The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 914: Does it hurt?


read2();   anxious pipes, long smoky streets, countless Shenjing City between east and west, north and south, carrying and accommodating the dream and love of countless people.

  Dream and love are the most beautiful things in the world, but in the huge world, everything has two sides, separation and integration, sorrow and joy are inseparable.

In the center of the Shenjing City, the White Emperor Palace, under the full moon, the bright moonlight shines on the black imperial palace walls, solemn and solemn, and the infinite noise of the entire Shenjing City outside the imperial palace spreads to this White Emperor palace wall It stopped abruptly.

The owner of the White Emperor Palace Xijing, and at the same time, there is a pregnant mistress who should not be disturbed. Therefore, there is no grand celebration ceremony like the external **** capital, but although the palace is quiet, those faces are pretty. The smiles on the ladies' faces have not disappeared, because the empress who is in charge of the entire harem inner library has always been generous.

With the great victory of the imperial court and the triumphant return of your majesty, the White Emperor’s palace naturally wanted to express that not only will the monthly regular money increase a lot, but even luck. According to the past, Rouge will also let some of the palace ladies go out of the palace to participate in the celebrations in the city. , This is also a gift in disguise.

The entire large Baidi Palace was quiet and peaceful, with a little joy, but for the several imperial chefs in the palace, the mood at this time was particularly disturbing, because since this afternoon, there has been a burly body. A young figure with a bright bald head, in the imperial dining room, meticulously cooking.

Whether it’s from stir-frying, frying, pasting, cooking, frying, and steaming, to steaming, boiling, stewing, simmering, smoking, and baking, almost all the cooking methods available in Daxia, the silent figure, are all Do it again.

With the passage of time, almost every corner of the entire imperial dining room was filled with exquisite dishes, each of which was a masterpiece of culinary skills that made imperial chefs ashamed. The entire imperial dining room was filled with so much in one breath, which made the imperial cooks feel a sense of numbness.

Looking at Liang Po's unstoppable back, these chefs became more bitter, because the amount of ingredients used in one afternoon was equivalent to the consumption of a month on weekdays. The ingredients in the royal dining room in the palace were all Looking at the best products waiting for the world, these imperial chefs looked at them and felt pained in their hearts.

In fact, Liang Po's cooking speed is not very fast. Cutting vegetables, cooking, and finishing the final processing are all done by himself. Then he looked at the broth that was boiling in the pot and exuding a strong fragrance. The noodles that I left could not be put in for a long time.

   After a long time, Liang Po, who was standing in front of the soup, pursed his lips, and finally put the noodles in his hand aside, turned and walked out of the imperial dining room, and at the same time, a soft voice came into the ears of the surrounding imperial chef:

   "I'm very sorry to bother you this time. As compensation, the loss of the food consumed today will be deducted from your own sacrifice.

   After the gentle magnetic voice fell, Liang Po gently walked out of the imperial dining room, and then his broad and strong back disappeared into the night of the Baidi Palace.

The gentle spring breeze blows from outside the palace, and then gently blows the gradually luxuriant trees on both sides of the palace road, leaving mottled reflections on the ground, and at the same time blowing up the robe on Liang Po, and then Liang Po At the end of the road not far ahead, a group of lights came slowly, and after the lights, a wide carriage followed.

Liang Po stopped and watched the approaching carriage, standing sideways on the side of the road, then the carriage stopped in front of the former, the curtain opened, revealing the rouge under the moonlight, glowing ruddy face, at the same time gentle. The voice came out:

   "Po'er, I just want to breathe, if you don't mind, let me go to the pavilion over there, how about a little rest?"

After    Rouge's voice fell, Liang Po's face was stunned, then he nodded slightly and said:

   "I would like to follow the imperial order of the mother!"

   "Master Liang, please!"

Next to the carriage, a maid holding a lantern raised her hand to give falsely, and then the carriage slowly drove towards a pavilion not far away, and in that pavilion, at this time, a maid had already laid the cushions and lit the lights. Even on the counter table, there are some seasonal fruits and small snacks.

   A moment later, Rouge and Liang Po sat down. Because Rouge's pregnancy had already begun to take shape at this time, she sat down cautiously with the help of the maid, and then smiled at Liang Po apologetically and said:

   "Don't blame Mr. Liang, this palace is a bit clumsy at this time."

   "The mother has worked hard, I will cook some meals myself in a hurry, and improve the food for the mother."

   Liang Poyu finished, Rouge seemed to think of something, let out a chuckle, and responded:

   "I can listen to the people in the Imperial Dining Room in the afternoon saying that Master Liang has done almost all the cooking methods of the entire Daxia, which scared the chefs of the Imperial Restaurant."

   "Niang Niang, what they said is wrong, I did try many cooking methods, but."

   At this point, Liang Po stared at the dark green eyes of the rouge in front of him, which were like baked bitter tea. After a few breaths of silence, he continued to speak:

   "But in the end, I can't make the bowl of noodles. I used to be immersed in it when I was cooking, but now, I can't calm down."

In Liang Po's last words, there was a tremor that he couldn't even notice, but the delicate Rouge heard the deep emotions hidden by Liang Po, and then Rouge looked at Liang Po, who was pressing his lips, and spoke softly. Road:

   "Bao'er, you and your majesty grew up together since childhood. They are not brothers, but they are better than brothers, and you may know your majesty better than this palace, and your majesty also knows you.

"Your Majesty knows that he and you are not good at words on weekdays. They always do more and talk less. Therefore, when your Majesty returned from the expedition today, he told me what happened to you in the northern snowfields, and asked me, Let me enlighten and enlighten you."

After    Rouge's voice fell, Liang Po lowered his eyes, his burly and sturdy body was still as calm as a rock, and then a soft response came out:

   "Niang, I'm fine, I'm fine."

"In fact, when you were cooking in the dining room in the afternoon, Your Majesty stood at the door for a long time, but he didn’t go in. You and your Majesty have the same mind, and your Majesty is the honor of a country, and the emperor of the human race must come to this palace in person. It’s because your Majesty is also very clear."

   said here, Rouge stretched out his right hand and patted Liang Po's shoulder lightly, with distress in his big eyes, and continued to speak slowly:

   "Bad you, my heart hurts very much!"

After the soft voice of    Rouge fell, Liang Po, who was originally thick and stable like a high mountain dam, suddenly began to tremble.

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