
read2();   The night was shrouded, and the night was ups and downs, and the entire Shenxian City built on Ao Jia gradually fell into silence.

Beihai County is located at the northernmost tip of the Taixuan Land. The temperature difference between day and night is extremely wide. Once the sun is completely dissipated from behind the dense gray fog in the sky, the ubiquitous wind and cold above the North Sea will completely take over the entire shore of the North Sea. Every corner.

   Under the extremely cold temperature, the creatures who were living in Shenxian City at this time stayed in houses that could shelter from the wind and rain. Suddenly there was no one on the wide Bagua Street in the city.

   But the North Sea gusts that raged in the city could only trap the bodies of the monks in the Great Profound Land in the inn, and their tumbling thoughts had already spread out through the window.

Shenji Pavilion in Shenxiancheng, directly above the high pavilion in the sky, the lights in almost every window are lit, and this is the first time since the establishment of the Shenji Pavilion, which is enough to show the entire Shenji Pavilion at this time. There are so many monks inside and outside Xiancheng.

In today’s Taixuan Land, countless monks buy information on the shores of the North Sea from the Shenji Pavilion every day, and there are many unknowingly true news spreading and fermenting in the world, sinking the entire North Sea into the Erxian Mountain. Gradually pushed to the top.

   The night is quiet, darkness covers the four wilds, and in a room of the Shenji Pavilion, the orange light keeps swaying.

The facilities in this room are extremely simple, with a desk, a lamp, and two beds. There is almost nothing else. It is the most inferior room where few people live on weekdays, and it is now all one. It's hard to find, it's full.

   Under the light, two extremely young figures in the room were sitting side by side at the desk. At the same time, there was a very dense night surrounding them, which completely isolated the breath and sound in the room.

In the night, the Great Summer Nightmare Division Dark Night Demon Yeyi with a horizontal bar totem on his face slowly opened his closed eyes, watching Xue Dao, who was younger in front and covered with scars. , Gently asked:

   "Knife, how long have I been waiting for this place?"

   "It's almost January, and I also came from the center of Beihai to the first city where living things live."

Xue Dao’s response sounded with sorrow. For the two of them, the month in a foreign land seemed to be extremely long, but the two of them were undoubtedly lucky because they met Qingzhi, who was born to love peace and care for shortcomings. National girl Qing Tian.

"It was an opportunity to meet that Miss Qing Tian. Everything went smoother than expected. If I were to wait for myself to get the amount of information for this month, it would take half a year. ."

After Ye Yi’s faint voice came out, he turned his head and looked at the next door. In another room separated by a wall, a girl with green hair draped like a waterfall was lying on a green tree growing out of thin air. Sleeping up and down, along with the ups and downs of her breathing, this huge plant automatically separated a large number of leaves and turned into a quilt to gently cover the girl's petite body.

   "I wait for Da Xia to pay attention to the kindness that we have to repay. This kindness, I will truthfully report to your majesty, and so far, the attitude of Qingzhi Shangguo towards our human race is actually quite friendly."

   Xue Dao was born with a cold and stern voice, and Ye Yi turned his head and nodded slightly to agree, then his pale face frowned and continued to speak:

"According to the exchanges between Qingzhi Country and others in the past few days, the overall situation of the Supreme Profound Land is more complicated than I have guessed. It should be in a chaotic era of endless battles by many forces, and even the upper countries are interacting with each other. Fighting, the heroes are divided."

"This is undoubtedly a good thing for us and Daxia that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Conflict means disagreement. It also indicates that once the vast land of China is born, there is no need to face the entire siege of the entire Taixuan Land. Joining forces with some forces, slowly drawing together."

   "In fact, there are both pros and cons, and your Majesty and the entire Daxia should also be ready for a group battle!"

After the voice of    fell, Ye Yi picked up the teapot on the desk and poured a glass of water for himself and Xue Dao. Then the two frowned slightly, because the liquid flowing out of the pot was a very strange dark green color.

There is hardly any soil in Shenxiancheng where tea can be grown, and the land in Beihai County that is invaded by the waves is also barren. Therefore, what the two of them soaked in their cups at this time is actually a kind of aquatic plant floating on the North Sea. So the color is extremely weird, like a very venomous person.

However, with the cultivation bases of Ye Yi and Xue Dao at this time, naturally they would not be afraid of the tea in the area. Therefore, the two of them picked up their tea cups, took a sip, and tasted them carefully. Then their brows wrinkled more. very.

   astringent, bitter!

  Several kinds of tastes that are not good in the vast land of China merge from the mouth to one place, and after the bitterness, it is salty, which is the salty of the sea.

   "The tea in Shen Xiancheng made me suspect that it was made directly from Beihai sea water. In such a comparison, aside from the rest, our people in Daxia will undoubtedly have too much happiness."

   Xue Dao stretched out his only left hand, put down the teacup, and then the opposite Ye Yi continued to take a sip of dark green tea, and his voice faded out:

"The land of the Supreme Profound Land is chaotic. Of course, it is an extremely favorable situation for us in Daxia, but don’t forget that there are mysterious and abnormal top forces behind the scenes. It is not a concern to pick up the clowns, but the real overlords cannot Responding accidentally.

   "Actually, the biggest problem I am facing now is how to send this news back to Daxia and to your Majesty."

When Ye Yi said this, both Qi and Xue Dao's expressions condensed at the same time, and then the dark-skinned Xue Dao stretched out his left hand and gestured lightly on the desk in front of him, writing one word after another, while the voice continued to spread. Out:

  "The Fetion messenger has determined that it will not be able to deliver the message within a short period of time. As for the Stone Statue Tower, your Majesty has specifically instructed that this tower will directly impact the air transport of the entire Taixuan Land and cause a chain reaction, so it needs to be used with caution.

   "As for the teleportation scroll, in the environment where the power is waiting at this time, I also dare not to tear it openly, so it is really a headache."

   "Look forward step by step. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will go straight to the bridge. The information I have collected so far is far from enough. Maybe I should develop some forces in this Shenxian City."

After    finished speaking, Ye Yi stood up and walked slowly to the window, staring into the darkness in front of the five immortal mountain peaks like Optimus Pillars, holding his breath.

   Then the whole house fell into deep silence. After a long time, Ye Yi and Xue Dao, who had been contemplating, suddenly spoke at the same time, and their voices came out:

   "The human race who will be executed in the future, I think I need to save it!"

   The voice fell, Ye turned around, and the two smiled at each other.

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