
read2();   North Sea coast, the increasingly violent North Sea hurricane, roaring and raging, in the cabin of the turbulent blue ship outside the coast, the one from Qingzhi country The originally talkative, confident and indifferent young man, at this time, looked very ugly on the handsome face, turning blue and red.

He just finished boasting that this ship is a top-notch ship that integrates beauty and defense in the entire Shangguo Qingzhi. It will surely be safe and unassailable within the North Sea hurricane, but the next second, reality will give A merciless blow from the young man.

   "Is the ship broken?"

In front of the young man in Qingzhiguo, the beautiful girl with green hair like a waterfall, after violently hitting back to her senses, looked at the ugly Qinglin in front of her face and asked gently, then she looked at the ugly picture of the boy His face, emerald green eyes suddenly lit up, and the whole expression suddenly became extremely excited. He raised his hand and blurted out loudly:

   "Wow, the boat really broke, the boat broke!"

The cheers of the girl made the young man named Qinglin look even more ugly. Then he raised his hand and made a dark wave at the corner of the cabin, and then strode towards the middle of the cabin, and at the same time some angry voices spread out. Out:

   "I want to see what it is that can smash the perfect ship that my Qingzhi country is proud of!"

   "Hurry up, I want to watch it too, I have been bored for so long, and finally become a little more interesting."

The young girl Qing Tian moved the green wavy hair behind her back gently, and then walked behind Qinglin with her bare feet. The two of them then came to the middle of the cabin. There was a huge plant growing there. Emerald green plants are completely connected up and down the entire cabin.

Green branches that are densely packed like blood vessels extend from this plant and plunge into the entire ship. From a distance, it looks like a heart is connected to all parts of the body, but despite this, Everything is also meticulously carved to make it look unobtrusive. Instead, there is a natural charm that reflects the people of Qingzhi Kingdom's profound knowledge of nature and art.

It is worth mentioning that the branch of the plant in the middle of the cabin is not the usual brown, but green like a bamboo. Then the young Qinglin stretched out his extra slender right hand and gently pressed one of the branches in front of him. Up and down, the entire surface of the branches is directly like the surface of a lake, with a lot of waves undulating, and then a picture gradually becomes clear.

That was the scene where the side of the big ship was crushed. The periphery of the green bottom cabin was blasted out of a large hole the size of several people by a huge force. The extremely violent wind was accompanied by the huge waves roaring and rolling towards the inside of the ship. The impact came, and under the big hole, there were already several figures wearing big green robes, quickly assembled and arrayed.

These green-robed flying figures appeared directly in front of the roaring raging waves like a teleport, and then waved together, sprinkling green-ray seeds. When the seeds were flying in the void, the Taoist figures directly supported them with both hands. Ground, hold down the surface of the boat.

In the next instant, a mysterious power appeared directly, and then under its action, the surface of the entire ship's hole became green, and the vine-like plants instantly swelled out from the seeds, forming extremely tough trees. The wall directly fills up the big hole, while isolating the storm from the storm.

   At the center of the cabin, the young Qinglin, who was watching all this, saw that the hole had been filled, and his complexion was a little better. Then he thought about it, and then a soft voice came out:

   "I see the huge hole in the hull. It can be seen that the size of the impactor is not small, and looking at the water traces on the ground, it is very likely that something is in the cabin."

  As soon as he said this, he had been behind the young man. The strangely quiet Qing Tian, ​​among the emerald green eyes, the light was even brighter, and even the beautiful eyebrows did not consciously jump up, and then hurriedly said:

   "Intruder? Hurry up and take a look!"

When the girl’s voice fell, Qinglin pressed her right palm on the trunk and moved slightly, and at the same time, the picture within the trunk gradually changed, as if there was a pair of eyes, accompanied by the boy’s right hand, slowly looking towards the cabin. mobile.

At the bottom of the cabin, the entire surface of the ship covered by a large number of unknown green vegetation, at this time, a deep trace appeared very abruptly. At the same time, a large number of plant trunks were shattered and scattered everywhere, and then a huge black shadow directly appeared. Appears in the picture.

   "This is a strange beast in the North Sea?"

   The young girl Qing Tian opened her mouth and let out a soft question, and then the young man Qing Lin stared at the huge black snake-like beast covered with scales in the picture. After squinting his eyes for some thought, he responded:

"Miss Qing Tian, ​​I really don’t want to conceal it. In order to better explore the North Sea, I have spent time on the knowledge of the entire North Sea creatures. And this strange North Sea animal that invaded the cabin of our class, look at its appearance and size. It should be a juvenile Beihai deep-water worm."

After    young Qinglin finished speaking, the corners of his mouth slightly lifted, his face began to show a confident and calm smile, and he stretched out his other hand, raised a finger, and the confident voice continued to be heard:

"But Miss Qingtian, most people might think this is an ordinary sea beast invasion, but wit and keenly below, they can see the unusual clues at a glance, because since this sea beast is named after the deep flood, he naturally lives in In the depths of the North Sea, it is almost impossible to come here along the coast, not to mention that this is a young floodwater protected by an adult flood dragon, which can be said to be extremely strange.

"Moreover, it just so happens that in a book called Beihai Zhi, I saw this sentence, there are many pirates in the North Sea. They are marine races. They live by plundering and often live in dead sea beasts. And drive it to act in the sea."

After   , the boy smiled more confidently and calmly, with a hint of arrogance and then continued to faintly sounded:

   "Therefore, I boldly guessed that there is a possibility that I was waiting for the cabin, which has been invaded by the ferocious North Sea bandits, but Miss Qing Tian, ​​don't panic, just stand behind me, I will definitely protect you!"

After the voice fell, the slender boy Qinglin turned around confidently and chicly. The next breath, the smile on his face solidified, because there was no one behind him, and then the excited voice of the young girl Qingtian came directly from the cabin. Coming down:

   "Rogues burn, kill, plunder, and do no evil, this lady will go to help justice and eliminate harm for the people!"

  As soon as this statement was made, the expression of the young Qinglin changed drastically, and he hurriedly followed, and let out an anxious shout:

   "Miss Qingtian wait a minute, the North Sea robbers are fierce and extraordinary, so don't act rashly!"


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