The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 108: Bunny Soul Sword

When everyone came to the ground together, they saw a rabbit tribe with a white robe and two big ears less than 1.7 meters tall, with a simple long sword on his back, like a swordsman in ancient times.

"Bunny Sword Soul is here to enlighten me. I now have 2000 points, half of which wins me. Of course, if you can kill me, it will be better." A nice voice came.

This is still a female rabbit, this is everyone's only idea now.

"Hello Bunny Sword Soul, how did you discover our base."

Chu Yunxuan asked a question that he cares most about. Wouldn't it be dangerous to let others discover their base casually.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about this. This is a detection device sent to me by the true gods of my clan to detect the existence of nearby bases and living entities."

"You can buy an anti-detector from the mall for 500 points."

Sword Soul patiently answered Chu Yunxuan's question, as if it was not the first time.

After speaking, Soul Sword drew the long sword behind him and pointed it at everyone.

"Come on, I have 1,000 points for winning, and 2,000 points for killing me. You are still together one by one."

"Our human race is not such a dishonest race. You are a swordsman, and I will meet you." Chu Feng also drew out his long sword and rushed towards the rabbit human race.

Sword Soul's eyes lit up as he watched Chu Feng rushing towards him with his sword.

"Fortunately, I encountered a swordsman." Sword Soul said with joy. It is really rare to encounter a swordsman on the battlefield of ten thousand races.

Chu Feng's instant body stab was directly blocked by the sword soul with the same side stab. The needle pointed at the wheat, and the air wave began to spread around them.

At the moment of the match, Chu Feng knew that he had lost, both in strength and sword skills, but he still had to fight with all his strength to see if he could use other methods to force the sword soul.

Chu Feng's sword moves are chic and elegant, his sword moves are erratic, while the sword spirit's sword moves are majestic and majestic, and each move is blessed by his beliefs.

Although Chu Feng was at a disadvantage, he could barely resist it, like a boat in a huge wave, but Chu Feng's sword moves became tougher and stronger, his will in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and the description of the sword in his mind became clearer and clearer. .

"Jian Yao Kyushu"

At this moment, Chu Feng seemed to have the phantom of the sword condensed, and the sword moves slowly became more fierce, and the sword aura attached to the blade, and slowly he felt evenly matched with the rabbit race.

"Yes, you are a good opponent, but unfortunately you are still too weak." The Bunny race still shook his head regretfully, seeing that swordsmen of other races are already worthwhile.

"Zhen Zi Jue"

‘Zheng! ’

Chu Feng's sword was knocked into the air directly out of control.

The rabbit race stood up with the sword, and gave a sword ceremony to Chu Feng, indicating that the discussion was established.

Chu Feng hurriedly responded.

"Thank you for your advice." Chu Feng thanked him. From the beginning, he knew that the sword soul was really letting him, and he didn't use all his strength.

"No thanks, I am the head of the Jibai Family, and your sword intent has something I learned from. I can tell from your sword skills that your master must be a powerful swordsman. It seems to ask for some advice. "Sword Soul said regretfully.

"If you have a chance to come to Human Race, I will show you my master." Chu Feng said sincerely.

"Thank you then." After Sword Soul finished speaking, he continued to look at everyone and said: "Do you have anything to challenge? No matter what profession you are, the winner has 1000 points. There are not many opportunities."

Sword Soul opened the virtual mall while talking, and showed the points balance to everyone.

"I'll go." Xu Lingxuan gritted her teeth and said yesterday. Yesterday she saw a book about the power of the water god, plus a soul experience, which was exactly 1,000 points.

"Arcane Master, give up, I am your nemesis." Sword Soul shook and said, she has the patience to exchange experiences for the swordsman, but she is not interested in the mental profession.

"I knew it after fighting." Xu Lingxuan leaked a fierce expression and walked to the sword soul not far away.

‘Power of Water Spirit: Water Dragon’

‘Power of Water Spirit: Heavy Water and Sea Spirit’

‘Defense: One Yuan Heavy Water’

‘Fog technique’

‘Shadow: Mine’

Just as Xu Lingxuan arranged everything and planned to attack, a long sword was placed on her neck.

"I said, I am the nemesis of your mental profession." Sword Soul said lightly.

Xu Lingxuan removed all the arcane spells and returned to the crowd in a loss.

"Lingxuan, don't be depressed. Arcanists have never been fighting alone. Besides, that sword soul should have spatial talents." Zhang Yue comforted. He was really looking at it from below. The sword soul appeared directly in Xu Lingxuan. Around.

"Thank you Brother Yue for comforting me." Xu Lingxuan said pitifully, she also knew she was impulsive.

"Have you guys come out to challenge? I will leave without me and continue to find the next one."

"Your human race is pretty good. Although it is a third-rate race, I feel that your human race must be a great race in the future."

After hearing Sword Soul's words, everyone looked at Zhang Yue, meaning you made a move.

