The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 913: Clumsy romance


read2();  The moon rises to the sky, high above the sky.

   may be affected by the fiery atmosphere of the entire Shenjing City celebration. The moon in the sky today is extraordinarily bright and rounded, just like a large grinding disc that emits light, illuminating the boiling Shenjing City below.

   Under the moonlight, the vast land of China’s largest city, various celebrations are being staged in full swing. There are theaters specially invited from other states, as well as the most common street performances, etc., which is extremely lively.

After the Mo shopkeeper's family thanked Zhao Yu in the Crescent Restaurant, under the leadership of an official, they officially began to tour the infinite prosperity of the entire Shenjing City. The shopkeeper of Bingzhou Inn, with a smile on his rounded face, experienced the experience. After a dreamlike day, until walking on the bustling Four Gods Beast Street, I was still in a trance.

But for the Mo shopkeeper's family, this trip to Shenjing City is a journey to realize their dreams, but at this time, the whole Shenjing City is realizing the dream in their hearts. It is far more than the Mo shopkeeper family, but thousands of people. Tens of thousands.

   "Xiaoyi, you see that the sugar man made is really lifelike, no wonder there are so many people lining up to buy, so cute, I can't bear to eat it."

On the street in the middle of the city of Shenjing, among the endless crowd, a very clear voice sounded. After the voice fell, a young girl with a small figure and her black hair carefully braided into braids raised the white rabbit candy in her hand. The person posed forward like a treasure, revealing two extremely cute little tiger teeth.

But then, the girl who said that she was reluctant to eat, stretched her tongue out and licked the white rabbit sugar man beautifully, which made Jin Yi, a girl with delicate features and ponytails beside her, a little helpless. Shaking his head, he said:

   "Ziyue, eat slowly, and savor this sugar man in Shenjing City, and our Southwestern Town's Sugar Man, apart from the much higher price, what's the difference?"

   As soon as this question came out, after thinking for a few breaths, Ziyue, who was eating the sugar man, nodded in response pretending to be mysterious:

"Anyway, it's different. Look at the old man who painted the sugar man with white beard and flying robe. Every move is full of charm. When he walks between dragons and snakes, this sugar man is completed in one stroke. Master Sugar Man in the desert town, it will take a long time to draw one."

   "Ziyue, you little fellow, you are fascinated by the capital city, right? Your mind is not firm at all."

Before the girl Ziyue’s voice fell, a somewhat hoarse voice sounded from the rear, and then she was wearing a black uniform, and she kept a head of old gold with broken hair specific to Leizhou in the southwest. She looked around with the only right eye that could see. After that, continue to speak:

   "But this Shenjing City has changed so much. Before I came, I even carefully read through Shunzi's Shenjing Menghua Records and found that the book is completely out of date!"

At this time, Lao Jin, who was walking on the streets of Shenjing City, felt from the bottom of his heart that his heart was agitated. Therefore, even the old face that he used to put on in front of the reserve lads in the deserted city on weekdays was full of what he wanted. After the smile, a few people from the deserted city of Southwest Town heard the voice of the girl Ziyue who refused to admit defeat:

"Uncle Jin, you are so embarrassed to say that I can't help yourself. Look at what you are holding in your hand. It is a banana fruit. We are in the town of deserted city, and we are vomiting every day when we come to Shenjing City. Eat this."

   Ziyue's voice revealed a trace of awkwardness on Lao Jin’s scar-covered face, and then the broad palm of his right hand, holding the banana fruit, which is very common in the southwest, responded:

"Then Ziyue doesn't know anything. This ordinary banana fruit is worthless in the town of deserted city, but once it reaches the northwestern capital city, its value soars, I am just curious about the difference between the two, and you Uncle Jin has military merits, and this banana fruit is for free!"

Daxia's treatment of disabled soldiers and soldiers is extremely generous. Lao Jin had made a lot of contributions to the Wild Army, and his identity jade disc recorded this information. Therefore, in front of several people, there was even a young military officer who led the way and managed. .

   "Ziyue, Dad, Er and others will not say a few words, this capital city is so prosperous, but there are more than sugar people and banana fruits."

A voice with a faint smile came from the mouth of the girl Jin Yi, but this refreshing southwestern girl, deep in her big eyes, had some thoughts, because she came to Shenjing from the deserted city this time. It's looking for the sweetheart who just returned from the expedition.

   Gradually, a dark-skinned teenager with big white teeth when he laughed clearly appeared in his mind, and then Jin Yi's shoulder was touched, and Ziyue's little head came to him and said softly:

   "Xiaoyi, we have come to Shenjing from the deserted city for half a day, why Shunzi hasn't showed up yet, is it because I'm so fascinated by the flowery world of the Shenjing city?"

  As soon as this remark came out, Jin Yi shook his head, and then responded very seriously:

   "He doesn't dare, otherwise, don't talk about my father, I have to clean up him."

   In between the two young girls whispering, the young official who was leading the way in front suddenly stopped, and then came to Lao Jin's side, and after a salute, he slowly spoke:

"Lieutenant Jin, this place is very close to the very famous Willowsau Lake near us. This lake is named after willows because the entire lake is planted with countless willow trees, and this is the most beautiful time of this lake. Go and observe it."

   There are countless types of jungle trees in the southwest of Daxia, but there are few willows. Therefore, Lao Jin just thought for a while and nodded in agreement without hesitation. Then a few people followed the young officials into a trail.

   The sky is full of moons, so there is no darkness in the lanes, but the surrounding hustle and bustle are gradually moving away from their ears, which made the brows of Lao Jin and the two girls frowned slightly, and their faces were puzzled.

But fortunately, this place is the heart of Daxia, and the young official in charge of leading the way showed the identity jade disc, which is a genuine military background, so Lao Jin did not stop and ask questions. Then a few people turned around a few alleys. , The front line of sight suddenly widened, and under the moonlight, a large sparkling lake appeared directly in front of him.

   "From the bright moon on the lake, the spring is infinitely wonderful."

  In front of Lao Jin, the two girls from the deserted city of Southwest Town uttered an exclamation. At the same time, in the darkness of the lake not far away, a low command sound sounded:

   "People are coming, do it, do it!"

As soon as the instruction sounded, the people beside the willow trees had already waited for the young people. At the same time, they raised their hands and patted the willow trees in front of them. The next breath, the dark green light of countless fireflies, like fireworks in full bloom, From bottom to top, rising towards the void, filling the entire lakeside void in an instant.

   The sky above Willowsau Lake is full of stars in full bloom!

Under countless dreamlike fascinating lights, a tall figure holding a carefully picked bouquet, walked out of the darkness and slowly came to the girl Jin Yi, looking at the girl’s exquisite face that was so excited to tears, some quite quite Embarrassed to speak:

   "This is the method that your Majesty [Bequge] taught me when I returned from victory in the endless mountain. It seems that the effect is not bad."

After    finished speaking, Shunzi handed out the bouquet in his hand, grinning, showing a mouthful of white teeth.

   This is a clumsy romance belonging to the Southwestern teenager.


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