The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 931: let time pass by


read2();  After the collapse of the Yingshi's dynasty overnight, the world was in chaos, the heroes rose together, and the arrogances of all walks of life competed in the Central Plains.

  Heroes emerge from chaotic times, and the vast land of Shenzhou, which has calmed down for nearly ten thousand years, vomited out the pride of heaven that had been accumulated for countless years in a short period of decades.

Each of these amazing and brilliant names, if they were placed in a certain era of peace, would be worthy of the world, watching the world, but under the turbulent waves and scouring of the sand, the Great Xia Dynasty’s Dingding approached a hundred years, Only two names survived and were remembered by later generations.

   Great Xia Taizu, Zao Wou-ki.

   Confucian school master, master.

Taizu Zao Wou-ki ruled the world, opened up the heavens and established the way, established the rule and established the supreme cause, while the master Li Jisheng, who wrote the theory of Taoism, has no kind of teachings, and really relieved the entire world in troubled times, almost destroyed by the iron cavalry. Xia Xiu Xingjie inheritance.

   Therefore, in a sense, the practitioners after the opening of the Great Xia Dynasty were all students of the Master.

   Master Li Jisheng’s students are countless, but there are only four personal disciples in this life. The eldest disciple Dongguo Lezheng, and the second disciple’s name is Sun Qian, the gentleman Qian Qian.

   In the forest not far from the back door of Liuye Alley, the capital of God, the noon sun is still shining down, but the deep part of the forest has completely turned into a world intertwined with black and white.

   Black and white are separated by the edge of this forest. Peng Mu and Sun Qian are in black, and the old man Dong Guo Lezheng is standing alone in the white.

Peng Mu looked at the earth at his feet that suddenly became black like ink. He raised his feet in the dark and stood side by side with the middle-aged soldier. Then the pupils in his eyes shrank slightly, because the old man's sound was like a bell ringing. The sound of the ears.


After the thick and old voice fell, Peng Mu showed an incredible expression, but Sun Cockroach's complexion remained as usual. Looking ahead, the old man in the black Confucian shirt exuding the warmth of Zhongzheng did not speak until a long time later. Response:

   "The punch of the master not only smashed half of my teeth, but also expelled me from the master's door, so I am not qualified to let you call me brother."

   The voice of the middle-aged soldier's mouth was sighing and trembling. Then Sun Qian raised his hands and bowed respectfully to the old man. The voice came out again:

   "After many years, I met Mr. Dong Guo again, Mr. Guan is safe and sound, full of breath, I am very happy."

   Although Sun Cockroach's face was full of wind and frost, scars were densely covered, and even the sound from his mouth had a peculiar air leak, no one felt that there was anything wrong with his move.

   Sun Qian, a middle-aged soldier, salutes forward meticulously, and has a calm and heavy aura, which replaces the billowing suffocation formed by fighting for decades outside the endless mountain pass.

For some people, [txt novel] said that no matter how time changes, the actions and temperament in the bones at that moment will always be hidden, not forgotten, and at this moment, they are silent. Peng Mu really felt that Sun Cockroach, who had always been rough and rugged, was once really a gentle gentleman.

   "Second Junior Brother, why are you doing this again, since you have returned to the capital city again, it means that the mistakes you have made have been repaid, and you really don't have to be like this."

The old man Dongguo Lezheng sighed to the sky, and then a sigh came out. After he finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand and waved forward, sweeping the big Confucian fir sleeves in front of him, and the whole black and white world around him suddenly began to tremble, Sun The black ground at the feet of Qian and Peng Mu began to spread out in waves like ripples on the surface of a lake.

The next breath, in the black and white world, a circular high platform slowly rises from below the ground. This platform is also half-black and half-white, and the whole body is extremely round and round, with Yin and Yang intertwined from a distance. The charm.

   If Confucian disciples were here, this platform would be no stranger, because in Chunhua Fortress, within the original Confucian sect, there was also such a high platform erected.

   "This questioning station, the second junior brother should be no stranger, how about going up with the old man and recounting the past?"

   The old man Dongguo Lezheng's voice fell, and his figure was suddenly blurred. When he appeared again, he was already standing on the heart-inquiring platform and slowly sitting cross-legged.

   Then with a wise and peaceful gaze, he faintly looked at the middle-aged soldier below. The grandson cockroach hesitated for a few breaths. After a bow again, he raised his leg and slowly walked towards the black and white circular high platform.

   When the old man in black shirt saw this, a faint smile appeared on his face. He raised his hand and gently pointed forward. After Sun Qian stepped forward, he appeared directly in front of the old man and sat down cross-legged.

After that, Dong Guo Le was looking at Sun Cockroach, whose appearance had changed drastically compared with the past. The latter also looked at the old man who was quite old compared to a dozen years ago. The two suddenly looked at each other speechlessly. Long after, Dong Guo Le Zhengcai took the lead and said lightly:

"Second Junior Brother, I have been looking for you for more than ten years. I know you are in the army of endless Shanxi Xinjiang, but there are tens of millions of sergeants in Xijiang. If it weren’t for your Majesty told me last year, In the camp of Endless Mountain called the Shield Armor, I am afraid that with your temperament, you definitely don't want to see me."

   When the old man Dong Guo Lezheng said this, Sun Qian pressed his lips tightly, and then he bowed forward and bowed forward, trembling, with a little crying voice, directly resounding through the entire black and white world:

"I'm a sinner, what face do I have to face you, what face do I have to face Master, and no face to face your Majesty? If it weren't for the unwillingness of my heart this time, how could I step into this capital city again? ."

   Sun Cockroach's sorrow screamed directly in the black and white world, and it remained for a long time. Then the old man, Guo Le, was watching the middle-aged soldier who was lying in front of him, unwilling to get up, and sighed again:

   "It's all good luck making people, the second junior brother, good luck making people.

"Second Junior Brother, in fact, both Master and I know that this is not your fault, and the punch that Master hit you at that time was actually too sad in my heart. After all, Third Junior Brother is not only the most respected disciple of Master, but also It was also the whole Daxia days at that time, the sky is falling, how can we not get angry!"

   The old man Dong Guo Lezheng said this, and continued to look at the middle-aged soldier in front of him, his voice came out again:

"In fact, Master once told me that if you return to the capital city in the future, then you will automatically return to his line. Therefore, you are still my second junior brother. The battle of the endless mountains in Xijiang is over. Yours The sins have also been redeemed. Naturally, when you come back, you should let yourself go."

"But senior brother, I can't let myself go. If I could be with the third junior apprentice at that time, maybe everything would be different. It is because of me that I made such a big mistake. How can I let myself go, Baidi The Zhao family of the palace, how can you forgive me!"

   On the black and white Wenxin platform, Sun Qian bowed down to the ground and screamed, his voice was sorrowful, but the next breath, in the entire black and white world, suddenly a calm and indifferent emperor's voice suddenly sounded like thunder:

"If my father is still alive, he will forgive you, so I, and the entire Daxia ruler over the Zhao clan, affirm your atonement for more than a decade, and since the war in Xijiang is over, then the past follows the wind. "

   After the sound of the emperor fell, Peng Mu instantly looked solemn, knelt on one knee, lowered his head, and bowed forward solemnly.

  At the same time, in the black and white world, Zhao Yu's tall and straight figure stepped in from outside.


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