"What's the situation!" The tauren leader said to the observers in the base.

"Boss, it's not good, our base was blocked by bombs directly from the outer wall of all our escape routes."

"There is only the only exit on the ground!" said the man in charge of safety in the base.

At this time, the head of the Sagittarius tribe's head turned rapidly. This was obviously not the strategy that the tauren thought of. The group of tauren who were not only hard steel or hard steel, definitely got the help of the **** human wise man.

He thought of the intelligence that came after that squad was defeated a few days ago. At a critical time, the Terran wise men took over the command, resulting in half of the Centaur squad being killed. He didn't expect it to happen to him this time.

"Notify all tribesmen, immediately set off on the ground, first gather and move to another place, and then meet the tauren clan, there must be a problem in this place." The leader of the clan and horse clan issued an order, this is the safest way, even if it is not enemy You can also escape.


Zhang Yue had already appeared at the entrance of the Centaur Clan's ground base, took a deep breath, mobilized all the energy in his body, and began to construct according to the arena in his mind.

"Arena, start it for me!!!"

Zhang Yue's green veins were exposed and his face was hideous. A round arena with a diameter of 300 meters was set up directly at the entrance of the Centaur Clan's base, and the ground and the top were sealed, leaving only some gaps for the sun to shine in.

Zhang Yue tried his best to build the arena, and it would take some time for the rank six monster to break the outer wall of the arena.

After constructing the arena with the shield wall, Zhang Yue hurriedly recovered the energy that had been consumed, and his body began to absorb energy from the earth like a sponge.

Just as Zhang Yue was regaining his energy, a large elevator was raised from the base of the Centaur and Horse Clan, and all 200 clan horses took the elevator up.

As soon as the Centaur tribe leader came up, he saw Zhang Yue.

"Sure enough, it's you, **** human race."

Zhang Yue saw the Clan and Horses, stood up calmly, smiled and said to the Clan and Horses: "Hello everyone, I will help Niu Dazhi come over and make an appointment with you. They will come in a while, you are waiting for a while."

With that said, Zhang Yue detonated several bombs installed in the base channel and directly sealed the entrance.

"Human race, you are finished, even if you add your human race, do you think you can beat us."

"Now, I will kill you first."

Two spear soldiers came out of the Centaur tribe and rushed towards Zhang Yue with their guns.

‘Burial beast’

Zhang Yue directly trapped the two horse spear soldiers and dragged them into the ground more than 100 meters.

"Captain Centaur, don't send these little soldiers, otherwise they will come and die as many as possible." Zhang Yue was still restoring energy as if it were a mountain, and he didn't even look at the two Centaur fighters.

After seeing Zhang Yue, the leader of the Centaur tribe hurriedly said to the magician in the tribe: "Immediately open a gap in this wall, and we will quickly break through."

In the scene just now, the leader of the Centaur tribe had already determined that Zhang Yue must be rated as legendary, so the current situation is extremely disadvantageous for his team and must break through as soon as possible.


"Combination: Big Blast"

A fireball with explosive power hit the outer wall of the shield wall and opened a small gap, which was then quickly filled by Zhang Yue, who was already prepared.

"Don't waste your energy, just wait for the tauren clan, and then start the duel."

Zhang Yue looked at the tauren who wanted to destroy the shield wall and said that Zhang Yue's energy had already recovered more than half, and in a while, Zhang Yue's energy would be restored.

The leader of the Centaur tribe looked at Zhang Yue and gritted his teeth and said, "In the world of the heavens, I know the position of your tribe. If you don't want to destroy the tribe, let us go."

Hearing this, Zhang Yue immediately got serious and looked at the leader of the Centaur tribe and said, "Do you know what you just said directly ruined your team's hope of escape, and you all have to die today."

"Don't be ashamed! Spear, charge with me!"

The leader of the Centaur led 50 pikemen from the horse clan and charged towards Zhang Yue. Behind the leader of the Centaur, a spear phantom flashed behind the horse. The pike that pierced Zhang Yue was already invincible.

"Gunshot: Spur"

‘Shield Wall! ’

A series of ten shield walls ran directly in front of this assault team. Zhang Yue wanted to see whether you would hide or not hide after the full charge.

"Change the assault formation and break directly."

The leader of the Centaur race directly broke through Zhang Yue's ten shield walls with an invincible formation, and a large spear directly pierced Zhang Yue's shield.

"Bang!" The leader of the Centaur could hardly hold his spear.

Zhang Yue was also uncomfortable, an invincible will directly broke through his mind, and it took a long time to suppress this will.

At this time, the rest of the Centaur spearmen also broke through Zhang Yue's shield wall, and immediately surrounded Zhang Yue.

‘The Power of Rock Armor’

Zhang Yue turned directly and withstood the attack of the centaur soldiers. Before he could relax, a long arrow shot towards Zhang Yue's head.

Zhang Yue didn't dare to despise the seemingly ordinary long arrow. He felt that there was a poisonous spirit on the long arrow that he could not resist. It was a will, and the Titan Great Shield could not stop it.

