The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 109: Goblin Family 1

"After a while, I will be looking for you." The bunny sword soul's voice drifted away.

Chu Feng looked at the back of the Rabbit Race, and said in a sigh, "Is there such a big gap between the second-rate race and the third-rate race? If you really want to fight, I can't even take a single move in the hands of the sword soul."

Hearing the loss in Chu Feng's tone, Zhang Yue patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "The strength of your heart is also very important. Don't deny yourself. The road is coming out step by step."

At this time, Chu Yunxuan walked over and said, "The path of the strong has come out step by step. Besides, the night rabbit clan of the rabbit race, he is a medium species, and the ordinary night rabbit family has a lifespan of 800 years, you know just now How many years did it take that rabbit to achieve today's results."

"Haha, I just sigh, I am not so easily injured." Chu Feng said with a smile.

"I'm relieved, I thought your kid would be devastated." Lu Heng said. He also received a lot of blows just now, and Chu Feng, who was on par with himself, was taken down by someone else.

"Well, let's eat something and go out to earn points." Chu Yunxuan said, the sun had just risen at this time.

"Okay!" everyone replied.

It is 2,000 miles away from the human base.

"Brother Chu, is your analysis reliable? There are signs of other alien bases here." Lin Dong asked curiously. During dinner, Chu Yunxuan followed the map to find the address.

"Your intelligent analysis system can't analyze it. I am a metaphysical analysis technique." Chu Yunxuan teased Lin Dong. In fact, Chu Yunxuan saw that this was an excellent base to build a site. He didn't believe that others could not see it. .

"Brother Chu, you teased me again!" Lin Dong said annoyedly.

"Everyone, be careful, there is danger nearby." Zhang Yue reminded him that he had a feeling of being watched just now. There may be a foreign race observing their team in the dark.

"It's 200 kilometers away from the destination. It seems that this race is very smart." Chu Yunxuan said with a smile. According to his analysis, this barren area only has third-rate and second-rate low-level races stationed here, those first-class and top-ranking. Races compete in the core area.

At this time, the earth suddenly began to shake, and a torrent of steel appeared in the distance, madly attacking everyone.

Zhang Yue used the sight glasses to see countless steel beasts, including large robots, the smallest bomb robots as small as mice, and countless flying machines in the air attacking them.

"It's not a mechanical clan, and the technical means are a bit higher than ours. The style is a bit like a goblin clan." Lin Dong said after observing that there were many robots, and he understood the internal structure and mechanical methods at a glance.

"Can you fight?" Zhang Yu asked.

"There is the minefield of Ji Ji, plus Ling Xuan's water system arcane, the problem should not be big, and finally there is Xu Ge's logic bomb." Lin Dong gave a suggestion. These machines are clearly determined and easy to fight. .

"Plan No. 16, Xiaodong, your only task is to find the base of the goblin clan." Chu Yunxuan said.

"No problem." Lin Dong said off, and then began to call up the virtual screen to start the operation. It is still very easy to find the location by model.

The mechanical army is close to the crowd within 1,000 meters.

Xu Lingxuan drew an array directly in the void, and a 50-meter-diameter arcane magic array was erected in front of everyone, and the surrounding water elements crazily gathered towards the array.

"Arcane: Water World"

"The power of water spirit: sharks haunt."

A huge amount of water gushed out from the arcane formation, forming a wave to send to the distant mechanical army, and there were countless sharks faintly in the waves.

Ji Xiayun directly summoned the five element elves and monsters.

"Water Spirit: Turning Clouds and Raining"

"Golden Elf: Transforming Magnetic Field"

"Earth Elf: Rising Land"

"Wood Elf: Strangled by Water Vine"

For a while, a 20-meter-high land rose under everyone's feet, and under the land, it turned into a vast ocean.

Small machines have been scrapped in the water, and large machines are either strangled by water canes or eaten by sharks.

"Yeah, the ones on the ground have been resolved, and the ones on the day will be handed over to me." Xu Wenyou said, directly releasing hundreds of logical flying bombs.

Suddenly, countless aircrafts in the sky fell into the sea.

"Brother Xu, your logic bomb is amazing," Lin Dong said. He has never studied such logic bombs.

"Haha, I will teach you later." Xu Wenyou looked at Lin Dong with a sunny face.

"Brother Xu, don't look at me like that, I'm a little flustered." Don't know why, when Lin Dong saw Xu Wenyou's smiling face, he remembered the two werewolves who had been crying all night.

At this time, 10 mechas flew into the sky, with different shapes, ranging from guns, cannons, knives, or swords, and the height was only three meters.

"There are people in this mecha," Chu Yunxuan said, and 10 life forms appeared within his mental range.

At this time, countless missiles appeared not far away in the sky, and people like this attacked.

"Just waiting for you." Ji Xiayun said as expected.

"Magnetic: Thunder Domain!"

