The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 113: Plan started

"Haha, happy! Let's come again!"

Niu Dazhi's whole body was tumbling, and a phantom of the bull **** appeared behind him, and he began to take the shield holder in front of him seriously.

Zhang Yue saw that Niu Dazhi was really moving, and he did not dare to take it lightly.

‘The Power of Rock Armor’

Zhang Yue immediately became the same height as Niu Dazhi, and a giant shield phantom appeared behind him.

"It seems that your human race has laid down the blood this time, and directly sent out the most core treasure."

"Aren't you afraid that you will be lost in the battle? No matter what, take me first."

‘Shock! ’

Niu Dazhi's sledgehammer hit Zhang Yue rippled in the void, and Zhang Yue directly used the strongest shield to block.


The aftermath alone drove the audience back three or four steps.

The ground of this arena collapsed, and the hardened ground was broken into pieces.

Niu Dazhi forcibly swallowed the blood flowing in his body and looked at Zhang Yue, who was like a okay person, and said slowly: "Great, Brother Zhang Yue, I can't break your defense, you won."

"It's still Captain Niu who is merciful. I was injured when the strength was a little bit bigger." Zhang Yue said with palpitations. At that moment, he almost reached the upper limit of Zhang Yue's ability to carry a counterattack, and if his strength was a little bit stronger, the defense was broken.

Niu Dazhi started MMP in his heart, and I tried my best.

"If you lose, there is nothing to say."

Niu Dazhi immediately went to Zhang Yue's mall number and transferred 100 points.

"Isn't it 10 points?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Captain doubled." Niu Dazhi said distressedly, 100 points can be exchanged for an A-level weapon.

"Thank you, Captain Niu, we'll leave when it's okay and prepare for tomorrow's battle."


Zhang Yue and the four returned to the human base and gathered for tea in the living room.

"Brother Yue, if there is will behind it, does it represent a legendary level evaluation?" Chu Feng asked. In the past few days, I have seen three people have phantoms of will behind them, all of them can easily abuse themselves.

"It should be, I'm not very clear, but you can just ask the virtual mall on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Races." Zhang Yue said that he opened the virtual mall and found a Tianjiao evaluation level detailed 20 points.

A small teleportation array appeared on the table in front of Zhang and the others, a light flashed, and a book appeared on the table.

Chu Feng picked up the book and read it. After going through it roughly, he handed it to Zhang Yue.

"It turns out that there are still god-level evildoers in the world, the darling of the laws of the universe, it is terrifying that they can fully control the elements at a low level." Chu Feng said.

"You really can't worry about it. Improve yourself and it's done. What is better than others."

Lu Heng looked at Chu Feng disdainfully, looking far ahead.


"Well, let's go back and rest. There will be a big battle tomorrow." Zhang Yue looked at the time, and it was night.

"Well, rest is important, and Brother Yue will be the main force tomorrow." Everyone returned to their room.

early morning

"Brother Yue, this is a high-energy bomb, with a soul shock effect, a total of 150. As for how to arrange it after going underground, I will send it to your communicator. Then you will arrange the bomb in the shape of the corresponding underground base. "

Lin Dong pointed to three big boxes and said, and then gave Zhang Yue another bracelet.

"Brother Yue, this is an anti-detector, you can bring it with you."

Zhang Yue looked at Lin Dong's two dark circles, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiaodong, you have worked hard."

"It's all trivial. In the past, I didn't sleep for several days and kept experimenting. This is just a bit of a waste of brain cells."

"Remember Xiaodong, Xiaoyue, I will send you 1,500 kilometers away from the man and horse base, and then you will sneak in from the ground."

"You 5 minutes before you start the explosion, we will go to the Centaur's base at full speed, and 10 minutes after the explosion, we and the Tauren will be able to arrive."

"Your task is to keep them underground for 10 minutes, that's all." Chu Yunxuan pointed to the map and explained to Zhang Yue.

"Understand." Zhang Yue replied, the task is not difficult, but the time spent sneaking underground is a bit longer, 5 hours.

The 142 members of Zhang Yue's team and the Tauren clan flew to the waiting low in a small spacecraft of the Tauren clan.

"Xiao Yue, waiting for your good news." Chu Yunxuan patted Zhang Yue's shoulder with both hands, as if to explain a life and death mission.

"Brother Chu, your expression is a little bit past, it's not a parting of life and death, I can come back alive the last time," Zhang Yue said.

"Brother Chu, your expression is a little past, do you have any special feelings for Brother Yue?" Lin Dong smiled, and everyone beside him looked at Chu Yunxuan strangely.

"Fuck you! Such a sincere expression is crooked by you." Chu Yunxuan scolded with a smile.

"Don't tell me, I will go first, wait for me, you will receive the news in 5 hours."

Zhang Yue put the three boxes of bombs into the storage space, put on the anti-detection bracelet, and slowly sank into the ground.

In the earth, Zhang Yue felt very comfortable, as if he was in the spring water. Zhang Yue started to move in the predetermined direction at the limit speed that he could shuttle underground.

Four hours later, Zhang Yue began to detect the shape of the centaur base on the outer wall of the centaur base.

After a week of exploration, Zhang Yue felt a lot more relaxed. The Centaur tribe’s base is a typical cylindrical shape, so it’s best to say where the bomb is placed.

So Zhang Yue started to place bombs at the predetermined position.

In the centaur clan base, the centaur captain who was watching the intelligence suddenly had an unfamiliar premonition, and felt dangerous and went to his side.

Extraterrestrial monitoring room.

"Look carefully, what's unusual about the underground and on the ground, I don't feel right." The Centaur Captain said with a heavy face, and he believed that his feelings were not wrong.

"The leader, the power has been increased just now, and it has been scanned again, and there is nothing unusual." Said the Clan on the testing equipment.

"From now on, always increase the power scan."


Outside the Centaur tribe base.

"At best, everything is installed." Zhang Yue turned on the communicator and started practicing Chu Yunxuan.

"Xiao Yue, how is it."

"All the shaped energy bombs have been installed. Now the countdown has begun," Zhang Yue said.

"Received The plan started."

After Chu Yunxuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone and said to Niu Dazhi next to him, "Go."

The spacecraft started and moved towards the base of the centaur.

"The leader, found the spacecraft of the Centaur tribe, and expects to arrive at the five bases in 10 minutes."

At this time, the leader of the Centaur clan breathed a sigh of relief, and the unknown danger was the most terrifying.

"That team of tauren." the leader of the Centaur clan asked.

"The second brigade, the Niu Dazhi clan."

"Yenjia Road is narrow, and when he was in the world of heavens, he was always the enemy on the battlefield. I didn't expect that he would still be lingering here." The leader of the Centaur clan said.

Just after speaking, the entire Centaur base began to vibrate, and explosions sounded from many parts of the base.

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