The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 221: Zhang Yue's rescue

The huge magical formation in the sky fell, covering the entire battlefield, and the real fire was ignited at the edge of the formation.

"The heart is boiling"

All the dwarves felt a fire burning in their hearts, burning their minds and bodies.

"Little dwarf, forgot to tell you, I am most proficient in the fire magic arts, and you can stay under the fire for up to an hour, and then your spirit will be burned out. Enjoy the last battle time."

Ape Fa spoke slowly, without any sense of fighting hunger.

"Old Yin x, what a big tail wolf!"

Sauron Mina rushed towards the Ape Magic with the fire-preventing rune that the runeman had just added to him.

‘The Hammer of Breaking Law! ’

Yuan Fa looked at Soren Mina who was rushing over and said with a smile: "I like fighting with you mindless fighters the most, just like shooting a target."

"Divine Art: True Sun Fire Sea"

‘Divine Art: Land of the Colony’

A sea of ​​fire directly submerged Sauron Mina. Fortunately, he has a fire rune, which can barely resist the sea of ​​fire. At this time, countless fires appeared around Sauron Mina, strangling him with the fire rune. The page is getting dim.

‘Rune: Gate of the Void’

A space portal appeared in front of Sauron Mina. He took the opportunity to hurriedly walked over and appeared beside the runemaster.

"A rare space force, you think it's hiding like this." A trace of killing intent appeared in Yuan Fa's eyes.

‘Fire Method: Tian Yin’

Two small fireballs, like candlelight, appeared on the heads of the two of them, and slowly fell towards them.

The dwarven runeman and leader Sauron Mina felt the huge energy in the two flames above his head, and a feeling of life-threatening came.

"Are there any tricks?" The runeman said, looking at Sauron Mina.

"Yes, Brother Zhang Yue is rushing over, and I have asked him for help. He should be able to resist this magician when he comes, but he didn't expect to be hit by him." Sauron Mina responded.

"Well, the big move is used up, my rest, we will all be done if your friend does not come."

‘Space Transfer’,

A mysterious rune array appeared at the feet of the rune master, the spatial fluctuations flashed away, and the two groups of flames above their heads had disappeared.

The two squad captains of the King Kong Ape Clan who were fighting have been burned to ashes.

After doing all this, the runemaster has fallen into a state of weakness.

"rely on you."

‘Rune: Hidden’

The figure of the Rune Master slowly disappeared into the air.

"Damn, you just flashed like this!" Soren Mina was shocked. He alone could not withstand the offensive of Old Yin X on his own.

"Brother Zhang Yue, come hurry up!"

"Did your companion abandon you? Don't worry, you can't run away. You get on the road first, and then I will send your companion here!" Yuan Fa said stubbornly.

‘Triple blow! ’

Sauron Mina directly threw the hammer with a big move without saying a word.

‘Electromagnetic Field’

The sledgehammer was repelled by the endless resistance of the electromagnetic force field, and just stopped in front of the eyes of the monkey law, and finally lost its strength and fell.

"Is there any power? Is there any trick? If not, it's me."

‘Huo Mang Hua Ling’

"Red Flame Meteor"

The sea of ​​fire that originally trapped Sauron Mina now all turned into a giant python and attacked Sauron Mina, and countless huge red sun fireballs in the sky smashed against Sauron Mina.

"I just spent my points to fix my body, now I'm overdrafted again, shit, I'm fighting it!"

Sauron Mina took out another sledgehammer and looked at the fire that hit him and the fireball in the sky.

"Armor of War"


‘The Power of Breaking the Law’

For a time, blue and red energy waves converged on Sauron Mina's body, and his eyes began to engorge because of the furious mode. The crazy fighting spirit slowly occupied Sauron Mina's sanity.

"Fight to the death!"

"Damn, Mina is crazy, this is going to die hard."

The runeman of the dwarf race sighed in the dark, and really couldn't ignore him. A mysterious rune circle began to appear under his feet, ready to rescue him at a critical moment.

Sarufa watched Sauron Mina rushing towards him with an aura of death and net breaking, as if he was about to return home.

"The last charge? Then I will use this to pay back to you, to show my respect for the brave."

A ten-meter-long giant spear condensed by lightning energy, the spear is entwined with endless thunder fire, and an astonishing energy fluctuation is emitted from the length of the tired fire thunder spear.

"Thunder and Fire Spear"

The spear of thunder and fire shot directly at Sauron Mina like a beam of light.

"Damn, overdraft is overdraft, the clansmen are important!" The dwarf runeman said helplessly, just as he was about to use the portal to rescue Sauron Mina, eighteen lines appeared directly in front of Sauron Mina The shield wall stands in front.

‘Shield Wall’

Zhan Zhangyue opened the rock armor and directly emerged from the earth, holding a shield in front of Sauron Mina.

The spear of thunder and fire went directly through the eighteen shield walls and hit Zhang Yue's self-shield.

