The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 953: Four Great Kingdoms


read2();   "Nine people, including the younger generation, and 15 strong adults, drifted on the North Sea by boat, and five people died under the North Sea hurricane. , And the rest, except for my three brothers and sisters who were lucky enough to survive and fell under the cracks in the North Sea, all were brutally killed by the North Sea bandits."

The Baidi Palace in the capital city, the imperial garden, has a solemn atmosphere. The officials sitting on the futon and wearing all kinds of Daxia robes have solemn faces. After listening to the girl in front of them, their expressions change. Frowning thinking.

Undoubtedly, this is a dangerous escape journey, and the girl Hongdou and her younger siblings, by an incredible coincidence, not only escaped from the deadly crisis in the North Sea, but also teleported into the Arctic City. Under the replacement of the law, he came directly to the vast land of Shenzhou, which was not far apart.

   "If you survive a catastrophe, you can get out, and you are indeed lucky."

   A young and clear voice came from Sima Annan's mouth, and then the handsome young man in a white coat took out a folding fan from nowhere, swayed it gently, staring straight ahead, and the voice continued:

"Your Majesty, according to the red bean girl just now, the Beihai, which was originally inaccessible in the Taixuan Land, suddenly flooded with a large number of monks in an unusually unusual way. In addition, when Guan Zhengqing tried to use Yinxu City to pry open the Arctic City, it passed through the sky. Those forces that appeared inexplicably above.

   "It can basically be speculated that at this time, the various forces in the entire Taixuan Land may be staring at the North Sea eagerly, waiting for the two fairy islands that sank tens of thousands of years ago to be reborn!"

   Sima Annan finished speaking, one of them took the folding fan in his hand, patted the palm of his left hand lightly, frowned and continued to speak:

"This is undoubtedly extremely unfavorable news for Daxia. After all, the more attention it receives, the less time left for me to wait. Especially in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, it may be able to pry open. The way of the city."

   "In fact, I was mentally prepared for this."

After the calm diyin fell, Zhao Yu stretched out his hand, took the bitter tea on the table in front of him, opened his mouth and took a sip, then turned his head and looked down and sat cross-legged, but like a giant lava boasting, Huang Huangdiyin Resound throughout the imperial garden:

"Before the female saint of ice was killed, she warned me not to hurt the little princess named Han Wenyue, otherwise we will usher in the wildest counterattack and revenge in Taixuan Land. The identity of the earth is not ordinary, and the world thought that the two are sisters, now it seems more like master and servant.

   "Such an important person has disappeared for hundreds of years. Naturally, a certain force in the Supreme Profound Land cannot remain indifferent, and this force should be the Xuemei that Lava Boasts you."

   The voice of the young emperor fell, his face was rough and mad, the thick lava with beard and hair raised his head slightly, opened his mouth, and then a rough voice came out:

   "The Xuemei clan, once attached to Long Boguo tens of thousands of years ago, later rebelled and killed the lord, stabbed in the back, is an unfaithful clan!

   Lava praised that the hoarse and rough voice was not loud, but it shocked the surrounding officials. Then Zhao Yu put down the tea cup in his hand and continued to turn his eyes to the girl Hongdou, and then said:

   "I don't know, Red Bean Girl, have you ever heard of a force in the land of the Supreme Profound, named Xuemei Shangguo?"

   As soon as Zhao Yu asked, all the officials underneath held their breaths and turned their heads to watch the red beans, who were lost in thought.

After a few breaths, Hong Dou, who was still kneeling on the ground, nodded lightly. The eyes of all officials suddenly lit up, especially the officials in charge of recording. They raised their ears and held up a pen to write. Then Hong Dou responded softly. Sounded:

"Your Majesty, I once heard my grandfather vaguely mentioned that when he was drunk, he told how he took his tribe from the middle of Taixuan Land, across thousands of mountains and rivers, and desperately migrated to the other side of the North Sea. This Among them, I heard that he mentioned the four words Xuemei Shangguo. In addition to that, Grandpa also said that there are four in the entire Taixuan Land, such as Xuemei Shangguo."

Before the girl’s voice fell, everyone in the entire Imperial Garden directly leaned forward subconsciously, trying to hear what the former said. Even Zhao Yu subconsciously reached out and held down the desk in front of him. The historian picked up his pen like flying, and recorded all the words of Hongdou, verbatim.

At the same time, there was a sudden thundering over the entire Shenjing city. In an instant, countless black clouds gathered in a few breaths, and lightning tore the sky. In a flash, the world changed drastically, and the will of the vast and boundless heavens of the entire Shenzhou directly gathered in Over the sky.

   Under the loud thunder and lightning, the girl Hongdou's body shook subconsciously, and then the gentle voice of the young emperor rang in her ears:

   "Don't be afraid, keep talking."

   Accompanied by Zhao Yu's words, a warm and heavy silver glow directly enveloped Hongdou's body, dispelling the latter's fear, and the next breath, in the Yu Garden, the girl's words followed:

   "Grandpa said, Tai Xuan Land, there are four great kingdoms, namely Xuemei, Qingzhi, Yanjue, and more."

   At this point, Hongdou gently raised his hand to cover his forehead, appearing a bit painful, then he bit his lip tightly, and after shaking his head vigorously, he continued to speak gently:

"There is the last one. Grandpa didn't say the name, but only said that it occupies the most central area of ​​the entire Taixuan Land. But Grandpa was full of hatred when talking about it, and faintly mentioned the word "Holy Venerable", saying that it is the reason why our human race Being chased by the whole world is the world this person has ordered."

As soon as the girl's words came out, the entire black cloud-shrouded capital city suddenly sounded a earth-shaking, deafening thunder. This thunder was the roar of the heavens, and it sounded clearly in the ears of everyone in the city, and it caused countless people He covered his ears and looked up at the sky, shocked in his heart.

In    Imperial Garden, Baiguan, who was directly under the thunder, changed his face frantically. He suddenly raised his head and stared at the will of Heaven who was almost in a frantic state. Among them, Sima Annan could not help but mutter:

   "It seems that the so-called Holy Venerable is not lowly stimulating to our vast and vast land of heaven. Just relying on a name makes him so angry!"

   "Perhaps this is the so-called Death of Heaven!"

Lightning and thunder, between the roar of the avenue, a faint emperor's voice came out, Zhao Yu slowly stood up behind the imperial table, and then raised his head with ebony pupils, staring at the scarlet one within the heavy black cloud above. The incomparable eye of the avenue.

   This is not the first time that Zhao Yu has looked at the eyes of Shenzhou Haotu, but it is the first time the young emperor has seen the latter look so embarrassed and angry.

   After staring for a long time, Zhao Yu slowly raised his right hand and waved it forward.

   In the next instant, a silver light swept outwards centered on the young emperor. At the same time, the morning bell above the Meridian Gate of the White Emperor's Palace directly rang one after another that rang through the whole world.

   "Boom, boom, boom!"

   The bells swept across the city, the dark clouds scattered, the sun was shining, and the visions disappeared!


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