The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 120: Dwarves' request for help

Then Zhang Yue told Sauron Mina about the basic concepts of the world of power, plus Zhang Yue's appearance, and then convinced Sauron Mina.

Sauron Mina thought for a long time before he said depressed: "You mean a genius like you is very common in the world of heaven?"

"Yes, that is, the King Kong Ape Clan I destroyed today had at least two legendary geniuses." Zhang Yue said affirmatively. He didn't lie to Sauron Mina. Their Austrian tribe came across any legendary genius. Genius, that is the end of the entire army.

"Well, my Austrians accept the recruitment of the Humans." Sauron Mina said helplessly, compared to the dignity of his own Austrians, it is more important to save your life.

"Brother, your choice is wise." Zhang Yue patted Sauron Mina on the shoulder and said, then found a remote place, began to contact Chu Yunxuan, and talked about the situation of the Austrians.

"Xiaoyue, according to what you said, this Austrian race is very important. Bring them back." Chu Yunxuan's tone was a little surprised. The Austrian race is more than 100 years ahead of the Human race. If it becomes a vassal race of the Human race, it will be a vassal to the Human race. The help brought is immense.

"Okay, they have accepted the employment of my human race, the remuneration is 500 points, but the area of ​​the base still needs to be expanded, they have 100 people." Zhang Yue reminded.

"These are all minor problems. Just let Xiaodong develop the base. Just bring them back and leave the rest to me."

"no problem."

Zhang Yue returned to the temporary base of the Austrian tribe and flew to the base of the tribe in the spaceship of the Austrian tribe.

However, after the spacecraft flew into the sky, and learned that the spacecraft did not have an optical stealth system, Zhang Yue, who was frightened, quickly exchanged an optical stealth system from the virtual mall, with 100 points.

"The optical stealth system, is that useful? Our spacecraft can prevent any detection of light and fluctuations." Sauron Mina said puzzledly.

"It's also a miracle that you can live to this day. The detection of light and wave is only part of it, and the rest are detection with the naked eye, and some flying races."

"Even so, four of our spacecraft have been scrapped, one of which was shot down by a foreign race with a bow and arrow." Zhang Yue remembered the hardship of the 150,000 mile journey and almost lost his troops.

Zhang Yue also tuned out the video at that time, which was recorded by the spacecraft.

Sauron Mina watched the spaceship being attacked by huge arrows, being attacked by lightning, being attacked by huge stones, and being blown by arcane magic.

Scared Soren Mina into a cold sweat.

"It turned out to be so, thank you brother Zhang Yue for your reminder."

Sauron Mina gave Zhang Yue a gift of gratitude from the Austrians, representing their highest gratitude.

"Brother Zhang Yue, this is for you. It represents the friendship of our Austrian race."

Sauron Mina gave Zhang Yue a gear-shaped crystal, and Zhang Yue directly gave back the Starlight Shield according to etiquette.

"Why don't the human races have such a thing?" Zhang Yue thought, every time the small Starlight Shield condenses, it will consume Zhang Yue's starlight energy for half a month.

All the way back to the human base without risk, Chu Yunxuan and the others in the team waited at the gate of the base early.

"Brother Chu, is it true that Brother Yue said that the technology of the Ao people is 100 years more advanced than our humans, or is it a race that has just entered the world of heavens?" Lin Dong asked curiously, 100 years more advanced than the humans. , That is not to say, it must be a breakthrough in some important technological breakthrough, and then a civilization after a major development.

"What your brother Yue said should not be wrong." Chu Yunxuan replied, but his eyes were looking at the distant sky, thinking about how to extract the highest value from them.

At this time, a spaceship full of mechanical style flew towards the base.

Chu Yunxuan's eyes lit up and everyone came.

The spacecraft slowly stopped beside the Chu Yunxuan crowd, and Zhang Yue brought the Austrian people down.

"I welcome you on behalf of the human race, Chu Yunxuan." Chu Yunxuan stepped forward to welcome him, and after seeing the posture of the Austrian race similar to the human race, he was secretly happy that his best morphological psychology could be used.

"Thank you Brother Zhang Yue of Human Race for saving us. I hereby promise that Human Race will always be the brother of our Austrian race. My name is Sauron Mina." Sauron Mina said, he said this. In addition to a god-level armored warrior, the Austrians have the most power to speak with the president and the commander-in-chief of the Austrians in the war.

After shaking hands according to the etiquette of the human race, the two sides entered the base together.

"The residence of the nobles has been built, if there is anything that needs improvement, just say it." Chu Yunxuan said.

"Thank you for the leadership of Chu. We will take care of the rest. We are only responsible for the diet."

"Understood." Chu Yunxuan said.

After Zhang Yue saw that the two sides had begun to get acquainted with each other, he said goodbye to his teammates and Soren Mina, and set out to monitor the Diamond Ape Clan.

"Brother Yue, be careful, wait for your victory return."

"Brother Zhang Yue, I wish you victory over here."

It was midnight when he arrived at the base of the King Kong Ape Clan, Zhang Yue slowly realized the power of the earth veins and the earth and sea in the earth.

Ape-man tribe base.

