
read2();  The vast land of Shenzhou, the place with the most majestic imperial way, is the Baidi Palace, which stands in the center of Shenjing City, where the imperial land of the Zhao family resides It is like the supreme pillar supporting the entire dynasty, stalwart, mysterious and strong.

   The White Emperor Palace is vast and majestic, just like the scorching sun above the sky, so ordinary people who come to visit Shenjing City will only look at this city in the dark from a distance.

   But there is a place with a strong official atmosphere, which is bound to be visited, that is, the two noble alleys of Zizhu and Willow, not far from the Baidi Palace.

   People from all over the country are trying to get a sense of officialdom. After all, those who can live in these two alleys are the handful of officials who are extremely human in Daxia.

If you take a bird’s eye view of the entire Zizhu and Willow Alleys from the sky, you will find that the overall layout of the two is just like the branches that grow diagonally from the left and right sides of the big tree on Central Avenue, so there are two alleys. There is a meeting point, and here is also the place where the horses and carriages gather in the morning before dawn.

   At 10 o'clock in the afternoon, a large black carriage without any badges was illuminated. It slowly drove out of the Central Avenue, passing through the bustling crowd, and then stopped at the intersection of Zizhu and Liuye Lane.

Although Zhao Yu’s current prestige is as great as the gods in the vast land of China, the young emperor has not been enthroned for a long time. On weekdays, he does not stay in the White Emperor Palace to review the memorial, or go to the Qiongjiang Restaurant on Qinglong Street to eat secretly. Bowl of noodle soup, so that Zhao Yu almost never even visited Zizhu and Willow Lane.

   "Your Majesty, Zizhu and Liuye are here, am I going directly to Zhenyu Gongfu in Liuye Alley?"

A vigorous question came from outside the carriage, and then the curtain was gently opened by a slender hand, revealing Zhao Yu’s black eyes like a starry night sky, and then the young emperor glanced at the countless moving heads outside the carriage. A slightly surprised color appeared in his eyes, and he spoke lightly in response:

"First stop here and let me take a look, but I didn't expect that these two alleys will be so lively now, and the gates are also so crowded. It is conceivable that those who have their faces in the yamen on weekdays Guys, how annoyed it will be inside."

After   , the smile on Zhao Yu's face became stronger, and then inside the carriage, Sima Annan's clear response sounded:

"Your Majesty, since the opening of the Shenjing Station, the population in the Shenjing City has exploded day by day, and the people who come from afar must visit these two famous streets. Therefore, during this period of time, The place is always overcrowded.

"However, these officials are still daring to be angry and dare not to speak. They can't let the generals go around the alley and not let people enter. If it is true, your majesty's royal table will immediately put a book on it. Therefore, except for going out through the gate during the early dynasty, officials will come and go through the back gate on weekdays, so as not to have trouble."

   "It's really hard for these officials."

  Zhao Yu raised the corners of his mouth, lowered the carriage curtain, and then spoke, the calm Di Yin said:

   "After the establishment of the Kanyou Division, arrange the opening times of these two alleys. Otherwise, these important ministers under my hand are fainted to participate in politics every day, which is extremely inappropriate."


A voice full of young magnetism sounded inside the carriage, and at the same time Liang Po touched his bright bald head. Since Yanzhi had a conversation with Liang Po last night, behind the young emperor today, the latter once again appeared as burly as a hill. Silhouette.

   "Go to Zhenyu Gongfu, go to the back door, there are too many people in front of you, I don't want to make the city full of wind and rain, after this trip is over, I will stop by the Qiongjiang Restaurant for a bowl of soup noodles. I haven't eaten it for a long time.

   A faint emperor's voice came out, and this broad carriage moved forward again, slowly entering the endless stream of people.

   Half a quarter of an hour later, at the back door of Zhenyu Gong's Mansion, Zhao Yu got out of the carriage, and walked into Zhenyu Gong's mansion under the welcoming of the entire Zhenyu Gonglin family.

   At the same time, on the main street of Liuye Lane, among the hustle and bustle of people moving forward, there are two figures walking side by side, one tall and one short.

Although these two put on a common robes that are very common in the spring of the Great Summer and Central Plains, they walked in, with straight backs and steady steps, with a strong military style, and they unconsciously exuded wisps of evil spirits. , So that the surrounding people avoid outwards unconsciously.

"I said, Sun Cockroach, you guy, I have been telling me that I can’t go back to the Central Plains before. In a blink of an eye, the battle in Western Xinjiang was just over, so I told the commander to falsely teleport back to the capital city, and went straight here without stopping for a moment. It makes me feel uncomfortable."

   A thick voice came from Peng Mu's mouth, and then his brows were slightly frowned on his square face. After looking around for a week, the voice came out again:

   "No matter when the Shenjing City comes, this bustling scene is always unbelievable."

   After Peng Mu’s voice fell, there were many short cockroaches beside him, with a trace of anxiety hidden on their dark faces, and then a faint response came out:

   "I said Commander Peng, this time I return to the capital, but I plan to come back alone. You insisted on joining me to join in the fun."

  "Your grandson Cockroach is the legend of our Endless Mountain Jade Dragon Guan Shield Armed Forces. He has never returned to the Central Plains for more than a decade. No battle has been absent. Most people are not dead, they are crazy, but you are still alive.

   "And at this time, your legendary figure is going to return to the Central Plains for an unprecedented time. As a commander, I have to take care of it."

As an elite soldier in the army, Peng Mu's burly body is particularly conspicuous among the crowd. After his voice fell, Sun Cockroach took a deep breath without moving, and the gratitude in his eyes flashed away, and then The response sounded with a leak:

"You also know that the Divine Mighty Fortress has turned into powder at this time, and the light gate leading to the Solar Empire within the fortress has also been destroyed and disappeared. This means that the Solar Empire has given up the area of ​​the endless mountain. Within the endless mountains, it should be difficult to encounter the foreign tribes of the empire. Now the worries of the western borders have disappeared, and when I am leaving the army, I just come back and have a look."

   "Look at it? This is Liuye Lane, which is very famous in Daxia, what do you think?"

As soon as Peng Mu’s doubts sounded, Sun Mantis’s thin and tall, but not tall body stayed in place directly, and then his son carefully stared at the magnificent and solemn houses around him. In his eyes, Countless pictures flickered, as if at this moment, time changed.

   After a long time, Sun Cockroach grinned open the half-toothed mouth, and slowly said:

   "I come to Liuye Alley to try my luck and see if I can meet the person I want to meet."


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