Xia Country, Sky Blue Star, Fifth Province, Xintai District, Jushan City

   In the evening, the clouds in the sky slowly reflected red, and the sun was about to set, using the last force to radiate heat.

   "Brother Yue, you really plan to choose the profession of shield bearer."

   "It's decided, I have been prepared for this profession for a long time. The shield bearer plays a key role in the battlefield of the heavens, and can even control the victory of the battlefield. I want to take up this profession."

   "Brother Yue, the craftsmanship of the giant sword warrior from your family has just been pulled down, but it's a pity that Brother Yue is so talented in strength and sword skills."

   "There is no shortage of fighters on the battlefield, there is no shortage of excellent shield bearers. Have you forgotten that sentence? There will always be a shortage of an excellent shield bearer on the battlefield of the heavens."

   On the way home from high school, two high school students are chatting. They are about to graduate from high school and are facing career choices in the world in the future.

Zhang Yue knows that this is a good friend Zhou Jie who is persuading him not to be a shield bearer. This is a profession with a relatively high battle damage rate on the battlefield. However, Zhang Yue likes this profession very much. He has liked it since he was a child, because his father is in the world of heaven. The shield bearer saved his life in the battle.

   Later, I discovered that the two houses were very close by chance. My father also forged a deep friendship with this shield bearer, and often went to dinner together. So Zhang Yue admired this uncle very much since he was a child, and often pestered him to tell him stories on the battlefield.

   After chatting, they went back to each house. Zhang Yue lived in a small villa area. This was bought by Zhang Yue’s father before he was injured. When Zhang Yue returned home, his father was watching TV, and his mother and younger sister were preparing meals in the kitchen. I greeted my parents and my little sister, and sat down on the sofa next to my father.

"It's really decided, not to be a giant sword warrior. Your father, I am a giant sword warrior with an excellent evaluation of Tier 3." Zhang Shaohui looked at his son and said, his son's size and strength are good for being a giant sword warrior. I'll lay it out for my son, but unfortunately I have to be a shield holder in the battle position. This profession is popular, but it is not suitable for ordinary people. The threshold is high and the battle damage rate is also high.

"Decided, I will go to Uncle Zhao for advice when I have time. I just like this profession, protecting my comrades, containing the enemy, and controlling the victory of the battle. In the future, after my little sister becomes an Arcanist, I can also protect my little sister. I am not at ease with others."

   "Who said I'm going to be an arcanist, I'm going to be a pastor, to prevent and increase blood for my brother." Little sister Zhang Luoluo's crisp voice came from the kitchen.

"Aren't you stupid? In the future, when the two of us are teaming up, who will do the output and exhaust the enemy?" Zhang Yue said loudly to the kitchen. Although Zhang Yue loves the little girl very much, he is never messy. Just say that you should scold. The relationship between brothers and sisters used to be very ordinary, but since that incident, Zhang Luoluo has been very attached to this brother, and Zhang Yue speaks better than his parents.

At the beginning, several gangsters in high school looked at Zhang Luoluo, who was beautiful in the second year, and wanted to make friends. Zhang Yue knew that after school was blocked by the door of their classroom, he beat those gangsters to death, and everyone else. Under the siege, Zhang Yue almost couldn't survive the injury and bleeding.

   Although he lost a lot of money afterwards, his father didn't blame Zhang Yue after knowing the reason, and gave him a thumbs up, exaggerating Yue, he was a man. After this incident, Zhang Yue became famous in school, and no one dared to provoke him.

"Then why don't you want to go to university? Don't worry. Your little girl will have no money in the Arcane Academy in the future. Your dad can borrow enough even if he borrows it." Zhang Shaohui looked at his son and said, feeling very pleased. Harmony is better than anything else.

"Dad, you don't have to worry about me, I have my own ideas. Besides, I don't know what the situation is in our family. It's hard to get an Arcanist from the Zhang family. How can we not train it! It's all money to study there. Spells, experimental materials, magic materials, listening to the master’s lectures, and many more. These are all money. Can you borrow so much money? Give me time. When the younger sister goes to college, maybe I will be the main team in the team. I paid for my sister’s expenses."

"See if you can. Since it's decided, your mother and I won't persuade you. Tomorrow I will go to your Uncle Zhao and let him accept you as a disciple. In addition, you should talk to Xiaoshu more..." Zhang Shaohui raised his eyebrows and gave an expression you know.