Yuan She, Yuan She and the other two leaders were in a meeting.

"I feel that they should have been discovered by the hunting team of the first-class race, and then slaughtered in an instant. Otherwise, it is impossible for them to have no news at all." Yuanshe said with a headache, and there was an instantaneous lack of a hundred-member team, and the efficiency was low. Said it would drop by 20%.

"No, I have already ordered that when encountering a team of first-class races or individuals who want to watch the interception, they directly surrender and give all their points."

"Even the slaughtered race can get the news back. It seems that our next strategy needs to be adjusted."

After speaking for a while, Yuan Fa thought for a while and said, "From now on, we will be divided into two teams, one team and one team. It seems that we can't be lazy, or the task will not be completed."

"Haha, I wanted to do this a long time ago. I was afraid that the commander would disagree. We two perfect + rank evaluations are leading the team on the battlefield of the ten thousand races. What's the matter." A leader said, they two each time The mission is to be frightened and afraid, for fear that any immortal will be annihilated.

"Commander, first kill the group of little dwarfs. There should be a lot of points, and the strength is not strong." Yuanshe thinks of that little dwarf and feels pain in the egg. He hasn't figured it out yet, the hammer thing that emerged from the ground. how did it get here.

"Don't tell me, my first goal is also him. The area of ​​activity is too fixed. Isn't this a death-seeking." Yuan Fa sneered. In his opinion, tomorrow is the death of the little dwarf.

"Okay, waiting for your good news." Yuanshe said happily, thinking of failing to pretend to be X that day, Yuanshe became a little bit ashamed and slapped her face invisible.

In the early morning, Zhang Yue heard a roar of machinery, and saw a spaceship that looked more gorgeous than before flying out from the entrance of the King Kong Ape Clan base and flying away.

Zhang Yue, out of the form of a spaceship, thinking that he is a different team leader, he quickly followed up. Because of his comprehension of the power of the earth and the sea and the power of the veins in the past few days, Zhang Yue's speed is much faster than before. , Barely able to catch up with the tail of the spaceship.

"Isn't this the direction to go to the dwarves last time?" Zhang Yue said in a puzzled way, is it unwilling to ask someone more powerful to hunt the dwarves.

So Zhang Yue rushed to the road and contacted the leader of the dwarf Sauron Mina through the virtual mall of the Ten Thousand Race Battlefield.

"Brother Zhang Yue, why is it so urgent? Consume points to contact." Sauron Mina's voice came out from the opposite side.

"Where are you and your team hunting?" Zhang Yue said quickly, 100 points per minute is really expensive, but there is no way.

"Not far from the last battlefield, what's wrong, brother." Sauron Mina said in confusion, feeling that it was a very important thing.

"Be careful, the Diamond Ape Clan last time should have more powerful guys looking for you."

"Haha, come on, now with the top combat power of our dwarves, don't be afraid."

"Well, I will follow them behind them, and support you at any time when the time comes, you are ready." Zhang Yue said.

"Thanks, brother Zhang Yue."

At the end of the call, Zhang Yue looked at the spacecraft that had disappeared into the sky, and sighed. As soon as the spacecraft accelerated, he couldn't keep up.

"Follow the direction slowly." After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he started to rush.

One hour later, there was a call request in his virtual mall, and Zhang Yue connected.

"Brother Zhang Yue, help, the divine magician platform opposite is too powerful, and I can't beat the low-level strongest rune master of my clan. The position has already been sent to you, come here for help." Soren Mina said in anxious voice. Came out.

Sauron Mina didn’t expect that he would be slapped in the face as soon as he finished blowing. He was confidently prepared to hit the King Kong Ape Clan head-on, but was quickly slapped in the face, and finally had to go to Zhang Yue, mainly the opposite magician. It was too powerful, and the phantom that flashed behind the thunder domain's will was too amazing.

At this time, Ape Fa contemptuously looked at the two legendary dwarves on the opposite side.

"How about the second-rate race, how can you have a true **** in your clan, and the **** here also protects you from talking about you."

‘Thunderland! ’

"Wan Lei Tian Yin"

‘Gather Farley. ’

The battlefield where the ape law is once again turned into a thunder domain. All the King Kong ape tribes have a set of thunder-type armor on their bodies, and even their weapons have begun to attach lightning attacks. In the ordinary battlefield, the King Kong ape tribe's initial disadvantage is gradually Flat, the casualties of the dwarves began to increase.

The dwarven runemen were also unwilling to show weakness, and directly began to add status to their own people.

‘Rune: Lightning Protection’

‘Rune: Divine Power’

‘Rune: Virtual Image’

‘Rune: Clearance’

A series of dwarven runemen's methods made the battlefield better, and the dark clouds containing the power of thunder in the sky have also disappeared.

"Didn't you use the thunder magic? Here I see how you use it." The dwarven runeman said triumphantly.

Yuan Fa still had an indifferent expression, raising one hand above his head, forming a formation in the void, and a huge magical formation appeared in the sky.

"True Yang Power"

"True Fire Prison"

‘The Power of Bathing Method’ for a time, countless cosmic energies gathered towards the ape method, condensed into an energy magic ball around the ape method week.

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