The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 222: Return to Human Base

"Brother Zhang Yue, thank you." Jigemei Luhui said to Zhang Yue. If Zhang Yue were not present this time, the whole army would be wiped out.

The runemaster of the dwarf race also appeared from the void, and thanked Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue quickly helped the dwarf runemaster, this is the future boss, the space department has always been the rarest attribute.

"Don't be so polite, I also have my own goals, and our goals are the same," Zhang Yue said. He doesn't like to say some high-sounding words, what to say, and to put the words in the open has always been Zhang Yue's principle of dealing with things. one.

"Assemble!" Jigme Furash shouted loudly, preparing to summon the tribe to calculate the casualties.

Zhang Yue glanced roughly, and there were only more than 80 dwarves left, all with injuries.

"Hey, the 200-person team opposite us hit our 140-plus people. It's a shame." The rune of the dwarf tribe said helplessly. The low-level space system runes have very few offensive methods, and most of them are auxiliary. Yes, the rest of the attack runes, the attack power is also no better than that old Yin X.

"This is not a arena. You have to follow the rules. Think of a way another day and study the tactics. We are fighting back." Jigme Furash patted the shoulder of the Dwarf Rune.

After the dwarves assembled, they saluted Zhang Yue first, and then counted the casualties.

"Fifty-six members of the tribe were injured, 6 were seriously injured, and the rest were all slightly injured."

After obtaining the casualty data, Sauron Mina, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, still drew distressed mouths. These are the most loyal team since he became the king of the dwarves. This time he almost lost half of the battle. How to give them after returning Family account.

"Brother Zhang Yue, I need your help. In the battlefield of ten thousand races, they must be destroyed." Jigme Furash said with gritted teeth. He has never suffered such humiliation before being crushed by one person to his entire team. Almost unable to resist.

"No problem, I will bring my people to help you together. You should take care of the injuries first. We are thinking of ways to destroy them. I know where their base is. The King Kong Ape Clan can't run away.",

"Actually, it's easy to fight. I can limit the magician. You unite with the dwarf master to slaughter the ordinary King Kong ape tribe, and finally set the fire. My tribe can limit the boxer you met last time."

Zhang Yue said directly in accordance with the method of hard steel, and the collective details have to be discussed slowly.

"Okay, this is a good way, brother Zhang Yue, when will we start?" Jigme Furash said hurriedly. He was eager for revenge, he could no longer control so much.

Zhang Yue took out a communicator from the contact family base and handed it to Sauron Mina.

"This is the communicator for our clan base. You can hold it first. After you recover from your injury, we are working on a battle plan."

"No problem, we have three days of healing and training." Jigme Furash said.

Then Zhang Yue said goodbye to Jigme Furash, agreed to contact after three days, and began to return to the human base. At this time, he could already confirm that there were 300 people in the entire Jingang Ape Clan, and there were two legendary leaders. One was wearing gloves. The remaining one is the magician who is good at Thunder and Fire.

In the evening, Zhang Yue returned to the human base and was taken to the meeting room by Chu Yunxuan alone.

"Xiaoyue, this time our human race has made a lot of money!" Chu Yunxuan said excitedly.

"What a good thing, you earned 100,000 points while I was away?" Zhang Yue said puzzledly.

"Did you know that the Austrian people are not far from the humans in the world of heavens. They appeared on a large island that our humans have explored. There is no too big a crisis, and it is definitely a superior living environment." Chu Yun Xuan said with a smile, when he slipped the news from the mouths of the Austrians, he was crazy.

Zhang Yue stood up suddenly and said happily, "Really!"

Zhang Yue didn't consider the question of whether the Austrian race was willing or not, and meeting him in the universe was also regarded as the universe's favor for their race.

"It can't be wrong. They seem to be unwilling to leave the human race in the star field where the original universe is located. This will have to be determined by the astrologicalists later."

"I have asked Xu Wenyou to go back and pass the news. When I come back, I will bring a few people over here. Our strength is too weak." As Chu Yunxuan said, he dropped out the information of the people who were going to come. There were 5 fighters and 5 Austrians. Technician.

"The matter of the Austrian race is considered stable. If this potential race is not accepted as a vassal race, it would be a pity." Zhang Yue said while staring at the information.

"Yes, especially the Austrian leader Sauron Mina. He drove his armor without using mental suppression. He beat all the melee professionals of our team. Now Lu Heng, Chu Feng and Chu Ying Being abused every day."

"Haha, given Sauron Mina's Tier 9 armor, he can really kill the ninth-order monster." Zhang Yue said, he remembered that Sauron Mina told him the concept of their ninth-tier strength.

"Yes, but the strong is really strong, and the weak is also really weak. Xu Wenyou sprinkles a handful of medicinal powder, and they have to stop cooking, or it takes a short time to enter the world of heaven."

