The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 937: Unavoidable fate


read2();   Qinglong Street, Shenjing City, the excitement after the Grand Victory Celebration has not yet dissipated. In addition, today happens to be a ten-day holiday, so this Qinglong Street Jiekou Qiongjiangguan business uses the word “hot”. Not enough to describe one or two.

On Qinglong Street, the queue at the entrance of Qiongjiang Pavilion for food is like a winding dragon. Along the street, it is difficult to see the end at a glance, and these people come all the way, top The patience and motivation of queuing in the scorching sun is the scent that continues to spread from the Qiongye Hall and penetrates everyone's nose.

   "Under the rich aroma, I have not yet eaten it, but I can't eat it. This kind of delicacy is really unforgettable."

Outside the Qiongjiang Pavilion, on the side of Qinglong Street, the sound of praise belonging to Sima Annan sounded in the wide carriage. After the voice fell, in the carriage, Zhao Yu, Liang Po and Sima Annan held the big bowl in front of them. It is like a booze, swallowing all the delicious soup in the bowl of noodle soup into the belly in one breath.

After the three people uttered a compliment, they put the bowl down at the same time, and their actions were surprisingly consistent. After a soft "bang", Zhao Yu turned his head slightly and glanced at Liang Po beside him. The latter understood, but said nothing. Said, once again held three hot bowls of noodles in the food box next to him.

   Sima Annan’s eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to take it, and said:

   "It's still unknown how the Taixuan place on the other side is, but one thing I can be sure of is that there are definitely no delicious noodle soups like Qiongjiangguan. Sima Annan is willing to call this noodle soup the best in the world."

   Don't look at Sima Annan's tone at this time, but Zhao Yu and the two in the carriage didn't feel anything wrong. Even Liang Po, who had little emotional expression on weekdays, nodded deeply.

   "I was out in the war a few days ago, and I haven't eaten this noodle soup for a while. At this time, I tasted it again and it was very delicious."

   Zhao Yu swallowed the chewed noodles in his mouth and exclaimed sincerely. Then he continued to speak, a faint voice came out:

   "Po'er, those human races who crossed from the North Pole are still not awake?"

   "Back to your majesty, news just came from the Radiant Army garrison. Among the three, two woke up, and one was still unconscious."

   Liang Po's words fell, Zhao Yu was eating noodles, and even Sima Annan put down the noodle soup in his hands and listened attentively. Then Liang Po's voice sounded in the carriage again:

   "But the two very young human races who woke up first were unable to speak except for nodding and shaking their heads."

   "I remember that the older human race was sober when he first passed through the city, and later was frightened and fainted by Sima Annan."

   As soon as the voice of the young emperor came out, Sima Annan on the side suddenly looked distressed and hurriedly shouted:

  "Your Majesty, I’m not to blame. The little clay figure is really fragile. I only said a word and she passed out on her own.

  ! "

   "Since I fainted, I shouldn't be able to wake up for so long?"

   Zhao Yu continued to pick up the noodles in his hand and put it in his mouth, the voice sounded again, and then Liang Po responded with a light response:

"My Majesty, this man’s vital signs are normal and there is no trauma. The Tianhui Army had asked the imperial physician of the Taiyuan Hospital to go for a diagnosis and concluded that long-term starvation caused long-term labor and illness, plus a sudden shock. In order to protect itself, the body enters a coma dormant state.

   "For this reason, Xu Qing has arranged to take the diluted purification potion daily, and she will probably wake up soon."

   "I hope she can know some news about the Great Profound Land, but looking at her long-term starvation, it is enough to see the difference of the human race in the Great Profound Land, and it is estimated that it is rare to come to know."

   Although the voice of the young emperor was as steady as ever, it was slightly solemn, and then Zhao Yu seemed to have thought of something, then raised his head and continued to speak to Liang Po:

   "Have Xu Qing probed the cultivation level of these people?"

   "I have explored, and there is no cultivation base, and the structure is not much different from our Daxia human race, but there is one thing, the human race in the land of the profound mystery has a physical entrance, which is naturally blocked."

   After Liang Po finished speaking, he raised his hand to point to the center of his eyebrows, and then Sima Annan's young voice sounded:

"The center of the eyebrows is where the life platform of the sea of ​​consciousness is located. Once the life platform is inherently congested, it becomes extremely difficult to sense the vitality of the heavens and the earth. It is like a turtle crawling through the practice. The reason for the decline of the Profound Land human race is because of the lack of overhaul guards as high-end combat power!

   Sima Annan’s voice also had a deep and solemn color. Then he stretched out his hand and gently pushed aside the bowl of noodle soup in front of him, leaned forward, and continued to speak:

"In the vast land of our Divine Land, although many people cannot sense the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and cannot enter the world of practice, it is only caused by the inadequacy of the strength of the spirits. Congestion!"

   Sima Annan's words were categorical, and then Zhao Yu's Huanghuang emperor's tone continued:

"It seems that in the tens of thousands of years after the sinking of the two islands of Daiyu and Yuanqiao, the human race in the land of the Supreme Profound Land has suffered unimaginable heavy damage. Perhaps I will wait for this time to return to the land of the Supreme Profound Land. Fate!"

   After a meal of noodle soup, Zhao Yu's three people ate nine bowls before they were slightly satisfied, and then the black carriage continued to drive forward, towards the Baidi Palace in the center of the Shenjing City.

On both sides of this inconspicuous carriage, the flow of people shuttled and laughter continued, but what these people didn’t know was that they were in fact separated from the supreme master of the entire Daxia, just as short as a carriage plank. .

   Inside the carriage, because the atmosphere was too much before, Sima Annan, who had been depressed for a long time, showed a smile after he was full of food and drink, and said with a little tricky voice:

  "Your Majesty, you have established the Department of Observation and You to open up all kinds of dangerous places, not only to make the people play more orderly, but also to pave the way for the release of the news of the Profound Land, right?

"Imagine that once the people go to the forbidden place that has been promoted as having no return, and discovering that it is the same, their insight and acceptance will be much higher invisibly. In the future, I will be more able to accept the existence of the Great Profound Land."

   "You are not stupid, you have a keen insight, it seems that the next great trial will surely be confident?"

   Zhao Yu responded with a smile, and then when Sima Annan heard the three words Da Zhaoxie, his eyelids faintly jumped, and hurriedly opened the topic:

   "Your Majesty, I still can't let go, do you think your Second Senior Brothers and Miss Song Family can continue their relationship?"

   "How do I know this kind of thing, and does it have anything to do with you?"

   "Of course it does matter. If I go back and tell Rui Er the ending is not satisfactory, then I will definitely be beaten."

   The scorching sun was sky, the day was burning, and under the warm and hot sunlight, the carriage slowly drove into the Meridian Gate of the White Emperor's Palace.


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