All the missiles passing through the mine field all exploded, and the occasional surviving missiles were also exploded by Xu Pofeng.

"Be careful!" Zhang Yue directly used the shield wall to lift the crowd 10 meters high.

Then I saw a flash of lightning, and the shield wall under everyone's feet was directly penetrated.

"Damn, I use all the electromagnetic cannons. Fortunately, Brother Yue reacts quickly." Everyone was afraid for a while.

At this time, the ten mecha fighters in the distant sky, the manipulator mecha attacked everyone.

"Boss, are you sure you want to go? They don't seem to be messy, what if there is a mental attack." The mecha's team voice said.

"We have the top-level soul defense equipment equipped for us in the clan, and Tier 4 illusionists can't hold us. As a top-level mecha fighter, don't you have this psychological quality?" The team voice came out with a reprimand sound.

"Here is the battlefield of ten thousand races, the monsters of Tier 3 attacking Tier 6 alien beasts and dogs, grab a lot."

"Don't talk nonsense, go on!"

Zhang Yue looked at the mecha fighter who wanted to rush over. Habitually opened the "shield" and "gravity"

Then ten mecha fighters lost power and fell into the sea.

Half an hour later, the battlefield had been cleared, the waters and dark clouds had disappeared, only the mist was refracted by the sun into rainbows and hung in the air.

At this time, the crowd surrounded the ten goblins who had gone to the mecha, and they looked extremely pitiful and helpless.

Chu Yunxuan looked at the 200 points he had just received, and was a little disappointed, a little bit missing, so he looked at the ten goblins.

"Are you sure that this is the point?" Chu Yunxuan frowned.

"We are all injecting mantra water and telling the truth. We only ask you to let us live." The goblin headed said.

"Living way, why didn't you just give us a way out, the overwhelming mechanical army, but it made us very flustered." Lin Dong said jokingly.

"Yes, it's fun to hit us with electromagnetic cannon, right?" Chu Ying said.

At this time, Zhang Yue glanced at Chu Ying. He didn't have any impression of this girl. Zhang Yue thought for a while and finally realized that this is an assassin who usually likes to be invisible, so he almost forgot.

"We are willing to give everything." As soon as the goblin who led me said, he uttered a heartbreaking scream, and he added a sentence after he hurryed.

"Except for life! We are willing to offer everything except for life!" He stopped screaming, lay on the ground and hugged himself into a ball and began to tremble slightly. The feeling of being eaten by all insects was really terrifying.

"Whether or not I can give you a living depends on your value. If you are not satisfied with what you give, I believe that Mantra Worm will like you." Chu Yunxuan said with a smile.

Since then, all the tortures have been extremely easy, and sometimes this group of goblins will draw inferences from one another.

Zhang Yue and his party easily entered the base of the goblin clan. There were also two civilized divisions in the base, who were directly controlled.

After Zhang Yue and the others drew out all the value of the goblins, they solved them directly, without the slightest softness. The moment the local spirits wanted to kill them, it was destined to kill them and solve them happily. It was the last kindness.

On the returning spacecraft, Lin Dong looked extremely excited.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the goblin's mecha technology has developed to this point, and it is about to transform into biological armor."

"But Brother Yue reminded me that in the future, I still have to wear an anti-gravity inner armor. The goblin can't move even if it is directly suppressed by Brother Yue's gravity." Lin Dong kept chattering, he had the opportunity to get All the goblin information is very helpful to him.

"Xiaodong, how can this information help our human science and technology development?" Chu Yunxuan asked.

"Civilian technology doesn't help much. The weapon system can be optimized, the mecha technology can be upgraded by one generation, and everything else is just like that, the difference is not big." Lin Dong said after an assessment.

"It's pretty good," Chu Yunxuan said.

It was already night after returning to the base. Zhang Yue was planning to practice daily, and Lu Heng, Chu Feng and Chu Ying approached Zhang Yue.

"You want me to use the shield and gravity to exercise you. My shield is harmful to your you sure?" Zhang Yue said in surprise.

"It's okay, Brother Yue, we have healing medicine to restore the spirit, you just need to exercise us." Chu Feng said indifferently. Today's events have given them a lot of vigilance. They are really not good at mental suppression. Method.

"Well, if it's okay, you can go to the ground with me. When I practice holding the shield, I turn on the shield and gravity together, so you can practice with me." Zhang Yue thought for a while and said, anyway. Shield potential and gravity can't consume energy either.

"Thank you Brother Yue." The three said gratefully.

Then when eating, everyone knew what Lu Hengsan wanted to exercise.

Above the ground, Zhang Yue looked at his nine teammates and said, "Are you all such sturdy heads? No matter what others are, Ji Jie, Lingxuan, and Lin Dong, your spirit can measure your career, I'm afraid of gravity. Hurt you."

"It's okay, we have our way."


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