The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 930: Second younger brother


read2();   "Miss Long, what are you looking at?"

Outside the vermillion back door of Song Mansion in Willow Lane Alley, the old housekeeper looked at the middle-aged woman who was turning her head and staring at the distant woods. He opened his mouth and asked softly, and then the white-haired woman standing under the sun, Lifting his right hand to cover his heart, a slightly confused voice came out:

   "Butler, my heart suddenly feels painful just now, and I feel that familiar eyes are looking at me in that forest."

   "Miss Long, is your heart cramping again?"

The old butler’s old face suddenly changed suddenly, and then he hurriedly raised his hand to face the half-open door with a move. Suddenly, two female relatives stepped out quickly, supporting the trembling middle-aged woman, and then old. The butler continued with an anxious voice:

   "Quickly, let Miss Chang go back to the house and lie down, so that people can prepare the medicine to calm the nerves."

   "No, I'm fine."

A soft response came from the woman's mouth, and then she took a slow breath. After a little calm, she continued to turn her gaze to the dark woods under the sun for some reason, and lifted her foot forward. Out, the weak voice continued:

   "I think there is something very important in that wood. Help me to see it."

   "Miss Long, this forest has existed since Willow Leaf Alley was built. There are generals on patrols on weekdays. There will be nothing strange. Miss Long should be too tired to have a little illusion."

After the voice of the old housekeeper fell, the middle-aged woman just wanted to respond. From the alleyway, a rider turned into a black shadow rushing forward. In just a few breaths, the black shadow came directly to the crowd and stopped. Next, a young man wearing a white Confucian shirt jumped from the horse. It was the Confucian Shinho who had just returned to Beijing from Binzhou.

   Xinhao's originally extremely calm face, now with an uncontrollable excitement, quickly came to the middle-aged woman, knelt down, and said loudly:

   "Xinhao has seen my aunt, and after a long absence, my aunt is always a concern for Xinhao."

The arrival of the young Confucian student made the white-haired woman retreat from the woods in the distance. Then she looked at the young Confucian student in front of her who had grown into maturity all of a sudden, and her pale, paper-like face under her hood revealed a faintness. With a smile, a soft voice came out:

   "I haven't seen him for a long time, Haoer really has become an adult who can shelter people from the wind and rain. I won't recognize my aunt."

   After finishing speaking, the middle-aged woman bends herself to lift the young scholar, her voice continues:

"It seems that tempering outside is indeed beneficial. Your skin is dark and healthy. At that time, my eldest brother wanted you to inherit your father's career and join the army. It was you who insisted on joining the Confucian School, which is now the Great Summer Palace. The eldest brother has always been worried about it, and now that the great trial is about to come, Haoer can't let the eldest brother downplay it."

   After hearing the words, the young scholar Shinho got up, reached out his hand to support the middle-aged woman in front of him, and then said with a grateful voice:

   "Even if it is to not let my aunt down, Haoer will do his best in this great trial. If it weren't for my aunt's support, and my father would rely on my aunt, I want to go my own way, I'm afraid it is impossible."

   "Don't do it for me, but for yourself, but also for Daxia and the whole world, just like the four visions that you usually recite."

  I don't know why, when the middle-aged woman said this, her whole body suddenly stopped, and then in her mind, a very long-term picture, which was cautious and unwilling to remember again, jumped directly into the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge.

   Then this memory that was like the unfolding of a picture scroll clearly emerged. In this picture, every detail was so clear, every word seemed to sound directly in the ear.

   That was a gentle gentleman who was as tall as a pine and gentle as a jade. He always wore a meticulous white Confucian shirt, just like the young Confucian student Shinho in front of him at this time. His eyes were calm and confident, as if he wanted to contain the whole thing in his eyes.

He likes spring day, with his hands on his back, looking at the lights of thousands of houses in the distance, and he also likes to read in the middle of the night shaking his head and head. People who don’t understand him always feel that he is a idiot with daily self-denial, meticulous words and deeds, and Those who truly understand him understand that he is looking at the whole world.

Before she knew it, the middle-aged woman in the sun was already in tears, and then she suddenly took off the hood that covered her entire face, and her entire head was flying with white silk in the wind, and then under the worried gazes of the people around her, He stretched out his right hand, pointed to the forest in the distance, and cried out:

   "Hao'er, take me there, I feel as if he has been there, just there, I won't be reconciled if I don't go and see."

   As soon as he said this, Song Xinhao's complexion instantly became extremely condensed, and then he reached out his hand to stop the old butler who wanted to speak, nodded, and a solemn voice came out:

   "Okay, I will take my aunt here."

   "This forest is not big, Xiaowei Sun, if you walk up to about a hundred meters, you can walk directly out of the shadow of the sun. Perhaps the other side of the forest will be a completely different alley."

In the woods at the back door of Liuye Alley, Pengmu's voice sounded among the mottled shades of trees. Then he became extremely lonely when he looked at Sun Cockroach ahead, but with a stubborn back, his deep voice continued. Sounds:

"School Lieutenant Sun, once you walk out of this forest, then I won’t persuade you for a while, but before this forest is out, I don’t want you to regret it in the future, so I have to advise you again. You have to think clearly. Are you willing to miss the second time."

   After Pengmu's solemn voice fell, the middle-aged soldier walking on the winding path in the woods suddenly slowed down a bit, but still walked forward without a word.

   Under the mottled shadows of the trees in the forest, every step of the middle-aged armored soldier will leave a deep mark on the ground, which means that he is not as calm as he manifested.

   Then in front of both Sun Qian and Peng Mu, the sun shining in from outside the forest became brighter and brighter, and it also indicated that there might be ten steps, five steps, and the middle-aged soldier would completely walk out of the forest.

But at this moment, Peng Mu’s brows were directly frowned, and the hairs on his whole body were all erected in an instant. At the same time, everything in the entire forest seemed to sink directly under the water at this instant. All became extremely slow, and the mottled light and shadow, after an instant, completely changed to black and white.

   The whole world suddenly became extremely pure, either black or white.

   The ground where Sun Qian and Peng Mu stood was black, and a figure slowly appeared on the white ground not far in front.

The figure with an old face stood in the white world, but was dressed in black. Then he stared at the stopped, expressionless Sun Cockroach, with his eyes rolling in the stars, ringing like a bell. Through the entire sky:

   "I haven't seen you in more than ten years, you are finally back, the second brother!"


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