Early in the morning, Zhang Yue and his little sister went to school together after breakfast.

  On the way to school, the younger sister asked Zhang Yue: "Brother, maybe I am not an arcanist. See if you don't go to college for tuition and materials."

   "Silly Luo Luo, your brother is not only for you, I have my own plan, so you don't have to worry about it." Zhang Yue smiled and touched the little girl's head, which felt good.

   "Don't touch my head, it's bald." Zhang Luoluo pushed Zhang Yue's hand away.

   "Who makes your head so textured? By the way, you don't have a college that you want to sign up for. Going to high school should have goals."

   "That must be the School of Truth, the best arcane school in the country, and there have been a lot of bigwigs out of it."

   "Are you sure, although your mental power is high when you are in middle school, you are still far from the threshold of the Truth Academy."

   "I feel that my mental power is slowly increasing. I should meditate more and read more books."

"Well, it's good if you know it in your heart." Zhang Yue said gratifyingly, the younger sister is still relatively reliable, the younger sister has high mental power since she was a child, and she has been meditating since she was 16 years old. She is well-behaved and a high school. Is the pride of the family.

Suddenly there was a dragon roar in the sky, followed by the sound of breaking through the sound barrier. I saw a huge cyan western dragon in the sky, sitting on the back of the dragon, a young man wearing a black arcane robe. , The dragon flew towards the distance at supersonic speed.

"Brother, you can see it, that dragon is the arcane "Dragon of Wind" that can only be used by the 7th-order arcanist. The light dragon has the strength of the sixth-order. The adult above should be our giant Lord Zuo Xin, the guardian of the mountain city, is only in his 40s this year at rank eight. It is said that he is the most likely candidate to be promoted to a demigod." Zhang Luoluo showed worshiping eyes.

   "Haha, believe it or not, your brother will take you to become the youngest demigod of the human race." Zhang Yue joked

   "Hehe, your name will be the demigod of the shield: Zhang Yue, how ugly." Zhang Luoluo said with a smile

   "Haha, it's ugly, I also like this name."

   "Well, the future arcane goddess orders you to go to class."

   "Yes, my goddess."

   There is one month to graduate from high school, and the teacher is not giving lectures. They are all emphasizing the important matters of examination and selection.

"Students who take the liberal arts exam, you are doing good review. Students who are taking the martial arts exam, you should adjust your own state at the most critical time now to meet the exam. Don't train for the extreme test, cultivate your own spirit, and have the conditions It’s helpful for you to learn the basic meditation ideas. For the career that enters the world of the heavens, if you are engaged in combat career in the future, it is best to go to a professional organization to make an assessment. This is very important. Those who do not plan to engage in combat careers Classmates, learn whatever you are interested in, and don’t think about being in the combat industry because it is dangerous."

   Zhang Yue watched Wu Libo, the teacher in charge of the class, emphasized the exam and the precautions in the future, thinking about going to Uncle Zhao's house with his father after school at noon. The two families are very close, and they have a lot of usual exchanges. It is a big event to let others accept disciples. With the discovery of the world of heavens, the human race pays more and more attention to the relationship between master and disciple. You can say that multiple disciples and one more son It makes no difference. The future development of the apprentice is also closely related to the master. Accepting apprentices and apprenticeships are both major events in life. Worshiping a good master will save you many detours in your life. After accepting apprentices and educating you, you will gain both fame and fortune.

Uncle Zhao's original name was Zhao Gaoshi and his father the same age. He was a Tier 5 shield bearer. He was a mighty tall and tall like Zhang Yue. He was well-known in Jushi City's combat professional circles. He was one of the few in the city. There are many shield holders in the middle and high levels who come to Uncle Zhao to apprentice. I don't know why Uncle Zhao has not accepted an apprentice for so many years. Zhang Yue was embarrassed that his father was rejected.

   Unknowingly, it was time for school at noon. After Zhang Yue and the younger sister arrived home, they saw that their father had prepared them and the gifts were also placed on the table. Zhang Shaohui said to Zhang Yue after seeing Zhang Yue go home.

   "Change into more energetic clothes and go to your Uncle Zhao's house with me. An appointment has been made. I wanted to go to a restaurant, but Aunt Li was left to make a family dinner."


   Zhang Yue and his father are on the way to Zhao Gaoshi's house.

   "Dad, do you think Uncle Zhao will accept me as an apprentice? After all, accepting an apprentice is a big deal." Zhang Yue said a little worried.

"Don't underestimate yourself, you were just born when I met your Uncle Zhao. He could be said to have grown up watching you. You have to have confidence in your own strength and character. Besides, I also prepared a secret weapon." Zhang Shaohui mentioned the gift box in his hand, opened it for Zhang Yue to look at, and then retracted it into the storage space.

"Did you see it? This thing is called tremor metal. It is the most coveted thing for heavy weapons and shield bearers. This is what your old father got after his nine deaths. There are two pieces in total. I intended to let you be a heavy weapon professional for your own use. , I can also use the equipment in the world of the heavens."

"But if you want to be a shield bearer, you can only use one as your stepping stone to worship a good master, so that you can avoid detours. Just when we are near the water platform, your Uncle Zhao can be your master. I told me that if If you want to be a shield bearer, you can worship him as a teacher. Shield warfare is very popular on the battlefields of the heavens, but the future is not easy. Until now, there is no shield bearer among all the demigods. This way It's difficult."

