The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 105: Rock armor

"Choose a type of heavy armor, Heavenly Falling Heavy Armor, Streaming Heavy Armor, Glazed Glass Heavy Armor, Titan Heavy Armor." Zhang Yue muttered to himself while looking at the virtual mall.

"With the Titan Great Shield, physical defense is actually not very important. Then buy heavy armor with stronger attribute defense."

Zhang Yue directly entered the requirements into the mall, and the attribute defense heavy armor that met the requirements was displayed on the top.

"Well, then the Five Elements Heavy Armor has a high defense against the Five Elements attribute attack, 150 points, which is really expensive." Zhang Yue looked at the Heavy Armor profile and said, with the Titan Great Shield and the Five Elements Heavy Armor. , Zhang Yue believed that he would not be so embarrassed when he encountered the dark snake human race again.

Then Zhang Yue bought some little things for auxiliary use, and after buying all of them, Zhang Yue confirmed the payment.

A teleportation array appeared in Zhang Yue's bedroom, a strong light flashed, the teleportation array disappeared, and a few large and small boxes appeared in the original place.

Zhang Yue took off the original D-class heavy armor and put it back in the storage space. He tried on the five-element heavy armor. The overall appearance of the heavy armor was white. The introduction said that the attack attribute can be detected by itself, and the corresponding color will be changed. Come.

"It's not bad, it just fits." After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he opened another small box with a book inside, "Position: Detailed Explanation of Soil Properties."

When shopping for something, Zhang Yue suddenly thought that all the things here can be exchanged for points, why not buy something that increases the power of ‘potential’, so he searched for this book with 20 points.

After finishing everything, Zhang Yue picked up the book and began to read it.

"My dear, there are 3,000 types of soil attributes, and I have gained a lot of knowledge."

When Zhang Yue opened the book, he saw the introduction on the title page about the number and types of momentum.

"I really didn't know before. The mental test should be arcanist type, the attack test should be warrior type, and the defensive type should be shield bearer."

Zhang Yue opened up about the defense category, and after seeing the introduction of the first situation, Zhang Yue was a little confused.

"A force necessary for the defender, the stone armor force? Isn't it a shield force?" Zhang Yue asked in amazement, and then he was relieved that the book said it was the defender, and the shield holder was just one of the branches.

Zhang Yue continued to look back.

"Stone armor, earth veins, earth seas, sky falling, earth poles..."

"I used to be a little toad. I thought I already knew the attributes of soil, but I didn't expect it to be a little bit of fur."

At this moment, Zhang Yue started to absorb this knowledge like a sponge absorbing water.

"After going out of this book, you must show it to your master. It turns out that the soil attributes are so profound."

After reading it roughly, Zhang Yue turned his head back to the rock armor and studied it emphatically.

"The purest rock, the hardest defense, nothing can destroy it except time."

Zhang Yue looked at the clouds in the mist. At this time, the origin of the earth in Zhang Yue's consciousness began to transmit a little bit of strange feelings to Zhang Yue, which made Zhang Yue feel that he was behind the rock armor by a layer of window paper.

"Almost mean? Maybe I haven't really touched and understood the rock, so I'm almost." Zhang Yue said to himself.

"Let's talk about it later when I learn more about it."

Early the next morning.

meeting room.

"Three days later, we will attack the centaur tribe with the tauren tribe. Today, our target is the werewolf tribe." Chu Yunxuan said. Yesterday he was looking at the satellite map and unexpectedly found the figure of the werewolf tribe. Don't shoot it down.

Chu Yunxuan pointed to a mountainous area a thousand miles away from the base.

"This should be the base of the werewolf tribe. I don't know who gave them the courage to enter the battlefield of ten thousand tribes. Could it be to stop us?" Chu Yunxuan said.

"Maybe it's true. The Werewolf tribe and the Diamond Ape tribe share information. They have always liked to be embarrassed." Lu Heng disdainfully said. If there was no Diamond Ape tribe in his eyes, the werewolf tribe would have been extinct long ago.

"That is to say, the werewolf tribe is not connected with the diamond ape tribe, or the werewolf tribe. It's just a dish." Xu Pofeng said, he also fought the werewolf tribe on the border for a while.

"The number detected so far is 30, and it is estimated that all the top talents of the whole clan have been overwhelmed."

"Let's go directly as an optical stealth spacecraft. I took a look at the distance and there is no sign of first-class races. You can move forward as a spacecraft. The battle plan has been sent to your personal communicator."

"Now let's set off." After Chu Yunxuan finished speaking, he led the crowd, thinking about the spacecraft docking at Chu and walking.

A 20-meter long bullet-like spacecraft is docked in a dedicated escape channel.

"Haha, in the future, we will have to dig a little bit longer for this passage, so that can save a lot of things." Lin Dong said. At first, he didn't expect that this passage could be shortened and formed. He knew that Chu Yunxuan gave it to him yesterday. .

"It's best to dig together in 36 directions," Chu Yunxuan said.

"no problem."

