
read2();  Time is ruthless, but it does not mean that there is no residual temperature in the ashes of history. There are many times, long time, that will make people forget the past, but often that is not true Let go, but forget it.

With the passage of time, when the people and things around you are constantly changing, many people’s memories will gradually be forgotten. For some people, the picture engraved in the sea of ​​knowledge is like a sculpture, no matter when you recall it. , Are so unforgettable.

   In fact, Sun Cockroach's life in the past decade or so can be described monotonously in one sentence.

  Go into battle, kill the enemy, save people!

   These simple words almost cover the rest of his life.

   In the entire Shield Mountain Army, no one knew where he came from, and no one knew what he had done, and how the half of his teeth fell out. Over time, everyone even forgot his real name.

  He is an undead cockroach that runs tirelessly in the flesh and blood mill of the endless mountain, but now that the war in Western Xinjiang is over, he returned to the Central Plains and once again stood on Willow Leaf Alley.

When Sun Cockroach stood at the entrance of Liuye Alley, his attention was lost in the memory, Peng Mu, who stood by, did not speak to interrupt, but waited quietly, because Peng Mu knew that Sun Cockroach belonged to the Shield Mountain Army. Perhaps today’s story and mystery can be solved.

   The scorching sun climbed up and came to everyone’s heads. During lunch, the crowd in Willow Alley dispersed a little. Then Sun Cockroach, who had been standing for a long time, let out a sigh of relief and gently said:

   "My real name is Sun Qian."

   Sun Cockroach made a little air leaking sound, Peng Mu turned his head, and then sounded with a surprised voice:

   "Your name is really like a scholar. Unlike me, my father was a carpenter when I was young, and he worked with wood all his life, so you gave me a single name in wood."

   "A gentleman of modesty, gentle and moist like jade, like cuts and cuts, like cuts and mills, my name was given by the teacher."

   Sun Cockroach’s response sounded a hint of grief, and then he raised his hand, patted Peng Mu’s shoulder, and took the lead in raising his foot to move forward, while the voice continued:

"Furthermore, Peng Mu, I've said it more than once. Don't look at me being sloppy and sloppy. When I was young, I was really a scholar, and not only the Liuye Alley at our feet, but also the girls in the whole city of Beijing. Many people are secretly thinking about me."

   As soon as this statement came out, Peng Mu's originally rather indifferent face and mouth showed an unbelievable look, and then followed with the same steps, and the response continued:

   "Sun Cockroach, no, Captain Sun Qian, since you used to be so beautiful, if I were you, I would never come back again. If I was seen by the one I admired, it would hurt the hearts of many people."

   Peng Mu’s voice just fell, and the middle-aged man walking forward paused, and then quietly responded:

   "For so many years, the girls who used to be in the boudoir must be married."

   Sun Qian’s words contained both melancholy and loneliness. For some reason, Peng Mu on the side swallowed the words he wanted to say later and walked silently beside the former.

   He knows, Sun Cockroach, this time maybe it is one of those women who once admired him.

   But as the middle-aged man next to him said, more than ten years later, the girl who used to be a boudoir, may now be a divorce, remember that you still have two things.

The two followed the crowd and walked forward slowly along Liuye Alley for a certain distance. Then perhaps because the atmosphere was too depressing, the middle-aged soldier Sun Qian gently tilted his head, and then stretched out his right hand and pointed to the one beside him. The mansion, said lightly:

"Commander Peng, since you can remember, you have been in the army of Yulong Pass in the endless mountain, so you should not know the doorway of our Daxia mansion. Since ancient times, in the culture of our human race, the size and location of a mansion , Even every brick and tile reflects the identity and status of the host’s family."

After   , Sun Qian and Peng Mu approached the mansion held by the two generals, and they were not too close. Moyo was three steps away, and then Sun Qian's voice continued with a little leak:

"The mansion is the foundation of human habitation, and it is of great significance to our human race. Especially the places where the two great ministers of Xia Ye and Zizhu lived, there are many rules. For example, look at the house in front of us, The distance from the outermost red pillar to the gate is what people often call the gate, and the length of the gate is actually very particular. The higher the official rank, the longer the length of the gate. The first-rank official is nine feet, and the second-rank is eight. , And so on by grade."

   After Sun Qian’s voice fell, Peng Mu gently nodded, and then said thoughtfully:

   "The mansion in front of us is General Mingwei of Grade 4, so according to Xiao Wei, the length of this courtyard is six feet."

   "Officially, once an official is promoted, he must rebuild this gate. This is the custom left by the self-win dynasty, and it is also the origin of our change of the term gate."

After Sun Qian’s faint words fell, the complexions of the residences not far away would change their faces, because this is actually the most detailed doorway in the officialdom of the Daxia human race, and the ordinary people naturally have no way to know, and the two below A person with a very strange temperament can easily tell it, which shows that this person is extremely knowledgeable.

Therefore, the two families will look at each other, and both see the color of surprise in each other's eyes, and one of them turned his head and just wanted to speak, only to find that the two figures have moved away from the distance and disappeared from the crowd. between.

   After another quarter of an hour, Sun Qian took Peng Mu, still searching through Willow Leaf Alley. Then Peng Mu looked at the increasingly scarce crowds around and the extremely quiet environment, and asked gently:

   "School Wei, where am I going to wait for this?"

   "This is still Liuye Alley, but it's just the back door, the house in Liuye and Zizhu Alley. The front entrance is generally closed unless there are VIPs and major events, so the female family and others enter and leave through the back door."

After Sun Cockroach finished speaking, he took Pengmu to a secluded forest in the backyard of Liuye Lane. After that, the former slowly hid his figure in the dense vegetation in the spring and stared at a room not far away. In the house, his expression flickered and he was silent.

   Then Peng Mu also gradually concealed his burly body. As the extremely elite fighters in the endless mountains, although both of them are armored men, not regular scouts, the basic hiding skills can still be easily completed.

   "The person you want to see is in the house in front of you?"

Peng Mu, who was half-squatting, stared at the back door of the red-painted house not far away. After his voice faded out, Sun Cockroach nodded instead of replying. Then Peng Mu frowned and continued. Open the mouth:

   "How deep is the courtyard of this house?"

   After this question, Sun Cockroach, with a dark complexion and messy hair, was silent for a while before responding:

   "It was seven feet ten years ago. Now, I don't know."


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