The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 952: Cause and effect


read2();  "What do you know about Taixuan Land?"

   In the imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace, the calm inquiries belonging to the young emperor continued to linger under the mysterious sky. This was also the core question of Zhao Yu and the hundreds of officials called here.

  Everyone knows that there is no such thing as peaceful acceptance under the road. There must be a battle between the vast land of Shenzhou and the land of Taixuan. This is also the battle for survival of the entire Daxia!

   Therefore, after Zhao Yu's question fell, the eyes that were intertwined in the entire Imperial Garden instantly gathered on the girl Hongdou who was kneeling and looking up.

   These gazes from Daxia Zhongchen carried the scorching majesty that burned the entire void, causing a drop of fine sweat to emerge on the red bean's forehead below unconsciously.

  Then the girl swallowed, folded her hands, her forehead was close to the back of her hand, bowed to the ground, and the response went on:

"His Majesty, for tens of thousands of years, our human race has been persecuted by other major forces and races because of our weakness. Therefore, we can only leave our former homeland, divide into countless branches, and continue to circulate around the Taixuan Land in an attempt to find A safe habitat, but when the whole world is fighting you and chasing you, everything becomes so difficult and so sad.

"I once heard my grandfather say that it was the dark days that lasted for tens of thousands of years. The vast majority of the human race compatriots died in foreign land, until finally they lost contact with each other completely, and they did not know their life and death, and the traces of the human race, Also disappeared completely in the land of Supreme Profound."

  The black eyes of the girl were full of sadness, and there was a faint terror that made people worry. Then the girl took a deep breath, and the weak voice continued to sound in the imperial garden:

"Your Majesty, since my birth, my younger brothers and sisters have never walked out of the rift valley where we live to hide our whereabouts. In the rift valley, the conditions are simple and there is almost nothing. Therefore, all I know about the outside world, They were all told by Grandpa, who was the patriarch of the tribe and the wisest person.

"When my grandfather was young, he led his tribe to secretly migrated from afar to the shores of the North Sea, which is relatively inaccessible in Taixuan, and since then settled in a small hidden rift not far from the sea, although the conditions in the rift are extremely difficult. , Often can't eat enough, but fortunately it is extremely hidden, life is worry-free, and we often call this rift valley, rift valley."

As soon as the three words    Rippled Optical Valley came out, Zhao Yu who listened carefully above, his dark eyes moved suddenly, staring at the girl below, and gently asked:

   "The reason why the red bean is named after the cracked light, does it mean that light can shine through the cracks in the rift valley?

"Yes, Your Majesty, but the shore of the North Sea, since I was born, what I saw when I raised my head is always covered with a large amount of gray and dark fog, so I have never seen light shining from the cracks in the ancient mouth. Scene below."

After the response sound of the girl Hongdou’s mouth came out, a picture of the rift valley with gray and black as the main color appeared directly in the minds of hundreds of officials heard around, and then everyone’s ears, the girl with a voice of expectation Sounded again:

   "Grandpa always said, don't look at the narrow cracks in the canyon where we live, but that is where the light enters, and one day, the dazzling warm sunlight can pass through it and pour down like a waterfall."

   "Your grandpa is indeed a wise man."

   Zhao Yu’s calm emperor's voice sounded within the imperial garden after the girl finished speaking, and then the young emperor leaned forward with his entire tall body, continued to look down, and slowly asked again:

"I am very curious about how you came to this vast land of Shenzhou by chance and coincidence, and as far as I know, you must meet a very harsh condition to come here, and that is just right in the city. Before sending the rune, this condition may be extremely difficult for you."

   Zhao Yu’s divine voice fell, and a trace of doubt appeared on the pale face of the girl Hongdou below, and then shook his head and spoke gently:

"Jiecheng? Your Majesty, I don’t know what Jiecheng is. I only remember that the surface of the North Sea suddenly split and swallowed the ship we were in. Then I held my younger brother and sister tightly, as if falling into the sky. , Fell straight down.

"The entire North Sea is very deep and deep. I don't even know how long it has been falling. When I woke up, I was already here. By the way, I woke up once in the middle of the journey, and I even saw a pale white painting. The demon profile of Fangs thought that he had died and went to hell."

Some frightened red beans just came out. Below Zhao Yu, he was tasting Sima Annan with a teacup, his complexion instantly turned red, and then he resisted the urge to squirt out the tea in his mouth, and held back bursts of endless waves. Cough.

Sima Annan's move caused the taboos of the Radiant Army Night Dire Division who were together in the Arctic to raise the corners of their mouths and show a smile. Even Zhao Yu above, the eyebrows moved, and there was a burst in his eyes. Smile.

   Then the thick-skinned Sima Annan coughed and cleared his throat, pretending to calmly and gently asked the girl Hongdou below:

   "Red beans, I just listened to you. You waited for the tribe to avoid the world in Rift Valley, so why did you appear on the North Sea?"

   When this question came out, in the girl's black eyes, a thick color of fear emerged, and then the girl's hands clenched, and the response came out:

"Originally, everything was as usual, and it was developing in a good direction. Our tribe moved to Rift Valley for nearly fifty years. Although it was difficult, after everyone’s efforts, we gradually opened up orchards, fields, and planting for the system. After the cotton and linen clothes, the population of the entire tribe rose by a lot, especially in my generation, except for my sister who died accidentally, the rest of the children survived.

"The remoteness of Rifting Light Valley, combined with the desolation of the North Sea itself, makes our tribe's whereabouts almost impossible to discover, but there were unpredictable circumstances. Six months ago, for some reason, this very mysterious land Beihai flooded into a large number of monks from all over the world. , And more and more, even some, hovering very close to the Rift Valley.

   "Under this circumstance, Grandpa determined that Rift Valley would be discovered, so he asked me to wait for my escape from the secret road in advance and take a temporary refuge from the North Sea by boat."

   Speaking of this, Hongdou raised her head, bit her lips tightly, her eyes were tearful, and she continued to choke and speak:

"But above the North Sea, there is also a large gathering of foreigners. We were hiding everywhere, but we encountered the North Sea robbers. The robbers were ferocious. Except for the three of us hiding in the fish corpses, the rest were killed. .

   "They are all dead!"


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