   "What are you talking about?" Zhang Yue ignored his father and went to the kitchen to help.

   The sunset and the moon rise, the night is coming, and the sky is decorated with stars.

   Zhang Yue's family ate dinner happily. The little girl talked about the happy things in school, and the mother also talked about what she had learned about work today, what prices have risen, and whose husband will return from the battlefield. Zhang Yue looked at the scene in front of him and vowed in his heart that he must protect his family.

   This is a big era. Since a mysterious instrument was discovered on the moon in 2098, mankind has ushered in the greatest opportunity and the greatest challenge since the birth of mankind.

After several years of research by scientists, they discovered that the mysterious instrument is a cosmic server, with which you can log in to the world of heavens, also known as the battlefield of the heavens. There are countless resources, minerals, high-tech, and magic equipment in the world of heavens. Everything you need can be obtained from the world of the heavens.

The country sent the most elite fighters in and found that there were countless races in it, including Protoss, Demons, Dragons, Machines, Demons, Three Eyes, and Titans. Countless races competed for territory and resources in the heavens. Races rise due to the heavens, and countless races are destroyed because of the heavens.

In the world of the heavens, your character’s strength and equipment can be brought into the real world, and the injuries and deaths suffered will be truthfully reported back to the real world. Zhang Yue’s father was injured in the world of the heavens and cannot fight in the future. Going to the martial arts gym to be a coach, the salary is not high or low.

  In the beginning, the Human Race was very weak when it entered the world of the heavens. It was cautious and struggling. Finally, it established a human race base in a remote, resource-poor corner. Starting to exploit resources to feed back the world, even in such a resource-poor place, the entire planet began to develop at a high speed, opening the interstellar era.

   In 2130, mankind encountered the greatest crisis in history. In the world of the heavens, they encountered the Ratmen. First, the two races made good relations, and then the Ratmen took the space coordinates of the real world of the earth. The consequence is to face the endless interstellar warships of the Rat tribe. For the next 50 years, the Terran has been in a state of war. Nearly two-thirds of the Terran resource stars and population planets were marked as wasteland planets.

   At the critical moment of the survival of the human race, human arcanist Yang Tianyi broke through the 9th rank and became a demigod. Collecting the power of the whole clan to wipe out the Rat tribesmen in the world of the heavens, the Rat tribes suffered a great loss in strength, and the Human tribes began to counterattack since then.

   After more than 20 years, the Human Race finally wiped out the Rat Race in 2203, and integrated the Rat Race universe server. The strength of the Human Race was greatly increased, and its strength was at the end of the third-rate race of the Ten Thousand Races. In the past, even the strength of the influential races had not been achieved.

   Now in 2263, the human race has reached the third-rate intermediate level~www.ltnovel.com~The real world has begun to explore the galaxy in an all-round way. But development is still dominated by the world of heavens, because this is the key to race development.

   There are many professions in the world of heaven, such as arcanist, warrior, supernaturalist, mechanic, summoner, beast trainer, etc. There are also many rare professions such as law warlock, prophet and so on. Zhang Yue chose the shield supporter class in the warrior class.

   Xia State stipulates that citizens who reach the age of 18 after graduating from high school can use the Zhutian login device to create characters in the world of the heavens, and then they can work and fight in the world of the heavens.

It can be said that the world of the heavens is a real world. Everything in the world can be fed back to the real world. If you die, you will really die. Most professions will choose to find a stable job in the world of the heavens. Only a few professionals choose to enter the battlefield to become pioneers, combatants and predators.

   Zhang Yue wanted to become a combat professional, so he was well paid and respected. Zhang Yue didn't want to go to university, but wanted to get in through the special recruitment of the academy battlefield, which not only free tuition, but also has a lot of resources.

Zhang Luoluo has the talent of an arcanist. It takes more resources to train an arcanist than to train 10 warriors. The tuition is also expensive. Now the tuition of the Leo Arcanist Academy can barely come out. But all the resources used by the arcanists at the back have to pay for it.

Zhang Yue’s little sister who doesn’t want to be wronged, she’s always been Zhang Yue’s heart and soul since she was little, she’s very caring, absolutely not allowed anyone to bully her, let alone being wronged because of money and resources, Zhang Yue is confident to complete the Warrior Academy In the battlefield special recruitment plan, his strength and resilience have been different from ordinary people since childhood, and his temperament is not impetuous of his peers. Zhang Yue believes that he can stand out on the battlefield.


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