The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 928: Dare not look again


read2();  The breeze is warm and the spring is sunny, playing with butterflies and swarms into the house.

   The scenery in mid-April is undoubtedly refreshing.

   At this time, it was the midday scene, and the sun hung high above the head released a strong light, sprinkled on the small woods behind Willow Lane, leaving intertwined and spotty shadows on the ground.

   Under the warm spring sun, the house family members who occasionally passed by this small forest were unable to notice. Not far from the mottled forest, there are two elite soldiers from the endless mountain hidden.

Peng Mu squatted with his left knee, bends to hold the burly body, completely hides the whole figure between the shadows of the woods, and conceals all the breath of the whole body, just like the same wooden stake, making it pass by. People are hard to find.

   Then the deputy commander of the Infinite Mountain Shield Army followed the movement of the sun in the sky and adjusted his figure before awakening suddenly, turning his head to look at Sun Qian, who was staring straight ahead, and said solemnly:

"School Lieutenant Sun, I just wanted to understand that I am the deputy commander of the Infinite Mountain Shield Armored Army, and you are also a lieutenant colonel canonized by the court. In Daxia, we two will get it wherever we go. Courtesy, and our feet are the capital of the imperial capital, why should I be careful to hide as if on the battlefield?

   "You have to hide from people, and I can sway and wait on the side of the road. I'm not a thief!"

   After Peng Mu finished speaking, he was about to get up, but then he was caught by the middle-aged man Sun Qian beside him, and then the latter's low voice sounded:

"Commander Peng, this is the Willow Leaf Alley where almost all the generals in the dynasty lived. It is loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and every general is a good player in the military when he is young. Your body is so conspicuous, it is easy to attract attention. It would be troublesome to explain then, right?"

   At this point, Sun Qian grinned his mouth half-toothless, and showed a very silly smile at Peng Mu, and continued to speak:

   "Commander, you insist on following this trip, but you can't hold back me, and we can communicate with each other. You must know that when I was outside Yulong Pass, I was under wolf claws and saved your life!"

Seeing the rare uneasy look of Sun Cockroach in front of him, Peng Mu nodded and hid his figure again. Then he raised his head and continued to look at the vermilion door in front of him that had not been moving for a long time, touching his chin gently Open the mouth:

"School Lieutenant Sun, since you insist on communicating with me, then I will talk about my findings. Just now you said that the gate of the house in front of us ten years ago was seven feet long. Since the beginning of the Great Xia Dynasty, it has been extremely rare. In addition, the people living in Liuye Lane are mainly military officers. According to the middle rank of the Great Xia Army, the lowest rank of the third rank is also the general of Germany!

  Peng Mu's voice just fell, Sun Cockroach on the side narrowed his eyes, revealing a little memory, and then said:

   "Senior third product, general Yunjun!"

   "That's even more remarkable, but I have to say that after all these years, the owner of the mansion in front of me may not be as beautiful as before."

After    Peng Mu's voice fell, he raised his right hand and pointed at the back door of the mansion in front of him, his voice continued to faint:

"Xiaowei Sun, look at the color of the paint on the back door. Although it is still red, but the gloss is relatively dim. It should be because it has not been renovated for several years. The vegetation around the back house of the entire mansion is also a bit messy, which means that it has not been for a long time. The repairs are quite different from the mansions in the backyards of other officials around them.

   "So this family may have fallen out of favor, and Lieutenant Sun must be psychologically prepared."

   "Actually, I don't know whether the person I want to see from a distance is still here."

After a melancholy voice came from Sun Qian's mouth, in the dark-faced middle-aged armored soldier's eyes, the pupils were slightly dilated, and then his face became extremely lonely for a moment, and his low, unaudible voice was faint. Out:

   "Actually, I just can't let go!"

   But this gentle sigh has not yet fallen, and Peng Mu's excited voice rang directly in his ears:

   "Look, look, the door is open, the door is open."

As soon as he said this, Sun Cockroach suddenly raised his head, and then leaned forward, his eyes staring straight at the scarlet door that was slowly opening not far in front, and what Peng Mu, who was also staring at the door, didn’t know. Yes, at this time, Sun Cockroach's whole body was shaking slightly.

   In this life, no matter how strong, there will always be a time when the soul trembles, and the body cannot restrain it.

   Just as the middle-aged Jia Shisun Cockroach just said, because I care, I can’t let it go, so I can’t do it myself.

Under the sunshine of spring noon, the scarlet door slowly opened. Under the gaze of two eyes, an older butler-like person walked out from behind the door. After stepping out of the threshold, he turned his body sideways and bowed. With a false hand, he opened the door and said:

   "Miss elder, although it is already spring season, but the temperature is still cold, and your health is not good, in fact, you don't need to come out to meet you in person, just let the old slave wait here."

   "It's okay, I haven't seen Hao'er for a long time, and the Linglong Sect Bodhisattva of Canglan City said that more exposure to the sun is good for the recovery of the body."

   Then a very soft and gentle female voice sounded from behind the door, and after this voice fell, there was a violent coughing sound.

   At the same time, in a small forest not far away, Peng Mu could even feel the Sun Cockroach beside him, and even his breathing had stopped. Then the latter directly extended his right hand and pressed Peng Mu's shoulder.

   A strong force came from his shoulders, and Peng Mu could clearly feel the incomparably complicated and flustered spirit of the middle-aged soldier beside him.

  The elite armored men who have fought in Daxia for so many years, each possesses a strong state of mind that stands up to the torrent of aliens and thousands of horses. They are the strongest and calmest barriers in Daxia.

   But it was this heavy barrier, but it was shaking violently at this time, and at the same time it was clearly passed from the shoulder to Peng Mu's body.

   "Xiaowei Sun, hold on!"

   Peng Mu opened his mouth and let out a low drink, and then the two of them stared at the figure who followed the old housekeeper and walked out the back door.

It was a tall middle-aged woman with simple clothes. Although it was spring, she was still wrapped in thick white cotton clothes. The white fluff on the clothes and her thin body, looked like It was like a group of catkins swaying in the wind, which would be blown away in the next second.

   Under the noon sun, the face of the middle-aged woman was as bloodless and pale as a snowy field, and what was more striking was that her hair turned out to be completely white without any color.

   The Sun Cockroach in the woods not far away saw the white silk head and drilled directly behind the tree beside him, then turned his back.

   dare not look again.


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