The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 938: Heaven and Earth Puppet


read2();  The small world of floating islands, the sun is shining, and the atmosphere is lively, one after another, the sound comes from everywhere, and between the islands, the flowers are like floating clouds magnified countless times as cotton candy , Carrying a person, shuttle between the various islands.

These floating clouds are larger and heavier than when Zhao Yu first obtained the Small World. The number of people carried on the clouds has expanded from the original two Ququ and Quyi to the number of dozens of people who can stand now. This intuitively indicates the evolution and growth of this small world.

Today’s small world of floating islands has more perfect rules and can accommodate more people. With the development of the Daxia Engineering Department, various rare heaven and earth treasures have been unearthed one after another. The white warm jade that is shipped from the small world every day to make identity jade discs is an astronomical number.

   "The cloud is the bridge, the sun is the neighbor, living above the sky, like a fairy!"

In the small world, above the clouds leading from the other secondary islands to the central main island, the old voice belonging to the old Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry sounded, and then the bloodshot but excellent mental state old man looked around and stroked again. He sighed, looking at the floating main island that was rapidly zooming in front of him, the old voice continued to sound:

"Hong Chen, now on the main island, the master craftsmen gathered from Daxia, and all kinds of equipment are all ready. Only when the guy from your institution sect arrives, you can begin to develop the self-attack required by your majesty. A puppet, it can be said that everything is ready and only owes east wind."

   As soon as the old Shangshu said this, the girl in red standing next to her retracted her gaze looking far away, her red lips lightly opened, and she responded:

   "Master Shangshu, the people in the clan have just heard the news that the inheritance puppet has been sent to the main island."

   "So good!"

   On the old face of Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry, a huge smile suddenly appeared, and there was even an eagerness in his eyes, and then he waved his hand forward rather boldly, and his voice became louder and louder:

  "For craftsmen like me, there are two things that we have pursued throughout our lives. The first is to create a convenient and fast means of transportation like the floating clouds under our feet.

"Although our Daxia now has the convenience of teleportation, it is only suitable for long-distance shuttles, and the transportation between the people in real short distances is still the carriage. However, the carriage is too restrictive, so more convenient means are needed. It is true that craftsmen come from all directions, and the world will become the world!"

   After talking about this, Lao Shangshu raised his hand and stroked the white beard, and continued to sigh softly:

   "And this second point is the self-puppet we are going to try now. It is almost creating a life by hand. Every time I think about it, this Shangshu is so excited that I can't sleep."

   The white beard of the old Shangshu kept beating forward as he spoke, showing that the old man's heart was stirred at this time, and then he lowered his head slightly, glanced ahead, and coughed calmly.

I saw that before Lao Shang wrote, there was a pretty young girl standing pretty, her thick black hair was carefully woven into the most common hair style of Daxia female dolls, and it was a little dark and painted totems. The cheeks on the bars are full of vitality.

Barbarian girls, Sisters Man Yuanyuan and Pingping, are now well-known to everyone in the small world of the floating island, especially when they are young, lively and pleasant, and visit each island every day after returning from the school. The playing Man Pingping has become almost everyone's little pistachio, and there are no children under her knees. She has dedicated her life to the old Shangshu of the Ministry of Engineering, and she loves this little girl very much.

Then before Lao Shang wrote, there was a beast piggy ball squatting on his shoulders, two hands tightly holding a lifelike puppet Man Pingping, turning his head, looking at Lao Shang book with an inscrutable expression, revealing a sweetness 'S smile, and then a clear voice came out:

   "Grandpa Shangshu, according to the original saying of our barbarians, you are now as stalwart and wise as the towering jungle sacred tree."

   "The sacred tree? Could it be the sacred tree of heaven and earth built as the main body of our Shenjing Station?"

  Man Pingping waved her right hand and made a tall and loud gesture, and then an extremely exaggerated voice came out:

"Exactly, it is very tall and big, and on each branch can live a lot of people. It used to be the main court of our barbarians. Pingping, I haven't run it all over yet. "

As soon as he said this, the smile on Lao Shangshu’s face became even greater, and a flower appeared on the old face, and then his head was slightly lifted, revealing the color of power, coughing lightly, pretending to be plain and asked. :

   "Pingping, the piggy puppet I made for you, old man, not bad?"

   "It's more than good, it's amazing, it's exactly like a ball!"

Man Pingping looked at the puppet she was holding in her hand, and she heard endless admiration, and then the barbarian girl lifted the puppet, which was almost exactly the same as the barbarian ball on her shoulder, and looked carefully at it. Thank you:

   "The fish fry has always liked the ball. I gave this little pig puppet to her. She must be very excited. Thanks to you, Grandpa Shangshu."

   "Well, for the old man, this little puppet can be done easily, let alone an hour, it can be easily completed in half an hour."

Lao Shangshu raised his hand and waved forward, showing a light and breezy look. As everyone knows, in order to make this small and delicate savage beast puppet, the old man sat in front of the lamp all night last night, and his eyes were red. The bloodshot indicates that this little puppet is not as easy as the old man said.

   Just as the people were communicating, the floating clouds gradually approached the main island platform, and then several people stepped out and headed towards the straight into the sky teleportation platform at the center of the main island.

At this time, the main island of the small world has changed drastically. If you take a bird’s eye view from the sky, you will find that the island is criss-crossed and opened up roads, like a chessboard, dividing the entire floating island into blocks of different functions. area.

   In other words, this floating main island has become the first place for Zhao Yu to experiment with various decrees and ideas.

   Before a few people walked far, a middle-aged official dressed in the costume of the Ministry of Industry walked from a distance, and then this person came to Lao Shangshu's side, raised his hand and said slowly:

   "Master Shang Shu, the puppet from the Institution Sect has been sent to the island, but."

   At this point, the middle-aged official paused slightly, and then the old Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry responded with his head sideways:

   "But what?"

   "However, the size of this puppet is much bigger than I expected."

  As soon as the middle-aged official's voice fell, a few people happened to turn off from a road, but at the next breath, everyone's forward pace suddenly stopped, looking up at the huge shadow that looked like an ancient giant in the distance, and his complexion changed suddenly.

   Old Shang Shu from the Ministry of Industry, raised his right hand, pointed at the huge behemoth that occupies a large space like a mountain in the distance, turned his head and looked at the red-clothed girl with the same expression on the side, and asked with an unbelievable expression:

   "Your institution sect, call this a puppet?

   "This **** thing is a giant of heaven and earth!"

   "Since it is assembled by organs, why can't it be called a puppet?"

   Washing Hongchen’s beautiful face showed a little triumphant color, and then staring at the front, the cold voice continued:

   "And in a sense, body shape represents strength, doesn't it?"


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