The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 104: Underground base

After bidding farewell to the tauren, after several hours of cautious advancement, everyone reached their destination.

"Haha, the mine source has been detected." Lin Dong looked at the detection instrument in his hand and said, feeling really not easy. After entering the battlefield of ten thousand races, he was useless at all, which made him, a great mechanic, feel like he is very useless.

"10 kilometers northwest, that is our first station." Lin Dong said, as long as he is given time, those second-rate races will be completely worthwhile in the future.

"Then let's set off. Hurry up and build the first base. We can also go out and earn points with confidence." Chu Yunxuan said. He needs some time to digest and analyze everything he encountered when entering the battlefield of ten thousand races.

A few minutes later, ten people came to the destination, an empty rocky area.

"Wait a moment, can sister Lingxuan set up a masking formation under my feet." Lin Dong said, at this time it was finally his turn to be taught.

"No problem, and don't call my elder sister until your master pays back the money, I'm a little scared." Xu Lingxuan said with a wrinkled face, then took out the arcane formation plate and began to arrange the formation.

Lin Dong didn't care, he was used to it, his master made the whole human race not very friendly towards mechanics.

"My little baby, come out."

Lin Dong directly summoned a cylindrical robot from the storage space, with a diameter of 20 meters and a height of 40 meters. The outer wall is covered with small sharp blades, forming a matrix.

When the machine started, countless gears on the periphery began to spin and began to drill down a little bit. As the machine sank down, countless nanoworms in the middle began to crawl around and began to dig underground bases.

"Since I got the news from the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, I spent countless brain cells to build 5 base robots. It's not that the technology is difficult. It's the most rare thing that I can't use materials above D level."

"The entire base covers an area of ​​10 square kilometers underground, with 5 large-scale laboratories, top medical rooms, lounges, training grounds, weapons manufacturing plants, weapons smelting plants, automatic kitchens, restaurants, and multifunctional meeting rooms."

"It is equipped with a top-notch ventilation system, bio-circulation system, energy gathering system, and escape system. It can quickly run to 100 kilometers away."

"Okay, in 20 minutes, the base will be built. There is also good news. The mine here is titanic ore. When I start to develop and manufacture weapons and deploy defenses, even if it’s the box snake we encountered at the beginning. Human Race, we don't need to be afraid."

"It's worthy to be the most potential mechanic in our human race. When you want to become a demigod, I will invest in your space city." Chu Yunxuan said with a smile, ordinary mechanics are not good at managing industries, so you reach level 7. Or when you achieve a demigod, you are looking for someone to invest in building their own sky fortress and upgrading the space city in the later stage.

The resource consumption is in units of hundreds of billions of energy points.

"Haha, thank you Brother Chu." Lin Dong was overjoyed, receiving a promise from a future boss, which is more valuable than the one trillion energy points.

"Okay. The base has been built, let's go in." Lin Dong said.

The big hole just drilled. At this time, it has been completely sealed, and there is a camouflage system on the outer layer, which looks like it was before.

A large elevator slowly rises from the ground.

Everyone took the elevator down to 200 meters underground before stopping. When everyone came out of the elevator, they saw a hall of several thousand square meters with a ceiling with sunlight on the ground. Two electric sightseeing cars came. car.

"Let's go to the meeting room first and see how to go down there, and pick out weapons and equipment by the way." Chu Yunxuan said while looking at the crowd.

Underground base, multifunctional meeting room.

"Xiaodong, it's okay, I think you have all the functions." Lu Heng patted Lin Dong's shoulder and said.

"Brother Lu, you count, I belong to the spiritual cultivation department." Lin Dong said, holding his numb shoulder.

Chu Yunxuan opened the virtual map of the multifunctional conference room and passed the map scanned by the aircraft he released to the past.

"This is a map of more than 1,000 kilometers around us. Most of it is desert terrain, a few oases, and the rest are all rolling mountains."

"Xiaodong has released the near-Earth satellites, and hopes to explore more areas before being destroyed."

"Today I want to redeem the equipment we urgently need. No one has 200 points."

"Then free time, we will set off at dawn tomorrow."

Lu Heng distributed all the points. Everyone wandered around, and those who went to the laboratory went to the laboratory.

"Brother Yue, let me come here." Lin Dong shouted to Zhang Yue. The railgun he made for Zhang Yue has been built, so Zhang Yue can take it.

Zhang Yue followed Lin Dong to Weapon Knowing Space. A group of semi-intelligent robots were testing the final book.

"It's done so soon." Zhang Yue said while looking at the 20-meter-long railgun in front of him. Zhang Yue knew it was a shoulder-mounted railgun. The landline type is bigger than this.

"The parts have been built long ago, and there is no need for a high-strength gun barrel. A batch of titanium mines were mined just now, and the gun barrel was built first," Lin Dong said.

Zhang Yue put away the railgun, smiled and said, "There is another big killer in this issue, thank you, Xiaodong."

"Haha, no thanks, Brother Yue, it's all I should do." Lin Dong opened the control board of the weapon workshop and began to set up other production tasks.

Zhang Yue looked at a bunch of mechanical arms and began to finish machining the newly built parts, and then assembled them. In a moment, a 2 meter tall robot holding a giant sword appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"A3 class semi-intelligent robot, with 3 intermediate combat power, made of titanium pole steel 400 can be produced a day. It is suitable for us as cannon fodder.

"Why is it only Tier 3, can't it be higher?" Zhang Yue asked curiously, not even cannon fodder at Tier 3 in the Ten Thousand Clan Battlefield.

"It's not that I don't want to, but I can't make it. I give my soul and spirit the heart of the world. I can't make a robot higher than my own rank, but I can configure the robot with different levels of weapons to improve combat power." Lin Dong Explained.

"Oh I see."

Then Zhang Yue and Lin Dong talked about the mechanics.

Lin Dong arrived at Zhang Yue’s future commitment to his promotion and demigod investment. Lin Dong felt that the recovery of this trip had exceeded the standard. The promises of the two future leaders made Lin Dong’s mouth laugh. The operating efficiency of the mechanical heart in the body is much higher.

Zhang Yue returned to his room, a super luxurious bedroom, equipped with an automatic kitchen, a recreation room, a swimming pool, and a virtual scenery system. Zhang Yue chose a seaside mode, sat on a chair, blowing the simulated sea breeze, and started walking around. A virtual mall equipped with the battlefield of Wanzu.

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