, causing the entire Shenjing City to float one after another like a sea of ​​turbulent fireworks.

   Turn day and night upside down, call the sun to arouse happiness, it is the scene of the fairy world!

   The fiery atmosphere in the world's No. 1 city reached its peak at this moment. The shouts of countless people soaring into the sky were deafening, and even shook the entire void to the point of trembling.

Outside of Shenjing Station, I have just raised my head and stared at the night sky. The Mo shopkeeper's family, who is motionless, has changed from the incomparably shocked expression at the beginning to the boundless pride at this time. Next, the pretty face of the little girl's daughter was bright red, which was extremely pink and tender.

   Then the little girl who walked out of Yaxia Town for the first time, under the fiery atmosphere in all directions, jumped up unconsciously, and at the same time let out an extremely excited shout:

   "Father, mother, the uncle in the sky in black, the fireworks are so big and spectacular."

As the saying goes, children’s words are innocent, but Mo shopkeeper, who spent a long time in Yanyun City in his early years, knows that to change the sky so easily, it must require unimaginable cultivation skills, so the latter is round. A trace of respect appeared on his cheek, but he still reached out and touched his daughter's head, and said in agreement:

   "That's a great monk. It's rare to see him in his life on weekdays, so I have to remember this sight."

   Mo shopkeeper said this, the little girl nodded obediently, and then her eyes lit up again, and she raised her hand and continued to shout:

   "Father, look at it, the fireworks have turned purple."

Nun Nun's voice has not yet fallen, I saw that above the night sky of the capital city, one group after another group of purple electromagnetic pulses bloomed, forming an endless beautiful purple sea, and then the waves spread in all directions. , Like the super shock waves of super shock waves in full bloom of the flowers of heaven and earth.

   "This celebration of the imperial court is really generous."

   In front of the shopkeeper Mo, the white-clothed scholar Xinhao's mouth turned up, and a voice with a slight smile came out slowly, and then not far away, a somewhat cold response sounded:

   "Our biggest victory since the opening of the Great Xia Dynasty is supposed to be more grandiose. It's been a long time since I saw you, Brother Xinhao."

After   's voice fell, a tall and straight figure in a pure black robe slowly approached, and then a trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of the scholar Xinhao, raising his hand to bow to the visitor, and said:

   "Farewell for half a year, can brother Jiang Yue go smoothly?"

   Xinhao's clear voice fell. After the little lord Jiang Yue was silent for a few breaths, he raised his hand in return, and the response came out:

   "There are so many experiences, half a year is worth the first half of my life."

   "Your temper has become a lot more stable, which surprised me a lot."

   Xin Hao got up after the ceremony, and then looked at the white flower on Jiang Yue's shoulder. After his pupils shrank slightly, he continued to speak:

   "In Bei'an Palace, is there a change?"

   "It's my dead ghost father."

  Egetto's flat voice, Xinhao subconsciously took a step back, and then murmured:

   "Master Bei'an, how is this possible?"

   "No one in this world is immune to death, why is it impossible, Xinhao brother, you have taken a picture."

   Jiang Yue’s complexion was extremely flat, and there was no too strong pain in his eyes, but for Jiang Yue, who is usually happy, his reticence at this time is the biggest abnormality.

   Then Xinhao was silent for a while, raised his hand and patted Jiang Yue's shoulder, everything is silent.

   "I was at the Crescent Restaurant not far away, and I happened to see Brother Xinhao walking out of the Shenjing Station. I was overjoyed. If you don't mind, let me go to the restaurant for a gathering."

   "No wonder I haven't told the rest of the news about my return to Beijing, and I still meet Brother Jiang Yue here. It turned out to be fate."

   Xinhao smiled, but he hesitated a little, then went on to speak:

   "But this time I returned from the merged state, there are still a few people walking with me, leaving them behind, I am afraid it is wrong."

After   , the young scholar in white turned sideways slightly, revealing the Mo Zhangui family behind him looking up to the sky. Jiang Yue looked at it, and then a little strange color appeared on his somewhat cold face, and he said softly:

   "These people were quite familiar when they were in Bingzhou before, so we will get together, you know, your majesty is more nostalgic."

   The word "Your Majesty" softly came out of Jiang Yue's mouth, and Xinhao's hands shook unconsciously.

The entire Shenjing City, not only the Taiping Ruins, but also Qinglong Street or the more remote suburbs, were completely ignited by the extremely fiery celebration atmosphere, singing and dancing, and even the business of major restaurants became extremely popular, especially Taiping. In the ruins, those excellent positions by the window are even more difficult to find.

   After all, eating hot pot and watching the various celebrations in the Taiping Ruins is undoubtedly an extremely rare experience.

The Crescent Restaurant in the Taiping Ruins was full of voices and lively. On the circular staircase of the restaurant, Mo shopkeeper raised his feet forward, and the lips on his round face were tightly pressed, appearing a little restrained, while holding his daughter and There are some beads of sweat on his wife's hand.

Shopkeeper Mo’s memory is not bad, so six months ago in the ranks of nobles in Bingzhou, he recognized the young man in black who was leading the way at this time, and shopkeeper Mo’s wife felt the tension of her husband next to her, with a look in her eyes Some concerns.

   "Don't be cautious, it's just a very ordinary gathering."

A faint voice came from Jiang Yue’s mouth in front of him, and then the shopkeeper Mo raised his mouth and revealed an extremely reluctant smile. He was just an ordinary shopkeeper who opened the only inn in Bingzhou. Have a stronger desire to explore the outside world than the rest of the people, but at this time, have you ever encountered this posture in this life?

Fortunately, the experience six months ago made Mo shopkeeper's heart more able to withstand, so the movement of lifting up the stairs at this time was fairly stable. After turning three corners, the group gradually came to a quiet box. .

   Looking at the wide door in front of him, the hearts of the treasurer Mo and his wife suddenly accelerated, and even Xinhao, who had always been calm and indifferent, swallowed subconsciously. On the contrary, the daughter was still curious, and then softly asked:

   "Father, what are we going to eat?"

   As soon as the childish questioning of the little girl came out, the treasurer Mo had not yet spoken to answer, he heard a young and steady voice from the side:

   "A way to eat hot pot."

After    finished speaking, a young figure approached, and then slowly came to the little girl, stretched out his hand to touch the latter’s head, and the young and steady voice once again lingered in front of the private room:

   "When I was in Bingzhou, I was greeted by the shopkeeper. Now I have come to the city of Shenjing. I will ask you to take a look."


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