The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 978: Night under the hurricane


read2();   a violent hurricane roaring like a ghost, suddenly raging everywhere in Shenxian City, Beihai County, in the middle of the night. The actual masters of these Beihai nights are almost everywhere in the city. Every street and alley was filled with lines and charging.

  For some reason, as night falls, the roaring wind over the North Sea tonight is particularly fierce.

In the outermost periphery of Beihai County, in the endless darkness, there was a dilapidated house at this time, trembling violently under the constant gust of wind, and there were bursts of overwhelmed sand and rock cracking, which made people unavoidable. Believe it, maybe in the next breath, these houses will be completely broken and collapsed into dust, and then blown into the air and completely dissipated.

One of these rooms is particularly miserable, because half of its wall has been completely shattered under the wind and rain in the past. At this time, someone is trying to cover the missing mask with a mask made of North Sea black fish skin. This huge fish skin was completely unable to stop the particularly violent wind in the North Sea tonight, and at the same time, it was torn from left and right like rootless duckweed, hunting.

Then this gust of wind rushed into the crumbling house from the gap, trying to tear everything in the whole house to pieces. However, these gusts of wind were destined to be disappointed, because the house was empty, which can be described by the four walls of a house. People can't even feel the trace of someone living here.

Suddenly, a violent cough sounded from the corner of the room. A small corner of this room was cut out by a large amount of fish skins and rocks and trees to prevent wind and heat. This is where the old coughing sounds.

   After this old cough fell, there was an extremely young call:

"Old man, come and drink some of this. This is the Dahuandan liquid that I specially bought from a monk in the city today with a guide fee. It is said to have the effect of strengthening the foundation and replenishing the source. After drinking, you can feel more comfortable. ."

This young voice fell, and in the very narrow inner room, a young man with a tall figure solemnly took out a small water bottle from his arms, and then poured it on a broken bowl in front of him, only to see one The dark green liquid flows out of the kettle, and it exudes a strong salty smell.

  If the monks living in the Shenji Pavilion were here at this time, they would find that the liquid that the young man You Tianya poured out of the pot at this time was exactly the same as the free tea provided by the Shenji Pavilion to the tenants.

   After pouring, You Tianya carefully picked up the broken bowl by the faint light of the oil lamp on the side, turned to the front of the bed, and continued to speak to an elderly man lying on the bed:

"Old man, let's not tell you, I met a noble person today, I did not say anything, and I paid all the remuneration for the next few days without any trouble. This kind of person is really too mysterious in the land. Too rare.

"Furthermore, I heard the exchanges between the nobles. They are from the Qingzhi Kingdom. It is said that Qingzhi Kingdom is the most kind country in the inland. When I saw it at this time, it was indeed well-deserved and was fortunate enough to meet the nobles of Qingzhi Kingdom. My luck, and the old man should also know that my dream is to be a poet who travels all over the world, and I will definitely go to Qingzhi Country in the future."

There was a strong yearning in the clear and magnetic voice of You Tianya, and after the young man's words fell, he sat down on the side of the bed, and then moved the broken bowl in his hand to an old man in front of him, and continued Opening:

"Old man, don't you know, for this amazing great return pill, I had a bargain with that practitioner for a long time, and only then bought it for one cent, and the practitioner still had a face when he left. The meat hurts, don't say it, the flavor of this pill is quite strong!"

After You Tianya finished speaking, a rather proud smile appeared on his face. However, even if the young man tried to hide, his hand holding the bowl still trembled slightly. He was a member of the black lizard family in the afternoon. The injury left after the whipping.

   But the old man lying on the bed at this time is in a worse state.

The breath of the old man is as old and weak as a lamp. At the same time, his whole body is as thin as wood. The messy white hair on his head is like a nest built by a bird secretly in the reeds, and it is even more eye-catching. The thing is, the old man's eye sockets are very strange red and black, because he can't see at all.

Perhaps it was You Tianya's endless chattering words that made the old man recover a little bit of strength. The latter turned his head very slowly and sniffed the direction of the former holding the broken bowl. Then the whole old complexion changed slightly, with a hoarse and weak voice. Then came out:

"You stinky boy, you have been deceived again. This is not a big huandan liquid at all. This is tea made from Beihai duckweed. Although it is the secret recipe of Shenji Pavilion, the price is quite cheap and it tastes like a bird. Shit makes people vomiting!"

   "This is impossible, the monk is extremely honest, and he doesn't look like a lie at first sight."

   After You Tianya's complexion heard the words, his face collapsed and he blurted out anxiously. Then the old man in front of him suddenly turned from white to red, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

   This time, the young man You Tianya's complexion changed completely and completely, he threw away the broken bowl in his hand, and moved forward to support the old man who was coughing up blood, open his mouth and shouted:

   "Old man, what's wrong with you?"

   "The old man's deadline has come!"

   The old man continued to cough out a mouthful of black blood, then he bit his lip, stretched out his hand, grabbed You Tianya's arm, and continued to speak out:

"Tianya, listen to me, the old man has a foreboding that the end is coming these few days, but I don't feel sad at all, on the contrary, I feel that this is a kind of relief. I have always been your burden and restrained you. You were born. It belongs to the sky, you should soar with the nine heavens to fulfill your dream and travel the entire Taixuan land instead of wasting your time here for my old man!"

  Because of the back light, the old man's voice became louder and louder, and the hand holding You Tingya's shoulder became harder and harder, but every word of the old man was accompanied by a large amount of blood pouring out from his mouth.

   But You Tianya in front of him shook his head frantically, and continued to roar with extreme anxiety:

   "Old man, just say a few words, I will take you to the treatment."

   "It's useless, Tianya, don't waste your effort, I know my own situation very well."

   "No, no, Wuxianzong, yes, only Wuxianzong can save the entire Shenxian City, old man, I will take you to Wuxianzong!"

   After finishing speaking, You Tianya stepped forward, lifted the old man directly on his back, and rushed straight out.

At the same time, at this moment, the hurricane that ravaged Shenxiancheng reached its peak in an instant. With a loud bang, the fish skin outside the broken house was directly torn apart, and then the entire dilapidated house collapsed completely like a wandering mind. , Slammed down at the anxious figure inside the house,

   At the same time, somewhere in the Shenji Pavilion, standing with his hand at the window, looking at Ye Yi outside the window, slightly raised his head, there seemed to be pictures flowing in the black eyes, and then gently spoke:

   "Xue Dao, in the dark night of Shen Xiancheng, something very interesting is happening."


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