
read2();   along the coast of the North Sea, hurricanes are raging. When the bottom of the Qingzhi country’s big ship, the extremely violent shaking and impact gradually returned to calm, inside the big ship, the Beihai Deep-Flood, which was originally the base camp for North Sea drifters , Already in dilapidated condition, the cabins with corpses all over, became even more chaotic.

Almost all the items in the cabin were shattered, and a large number of corpses after their necks were twisted. In the tumbling storm, the minced meat flew across and the blood splashed, and then the extremely strong smell of blood lingered in the interior of the sea beast cabin, just like Put yourself in a **** battlefield like hell.

   Inside the sea beast cabin, the only surviving North Sea gangster climbed up from the ground, panting, and pressing his hand to the wound that had just been cut.

At this time, the situation is not good for this rogue, because under the originally dense and solid scales on his body, a lot of blood oozes after the violent back and forth impact, and the rogue can also clearly sense that his body The bones inside were also broken a lot.

But in spite of this, this extremely painful rogue at this time did not even dare to breathe loudly, let alone eat pain and mourning. Instead, he held his claws firmly, and then stared at the dark, rich, deep night in front of him. Wait silently.

From beginning to end, this piece came from nowhere, no matter how violent the external shaking, the night that enveloped a large area in the cabin never dissipated, so the surviving rogue didn’t even know the darkness. What was in it, how many people, or what race, but it did not hinder the intense fear in his heart.

  Because besides him, all the North Sea gangsters who were stronger or weaker than him were all dead. Their flesh and blood corpses were scattered all over the cabin, and the pungent smell of blood rushed out.

  In the realm of the mystery, as long as it is strong, it is the eternal truth!

   "The stray bandit outside did not lie. It is indeed very likely that we will crash into a big ship where the monks of the Supreme Profound Land are."

In that dark night, the steady voice of Li Dingshan sounded, and then the youth who had lost a drop of blood, his face was particularly pale, and his breath was extremely weak. The golden tea tree pattern in his eyes slowly dissipated and turned again like The ink is generally pitch black, and at the same time the weak voice continues to be heard:

"I lost a full one-third of my core origin, and in addition, I overdrawn the origin again along the way, so it takes a while to recover. During this time, I will almost completely be in a coma, so I will ask the two adults Up."

   After Li Dingshan’s voice fell, Ye Yi and Xue Dao, who were wearing night dire robes, nodded their heads, and then a stern response came from Ye Yi’s mouth:

   "Li Dingshan, how long is the time limit for your recovery from a coma?"

   "As long as one month, as short as ten days!"

   "Okay, our company knows, so let me wait for your safety during this period of time."

   After speaking in a faint voice at night, Li Dingshan in front of him seemed to have thought of something. He spoke again, and the young and steady voice continued:

"The land of the Supreme Profound Realm is very mysterious, and in the world I have heard, the creatures of Guangguang Beihai are generally much stronger than the people of the vast land of Shenzhou. This shows that the existence of this land It’s even more powerful. When you are about to come into direct contact with the people of the Taixuan Land, I hope the two adults will not take it lightly."

   As soon as this said, Ye Yi under the black robe nodded, and then the response sounded:

   "Thank you Li Gongzi for reminding me that I have decided to hide my clumsy temporarily, and I will figure out the situation before making plans."

   "It's so good, then you have to work!"

After    finished speaking, Li Dingshan sat cross-legged on the spot and closed his eyes directly. At the same time, his breath dissipated to the state of Ruo Ruo Wu at this moment.

   After a few breaths, in Ye Yi’s ears, Xue Daoyoung, but with a hint of scornful voice:

   "Master Ye, do you believe in Li Dingshan, who came out from nowhere and has been standing opposite us before?"

   After Xue Dao's voice fell, Ye Yi was silent for a few breaths, and then a faint response came out:

"Believe him or not is actually not important, because the purpose of waiting for the two to come here is very clear. The information collection of the entire Taixuan Land is the top priority, and if this Li Dingshan turns against his bones in the future, he will naturally bear the anger of his majesty. So far, no one can bear the wrath of the emperor."

After the Night Stalker Ye Yi finished speaking, he gently raised his hand and touched the five totems on his face. With the deep darkness, the fifth red and **** road pattern on his face dissipated directly, followed by a faint voice. Once again resounded in Xue Dao's ear:

  "Before in the depths of the North Sea, the flying messengers we were waiting for to transmit information should not be able to reach the vast land of Shenzhou for a while, so we must think of another way to deliver the message.

   "However, your Majesty did not give me a time limit. First, I would like to find a way to blend into the land of the Taixuan Land, and then I will not be too late."

"It should be the case, but I see the creatures of Beihai, the land of the profound mystery, just like those Beihai gangsters. Although they all have vitality, their bodies are much stronger than our Shenzhou vast land people, but they don’t make people feel that they are. The world is so different, this undoubtedly makes me breathe a sigh of relief."

After    Xue Dao's faint voice sounded, the eyes under his black robe showed a faint color of increasing confidence, and then an increasingly bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the cold voice continued:

   "I can't wait to look forward to the time when our supreme soldiers from Daxia will step onto the land of the Supreme Profound Profound Realm and show off their shocking power!"

   Xue Dao's voice did not fall, his expression changed at the same time as Ye Ye, and then a low voice came out at the same time:

"somebody is coming!"

After    finished speaking, Ye Yi directly raised his hand forward, and the entire black mist covering the interior of the sea snake cabin disappeared, directly revealing the three figures sitting and standing in the night.

   Then the Beihai gangster who was waiting silently, saw the night disappear, and looked down.

At the next breath, the rogue's eyes widened sharply, staring at the Ye Yi class who was only half of his body in front of him. He just wanted to open his mouth, but before the sound came out, there was a green lightning bolt directly smashing the sea snake. The outer wall of the corpse pierced the void from above, and at the same time a soft voice rang through the cabin:

   "The rogue thief, dare to appear in front of my aunt's grandmother, it's really looking for death!"

   Jiao shouted suddenly in all directions, a pink fist blasted out of the green lightning, and then a fancy punch bombarded the body of the North Sea Rogue who had not yet reacted.

   An instant later, inside the sea snake's corpse, there was a deafening, thunder-like loud noise, which was the roar of the void being completely blown up.

   The violent energy flew around, and the hoods of Ye Yi and Xue Dao who were standing beside him were directly lifted off.

   Then the brows of the two suddenly jumped, and the poor Beihai gangster was blown away in an instant, hitting the outer wall in the distance, almost turning into a puddle of flesh, and the dead can no longer die.


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