'boom! ! ! ’

Accompanied by the astonishing sound of explosions, a wave of air swept across the entire battlefield with great strength, and the two groups who were fighting one after another looked towards the core area of ​​the battlefield.

"Humans or dwarves?" The smoke cleared, Ape Fa looked at the rock giant who was holding a shield three meters high in front of Sauron Mina and asked suspiciously. The posture is roughly the same.

"Rock Clan defender, brother of dwarf clan, my name, Death Light Golden Ape." Zhang Yue said, it is better not to reveal his human identity.

"Just your name, you are going to die ten thousand times." Hearing the name reported by the killer on the opposite side, a murderous intent appeared in the eyes of Yuan Fa, whether it was true or false, he must die today.

"I look down upon my Death Golden Ape, right? Let you see how good I am today." Zhang Yue's playful voice came, and suddenly he wanted to give his thoughtful name like it. This name is so fun.

‘Thunder Fire Shooting Star’

"Triple Heart Fire"

"Fire Spirit: Asuka"

What responded to Zhang Yue was just a series of burst magic techniques.

At this moment, Zhang Yue felt that his heart was burning, consuming his spirit and physical strength, but he was then expelled by the small starlight shield of the spiritual will space.

Looking back at Sauron Mina, he found that his consciousness slowly recovered, and he was looking at Zhang Yue with feeling.

"Dead Light·Golden Ape Brother, you are finally here.",

Obviously, he heard what he said just now.

"Then charge!" Zhang Yue turned into a huge shield, protected Sauron Mina, and rushed towards the ape law.


‘The Power of Sand’

As the sky blew up, Zhang Yue had a giant earth spear in his hand that turned on anti-gravity, and threw it at the ape magic, and then held a shield to resist the magical arts that came over.

They are all divine arts of thunder and fire elements. The outer layer of Zhang Yue's condensed giant shield is the hardest earth shield, the middle is ice shield, and the innermost layer is water shield condensed. The water does not leak, and even the last heat is absorbed by the water shield.

"Triple Thunder Shield"

Three layers of lightning shields appeared around Yuan Fa, rotating around him.

Zhang Yue's earth-based giant spear shot towards Yuanfa, and when he reached the electromagnetic force field of Yuanfa, he found that the electromagnetic force field did not respond to the giant spear, and Yuanfa directly activated the triple lightning shield.

The giant spear directly pierced through the two layers of thunder shield, and finally shattered in front of the last layer of thunder shield.

"The power is strong, I can already be sure of the way you block my magic."

"You are Human Race!"

"Now, welcome my anger."

After Shaping Fa angrily finished, a huge magical formation appeared directly under his feet.

‘Magma world’

The entire battlefield began to spread with a monkey magic as the center, countless magma began to spread around, and with the real fire cage, all the dwarves could hardly escape.

"Brother Zhang Yue, we want to stop him! Otherwise, my people will be all over." Sauron Mina said to Zhang Yue anxiously. Where.

"Continue to charge and interrupt his magical formation. We will have a chance when we are close." Zhang Yue looked at the ape technique standing on the magma in the distance.

"It's easy." After Soren Mina finished speaking, he turned his head and shouted behind him, "Zhan Rui!"

"Understand!" An echo came from the void.

A portal appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue and Soren Mina rushed in and appeared beside Yuanfa.

"Naive, you think you can stop me by being close,"

After the ape method was finished, thunder light began to appear in his body.

‘Clone: ​​Thunderstorm. ’

"not good!"

Zhang Yue directly threw Sauron Mina into the ground just before the thunderstorm.

A dazzling light burst directly in the middle of the battlefield accompanied by the explosion.

The runeman in the distance looked at the thunder light in the center of the battlefield and muttered: "Is it over?"

After the thunder light, a figure appeared in the gunpowder smoke.

"When you are close to the magician, then you are not far from the **** of death."

Before the X of Yuan Fa was finished, it was interrupted by the eight shield walls that appeared around him, and was taken into the earth.

‘Beast Burial! The super-strength shield wall that condenses all the strength of Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue took Sauron Mina up from the ground.

At this time, the magma magic circle that had spread to the battlefield stopped spreading, and the dwarven clan's heartburn also stopped.

"Have you won?" Soren Mina difficult old Yin X finally died.

"No, it is impossible for a legendary powerhouse to die like this." Zhang Yue said solemnly, the high-energy bomb he stuffed inside did not explode.

At this time, a thunder light came out of the ground, and it traveled across the edge of the battlefield at a very fast speed, incarnation of the ape method, his body was slightly embarrassed, and his face was pale.

Yuan Fa looked at Zhang Yue and Sauron Mina, and said sharply: "Human race and dwarf race, I remember you."

"King Kong Ape Clan, withdraw!"

All the King Kong apes on the battlefield began to retreat.

Sauron Mina looked at Zhang Yue and said, "Do you not chase?"

"The energy of the whole body is exhausted and can't be chased."

Zhang Yue also wanted to take advantage of the victory, but the trick just now exhausted all Zhang Yue's energy, besides, who knows if the King Kong Ape Clan has any other players.

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