Zhang Yue looked at everyone's expectant gazes, rubbed his nose, and walked not far in front of Soul Sword with his shield. One thousand points can be exchanged for many good things, don't be a pity.

"Defender? You asked a defender to compare it to me, do you want to kill me?" Sword Soul said strangely. The defenders in her eyes are just a group of undead and particularly harassing professions, with almost little output.

"If you don't spend time with you, if I didn't subdue you for two hours, I will lose." Zhang Yue said, he felt that he was not sure to control the sword soul, and didn't know that his methods would not work for the sword soul.

"Are you confident?"

"No, it's really going to kill you. It's very unfair to you. After all, you can't break my defense." Zhang Yue said, he doesn't know if he can subdue Sword Soul, but Sword Soul will definitely not be able to break through his defense. For this, he is still very confident.

"You remind me of that old stone, and my words are so arrogant." Soul Jian thought of something very bad, and rushed towards Zhang Yue with his sword.

The phantom of a sword appeared behind the sword soul, brilliant and magnificent, representing the most authentic sword way.

‘The Power of the Wind’

"Sword Intent: Ji Feng"

"This is the third person I have ever seen with a phantom behind him. What the phantom symbolizes, the will or something else, always feel that this symbolizes a new realm." Lu Heng said strangely.

"Who is the second one?" Ji Xiayun asked, the first one he knew was the dark snake people and the rabbit people.

"Brother Yue, I saw it for the first time when we were discussing with Brother Yue last night." Lu Heng said.

"How did you compare with Xiaoyue."


When the two were discussing, the two on the court had already started to clash.

A huge heavenly shield appeared behind Zhang Yue, symbolizing solidity and eternity.



Zhang Yue also strengthened the hardness of the Titan Great Shield in his hand.

At this time the sword soul was suppressed by both spirit and gravity.

"It's such an annoying thing again,"


The sword soul's speed suddenly doubled, and he stabbed Zhang Yue sideways with a straight stab with the sword.

‘Duang! ! A wave of air raged to the surroundings.

The whole ground under Zhang Yue sank down for half a meter, and Zhang Yue didn't retreat even one step.

At this time, the sword soul was uncomfortable, and the hand holding the sword trembled slightly, looking at Zhang Yue, who was as steady as Mount Tai, with a grin.

"You are more annoying than that old stone, and I hate defenders," Sword Soul finished speaking, his body slowly dissipating in it.

‘The Power of Void’

Suddenly a sword light appeared from behind Zhang Yue and was quickly blocked by Zhang Yue.

‘The Power of Sand’

Zhang Yue used the smallest sand to distribute evenly around his body to prevent sneak attacks.

At this time, a gust of wind blew, and countless sword lights quickly appeared around Zhang Yue, all blocked by Zhang Yue one by one.

Zhang Yue also condensed the shield power and gravity to within 10 meters of his body, and every time the sword soul appeared from the void, it would be suppressed.

Half an hour later, the sword soul appeared ten meters away from Zhang Yue.

"I admit defeat, I have the confidence to break through your heavy armor, but I can't break through your shield. It's really disgusting. I can return as much power as I use to fight myself." Sword Soul said helplessly, he felt Zhang Yue is more difficult to deal with than the old stones of the giant rock clan, at least he can be unscrupulous when attacking, at best he can't break the defense.

"Actually, you are quite good, so I should be defensive. Your sword light is very powerful, it is heart-sounding, and you really want to hit me. Maybe I will have to suffer a bit." Zhang Yue said politely.

The sword spirit of the sword soul has a special effect that hurts people's minds, if it weren't for Zhang Yue's protection of Xingkai, it would be really a bit hanging.

"Guardian of Starlight, invincible defense of the same rank, you can find trouble with that third-order Protoss. There are tens of thousands of points on that person, you can try it." Sword Soul said seductively.

A few days ago, in a secret place, she looked at the Protoss from a It was a battlefield of flesh and blood, the Protoss, Demons, Titans, Machines, Dragons, fighting together.

In the end, only a **** Protoss won the victory, standing in the flesh and blood field of a group of top races, a tight look, scared her to flee 100,000 miles.

"Hehe, don't hurt me." Zhang Yue said with a smile. He now wonders if this rabbit is going to fall back.

It may be that the sword soul understood Zhang Yue's eyes, and said angrily: "My night rabbit clan will never go wrong, give me the mall number, and I will transfer it to you now."

"Haha, I was discovered by you." Zhang Yue scratched his head and said, Zhang Yue is not embarrassed to be seen through. It is just to figure your points, otherwise who will give you a comparison.

After a while, Zhang Yue saw that one thousand points were credited to the account, and smiled at Soul Sword: "Soul Sword, he is really a trustworthy person. If you want to talk to me in the future, I will give you a 50% discount and 500 points will do."

Sword Soul was about to get angry when he heard Zhang Yue's words. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind. He thought of the mysterious golden tiger, vampire, and dragon people he had encountered, and suddenly thought of a bright road.

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