   "Since there is no demigod among shield bearers, I am the first one." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

   After talking, I arrived at Uncle Zhao’s community, which is one of the most high-end villa areas in the city. It is far stronger than Zhang Yue’s small villa. Entering the community, although Zhang Yue is not the first time to come to Uncle Zhao’s house, every time he comes, he can’t help but sigh the luxury of Uncle Zhao’s community, the perfect integration of technology and scenery. The most luxurious thing is that there is a small energy concentrator in the community. It's not something you can buy if you have money. The kids who grew up here have a starting line that is more than one grade higher than that of ordinary people.

   "Come on, come in, we haven't been together for a long time. Today I took out my treasured spirit tiger bone wine, let's drink it."

   "Xiaoyue, I'm going to graduate soon, do you want Uncle Zhao to find you a good professional university? They are all rushing to ask for your strength and physique. You can drink some today, and you are all grown-ups."

   Zhao Gaoshi was very happy to see Zhang Shaohui and his son. He has just completed a wasteland reclamation mission in the Fragmented World. He has gained a good harvest and is recuperating at home.

   "Come, come, sit in the restaurant, your sister-in-law will live together with one dish."

  As soon as Zhang Yue entered the living room, a beautiful figure rushed to the side of Zhang Yue and held Zhang Yue's thick arm tightly. Zhang Yue was a little embarrassed. In front of his father, he was so intimate with his little padded jacket, as if he had swept his cabbage. Zhao Yunshu, the only daughter of Uncle Zhao, was the same age as Zhang Yue and grew up with a childhood sweetheart, but Zhang Yue treats her and Zhang Luoluo as his own little sisters, and currently has no other ideas.

   "Yun Shu, a little polite!" Zhao Gaoshi said without delving into it. On the contrary, the smile on Zhang Shaohui's face is even stronger

   "Yun Shu is getting more and more beautiful, what kind of career do you plan to choose after graduating." Zhang Shaohui was full of love from the elders

   "I plan to choose a summoner. Then, Brother Yue can build a team together."

   "Really, it just so happens that Uncle Zhang has a copy of "Summon the Water Spirit" plus the supporting water life structure diagram, as your graduation gift."

Speaking of Zhang Shaohui, he took out a skill book from the storage space and gave it to Zhao Yunshu. Everything in the world of heaven is real. Even if you get a suitable skill book, you can’t learn it all at once. Learn slowly, and study slowly. A professional may not have more than 10 skills in his lifetime, and those who can reach the master level may not have any.

   "Thank you Uncle Zhang!" Zhao Yunshu is pleased with the result skill book.

   "Lao Zhang, even if the skill book is left, the life structure diagram is too precious. What, your daughter doesn't go to the Arcane Academy." The two sides often come and go, and they know each other about everything at home.

   "The tuition fee of my daughter is not in a hurry. Today is an important thing. Let's talk about it at the dinner table." Zhang Shaohui said mysteriously.

   "It's still very mysterious."

   Everyone sat on the table, Zhao Shu’s wife Li Xin brought the last dish to the table and took their seats.

   Zhao Yunshu poured wine and started to eat.

  After half a wine tour, Zhao Gaoshi couldn't help but speak.

   "Lao Zhang, what can I say now~www.ltnovel.com~ I guess it's not necessary for me to introduce Xiaoyue to a good master."

   "Haha, don't go around, it's Xiaoyue who wants to be a shield bearer. I wonder if there is a ready-made master. You can't accept it." Zhang Shaohui put down the glass and said.

   "Xiao Yue intends to be a shield bearer! Great, recently I was looking for an apprentice to pass on my skills and give me a subsidy by the way." Zhao Gaoshi said loudly with joy.

  Yes, there is a subsidy for the apprentice government, which can reduce or exempt the tax. The higher the apprentice’s achievement, the more rewards. Of course, Zhao Gaoshi would not covet that little bargain. Just like Zhang Yue, Zhang Yue has a manly demeanor, three-mindedness, calm personality, plus strength, body shape are the best choices, it is absolutely no problem to be a shield holder. In the past, Zhao Gaoshi was not an apprentice because he was worried about the bad character of the other party. If he really wanted to accept the wrong apprentice, he would be implicated in the master. Zhang Yue is different.

   "So, you accepted this apprentice."

   "It is necessary, go to the government inheritance hall to be fair in the afternoon, and whoever grabs it will be anxious." Zhao Gaoshi said in a good mood, another happy event.

   "After that, Brother Yue will be my senior." Zhao Yunshu said happily

   "It's necessary, Xiaoyue must take good care of Yunshu in the future." Li Xin said to Zhang Yue, staring at Zhang Yue, as if the mother-in-law was watching the son-in-law.

   After drinking and eating, the family sits in the living room, watching TV and drinking tea.

   Zhao Gaoshi said to Zhang Yue

"Xiaoyue, the road for shield bearers is much harder than for soldiers. The rate of injury and battle damage is the highest. Since your dad has said everything, it proves that you are thinking about it. After class every morning, come and train. Test your fit with the profession."

   "Good master."


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