A group of people boarded the spacecraft, sat in their respective positions, and began to pass through the underground passage first towards the destination.

The time of 100 kilometers is 2 minutes, and then ascends out of the ground, accelerating towards the destination.

Werewolf underground base.

Lang Xu looked at the healing team members and sighed the dangers of this place. The day before yesterday, he encountered a second-rate bunny tribe. Seeing her alone, he became murderous. He didn't expect that bunny tribe saw his own werewolf tribe. Put it in as if we saw the flesh and blood, and rushed towards us with the sword.

One rabbit and one sword directly pierced through. Her team of 50 people was killed, 14 people were killed and 6 people were injured. Finally, she sacrificed a big killer and scared her away. Otherwise, the whole team would be ruined. How to attack the human race behind.

"Captain, or let's go on a wave first, don't care about the human race, the King Kong ape race, I can understand it, bad luck, any foreign race here can kill us, and even if we meet the human race, we can not People have been beaten before.” A werewolf lying on a medical bed said. The day before yesterday, he was broken by the spirit of the bunny sword.

"Yes, Captain, this place is too dangerous. A little rabbit of less than 1.7 meters almost killed our team." Another patient on the medical bed said.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of not completing the blocking mission?" Lang Xu said. He was unwilling to come to this place. However, the elders in the group were entrusted by the Diamond Ape Clan to bear all the costs of entering the battlefield of the ten thousand races. The core genius stayed, and the rest came over.

"Is there any difference between early death and late death? Have you ever met Lu Heng on the battlefield? Have you ever seen him kill a Tier 4 team of 20 people alone? Have you seen that Tier 3 summoner Ji Xiayun? We are fighting with Tier 5 werewolves, and if the human race really wants to come, there must be them." A Werewolf Tianjiao rubbed his forehead with a headache and really didn't know what to do with them in the future.

"We are crowded, and we are all of Tianjiao level. It is worthwhile." Lang Xu comforted, seeing his subordinates at such a low period, he was very troubled.

At this time, a technician came to report and found the figure of Human Race.

"The battlefield of Ten Thousand Races is so big, it can meet the Human Race, what kind of situation?" Wolf Xu said excitedly. If the task is really completed, then a group of people can end here on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Races. Wouldn't it be beautiful to go like this.

"Five people, standard team, arcanist, two warriors, archer, arcanist, summoner." said the technician.

"Haha, isn't this a pie in the sky, but you have to be careful to prevent fishing."

"First shoot a five-person team, test it, and seduce him near the base. Then, by surprise, kill him quickly." Wolf Xu said.

"Yes. Captain."

Ji Xiayun, Xu Lingxuan, Xu Pofeng, Lu Heng, and Chu Feng were near the werewolf clan base and began to pretend to be cautious.

"Brother Chu, do you have a spectrum? What if the werewolf race is scared away." Chu Feng said in the team.

"Rest assured, your Chu brother commanded the army at the border to fight the werewolves for 2 years. I have already thoroughly studied their thinking mode and methods."

"They will send a team to attack you first, and then pretend to be unbeaten. They will seduce you to the vicinity of their base. Then they will all be dispatched. There are more people and less people. This is their usual routine. Maybe they will pretend to be dead." Chu Yunxuan said

As soon as Chu Feng finished listening, he saw a group of werewolves attacking them.

"Don't talk about it, the script has begun," Chu Feng said, and then began to welcome him.

"Play well, and I will give you the highest performance award of the human race after the event." Chu Yunxuan joked.

After Chu Yunxuan finished speaking, he looked at Lin Dong who was rapidly operating on the virtual screen.

"Xiaodong, how much time can I get it."

"Twenty minutes, the technician on the opposite side has little experience, and his talent is very high. It's a pity." Lin Dong said quickly, staring at the virtual screen.

"Twenty minutes, you have to act for 20 minutes." Chu Yunxuan said to the team's voice channel.

At this time, Chu Yunxuan's five people were hiding in the optical stealth spacecraft.

"Would you like me to go to the scheduled road to support, don't be surprised." Zhang Yue said worriedly. According to the plan, after Chu Feng and others walked to the wolf clan base will be besieged, and then follow the plan Run away.

"Xiaoyue, rest assured, I have matched the top 50 tianjiao of the wolf clan. They can't stop them. As long as Xiaodong deciphers and takes over their intelligent system, we can dispatch the whole team." Chu Yunxuan explained.

"Okay." Zhang Yue knew that Bai worrying was useless, and continued to wait for news.

"Human, I didn't expect to meet you on the battlefield of ten thousand races, die!" a wolf clan shouted, the mysterious iron wolf claws in his hand began to chill, accompanied by the cold light on the claw blade, Breathtaking.

"Frozen crampons!"

The werewolf who was more than three meters high, and the tribe led by them, rushed towards the human race.

"Haha, I don't know how many little wolf pups like you have been killed. Have you never heard the name of your grandfather Lu Henglu Killing God."

Lu Heng held a halberd and slashed at the werewolf tribe.

"God and ghosts cut!"

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