"Haha, when the Austrians become a vassal of the Humans, they will be able to give full play to their advantages." Zhang Yue said, he realized the potential of this race as soon as he saw the Austrians, more than the humans entered the world of heaven. At the time, it was too strong, as soon as he came in, he had the means to deal with the ninth-order monster.

"That's true, Xiao Yue, is there any important news for your return this time?" Chu Yunxuan asked, but Zhang Yue didn't get any news this time.

"Today I···········"

Zhang Yue talked about what happened in the past few days and his own inference.

"You mean that there are only 300 members of the King Kong Ape Clan, and the two legendary leaders can unite with the Dwarf Clan to defeat them."

As Chu Yunxuan spoke, he took the tactical board and started deduction.

After a while, Chu Yunxuan raised his head and said, "Take the Austrian race, the plan is feasible, and three days later, ten team members will also come."

"Okay, then I will rest at the base for a few days. I haven't slept well in the past few days." Zhang Yue rubbed his dark circles under his eyes.

"Xiaoyue has worked hard, take a good rest."

"For the human race."

After the chat, Zhang Yue began to stroll around the base, and his tight heart began to slowly relax. With the anti-detection system bought by the Wanzu Battlefield Mall, the security of the base is still very guaranteed. When passing by the training ground, I heard a noisy sound from inside.

Zhang Yue pushed the door to enter, saw many Austrians and his teammates are discussing, took a look at the general situation, on the whole, several of his close teammates were almost in a state of abuse, but they looked particularly excited.

"Brother Lu Heng, your moves are easy to see through, and your moves are very rigid. You can never defeat me like this."

Sauron Mina drove an ordinary two-strike with a giant sword in his armor and picked up Lu Heng's Fangtian halberd. The giant sword was placed on Lu Heng's neck at a strange angle.

"Come again, I almost felt like I was able to break through." After Lu Heng separated from Soren Mina, a new round of discussions began.

At this time, an Austrian race walked to Zhang Yue's side and said respectfully: "Benefactor, you are back."

"Haha, just call me Zhang Yue, benefactor, it's weird to hear." Zhang Yue laughed, and then asked the Austrian tribe: "Does my tribe discuss with you every day."

"Yeah, we learn from them, and they teach us to understand the laws and skills of the universe for mutual benefit."

"There are still more than a dozen of my people who have arcanist talents, and they are currently studying with Miss Xu Lingxuan."

The Austrian tribe happily said that during this period of contact with the human race, the Austrian race has been greatly improved. He learned about the use of energy in the body and some basic insights. The overall combat power of the Austrian race is less effective. Doubled.

"Really, the ratio here is very high. It seems that the aristocratic talent is partial to the legal system as a whole."

"It's all guided by the benefactor." The Austrian race said and saluted Zhang Yue again, which was a thank-you gift from their family.

At this time, Sauron Mina and Lu Heng finished their discussions and walked towards Zhang Yue together.

"Brother Yue, when will you come back, is the action about to begin?" Lu Heng said with a high level of warfare, and his speed of improvement in the past few days is unprecedented.

"My dear, I'm relieved to see you come back safely." Soren Mina said, looking at Zhang Yue's eyes are very complicated, it is not clear.

"I just came back, coming soon. In a few days, I will start a decisive battle with the King Kong Ape Clan." After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he said to Sauron Mina: "Mr. Sauron, don't worry, as long as I don't die. The clan battlefield is safe."

"Brother Yue is now a legendary genius who is still a defensive type. As long as he doesn't go to the core area, he is generally fine." Lu Heng said with a smile.

"Benevolence, how about you use a shield to compare with me, the last time you used a giant sword is not a profession." Sauron Mina said tentatively, wanting to try the legendary power level.

"Okay, pure competition, no skills needed." Zhang Yue's eyes lit up, wanting to see if there are any flaws in his shield defense.

Sauron Mina drove the armor and Zhang Yue to the center of the training ground, and many teammates of the Austrians and Zhang Yue began to watch.

"When did Brother Yue come Chu Feng said to Lu Heng, he just saw Zhang Yue.

"I just came back, saying that the final battle with the King Kong Ape Clan is about to begin." Lu Heng responded.

"The decisive battle came so soon, let's have a drink with Brother Zhang Yueyue, and thank him."

"Call Shang Lin Dong, he is the most excited these days."

"it is good."

On the training ground, Zhang Yue held a shield, and Sauron Mina drove his armor with swords in both hands.

"Benevolence, this is my most lethal swordsmanship at the moment, overclocking three-level swordsmanship, please advise."

Soren Mina finished speaking, and exchanged war salutes with Zhang Yue.

With a sound of ‘噌’, Sauron Mina rushed towards Zhang Yue like lightning, and began to appear behind Zhang Yue very quickly, making a straight stab and stab towards Zhang Yue.

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