Zhang Yue ran away quickly.

"What kind of ghost is this? If you hit it, you will die if you don't die. Fortunately, you will hide." Zhang Yue said with joy in the ground. The feeling of danger just now was only when faced with that animal tide. Some feelings.

"Damn it." The archer in the Centaur Clan squad cursed fiercely. From the time he understood the spirit of the arrow, he began to cultivate these three poisonous arrows. For ten years, he planned to enter the battlefield of ten thousand races. Unexpectedly, I was wasted one first here.

At this time, the closed arena suddenly opened a gap, and Niu Dazhi and Chu Yunxuan walked in with the team.

"My God! Brother Zhang Yue's ability to build a house is really against the sky. They can trap so many people and horses." Niu Dazhi said happily, feeling that there is a spectrum in his heart. As long as this people and horses don't have the advantage of speed, it will be easier to fight. Up.

"This group of ponies must be killed this time. How many years have I been angry."

"Daddy, this time I want to avenge you. I want to cut off three heads of Centaur to pay tribute to you."

"My sledgehammer this time depends on how you hide."

All the tauren clan, just like being beaten up with chicken blood, must be ashamed.

Zhang Yue came out from next to Chu Yunxuan and asked Chu Yunxuan: "Why are they so excited? It's like seeing their father and enemy."

"The hatred of the two clans is similar to that of us and the Rat tribe, except that the No Rat tribe was annihilated by us, and their hatred is still going on and has lasted for thousands of years." Chu Yunxuan said slowly, seeing Zhang Yue He was safe and sound, and his heart was relieved.

"By the way, there is an important thing." Zhang Yue told Chu Yunxuan about the poisoned arrow. Immediately attracted his attention.

"Xiaoyue, this news of you is really critical. You don't want to play for a while. You find the archer to execute the decapitation plan." Chu Yunxuan said in the formation.


After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he slowly sank into the earth.

At this time, the tauren and the Centaur on the field had already begun a full-scale battle, and Chu Yunxuan also began to command the battle under the protection of the Terran team.

"Captain Bull, you are directly opposite the leader of the hard steel, entangle him, and be careful not to go too deep into the enemy camp,"

"The sword and shield hand, use the shield to open a gap for the sledgehammer warrior. You must pay attention to the archer on the opposite side. The sledgehammer warrior should not be too far away from the sword and shield hand."

"Totem warrior, half power totem, half speed totem, pay attention to protect yourself, don't let the archer take the opportunity."

"Great sword warrior, pay attention to cooperating with the assault squad. Once there is a chance, immediately cooperate with the assault squad to rush to the opposite magician position to kill the remote."

"Team No. 3 pays attention, there is a magical big impact, pay attention to block and avoid."

"Captain Bull, pay attention to retreat, you are on top!!"

"All swordsmen and shields cover their teammates, and there are archers and arrows!"

"Sledgehammer Warrior No. 123, don't stare at the Centaur Greatsword Warrior on the opposite side, and cooperate with the sword and shield hand to kill the team leader first."

Chu Yunxuan commanded the battle in an orderly manner from the periphery, and his command was as detailed as a single person. With less than 150 troops, the Tauren clan matched the 200-strong team on the opposite side.

At this time, Zhang Yue was underground with a centaur archer, moving with one of the archers, always looking for opportunities to wipe out this archer team.

At this time, a messenger of the Centaur tribe ran to the side of the archer and said: "The leader is commanding the command to kill the tribe with poisoned arrows."

The archer who was slightly older agreed: "Okay!"

Zhang Yue heard it really from below, thinking that the opportunity was here.

I saw that all the archers stopped running and shooting, all guarded to the archers, opened the force field one after another, to support the archer, so that he can launch this attack.

"Aren't you jumping into the pot together?" Zhang Yue said overjoyed.

"Burial beast!"

Just as the centaur archers had taken arrows to draw strings~www.ltnovel.com~ and were preparing to lock Chu Yunxuan with their will, the eight-sided shield wall directly trapped him and the 20 archers around him, quickly sealed the top, and followed suit. The elevator was normal, sinking 100 meters below the ground, and then they heard his last voice in the world.

'boom! ! ’

Zhang Yue looked at the 300 points received, and said excitedly: "Why did you smile and put high-energy bombs inside?"

So the tauren suddenly felt a lot easier, and the archer on the opposite side had no arrows?

Chu Yunxuan, who was observing the battlefield, said with a smile: "Xiaoyue, it's a success. I just gave all the archers on the opposite side."

"Brother Yue has never let us down." Lin Dong patted the horse everyday, thinking about how to get closer to Zhang Yue after returning from the battlefield of the heavens.

"This time we reported the thigh." Lu Heng said. The hands in the battle with Zhang Yue these few times are very relaxed, just output.

At this time, the Clan and Horses realized that something was wrong, and their archers were gone, and they couldn't find it no matter how to find them.

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