When talking about this, Zhang Yue suddenly remembered the university teacher he met when he first entered the world of heavens. She promised that after she was promoted to a demigod, she would give herself a Tier 9 dragon.

"It would be great if I had a water dragon as a pet." Xu Lingxuan's small face looked yearning, she majored in water, and had a water dragon as a partner. When that time comes, they will complement each other, and it will be easier when they are promoted to a demigod. .

"If I have a chance, I know of a sub-water type Yalong lair. The elder there is a demigod Yalong. Because I have scales that symbolize the friendship of real dragons, the elders warmly entertained me."

"You have the potential of a demigod. I can take you with you when the time comes. The elders there will see that professionals majoring in the water system may have an equal opportunity to contract with the young dragons of the water system. You are the most combat partner at the cost of all the resources of the young dragon. I have to pay for it myself."

Ning Xiu adjusted the photos while talking and let Zhang Yue and Xu Lingxuan watch them.

"Really!" Xu Lingxuan said in surprise, unexpectedly Ning Xiu would have this adventure.

"With me as a guarantee, there is no problem. I will take you when I return to the world of the heavens." Ning Xiu said. These are all trivialities, mainly because those Yalong tribes also hope to build relationships with some potential races.

"Thank you Ning Xiu brother." Xu Lingxuan thanked.

"It's all comrades-in-arms, what are you polite." Ning Xiu said grinningly. In his eyes, they were brothers and sisters who had fought together.

Zhang Yue looked at Ning Xiu enviously, he also wanted a dragon to be cultivated since childhood.

"Is there an earthen dragon there?" Zhang Yue asked.

"That's not true, but I met a group of giant Fushan tortoises on the edge of the endless sea. Each one is as big as a city and is very friendly. Brother Yue can try it." Ning Xiu said, feeling this Zhang Yue matched it well.

"I want something a little bit fierce, Fushan Giant Tortoise. It is enough to have my Lord's defense." Zhang Yue said, Fushan Giant Tortoise, the name is too hard and inappropriate.

"Well, when I am Tier 6, I have to go farther, and I will tell you if I have the opportunity to meet the right one."

"Okay!" Zhang Yue responded with disappointment.

"Brother Yue, don't be sad, you are already very good. It will be a long time in the future, and you will always meet the right one." Xu Lingxuan comforted softly, thinking that such a powerful shield bearer would need a pet.

At the time of speaking, the spacecraft had reached its destination. This was a desert area. The spacecraft landed on a small oasis. The three of them disembarked and began to explore this area, which is actually to attract the enemy's attention and determine the enemy's general area.

"Let's start the detection, I don't know if I can absorb the enemy's attack." Zhang Yue said Lie Yang looking at the sky.

"This sun is a bit poisonous," Ning Xiu said.

"Don't worry, there are arcanists specializing in my water system, and you are still afraid of being exposed."

Xu Lingxuan started to build an arcane formation in the sky with one hand.

"Ice Force: Frost Falling"

A piece of ice cloud the size of 100 meters flew up to a height of 100 meters for three people, and began to slowly fall into frost and fog.

The surrounding temperature instantly cools down.

"Haha, regarding element application, there are still not as many legal professions as possible." Zhang Yue said with a smile. Take back the idea of ​​turning this area into an ice wall.

So the three began to explore the road.

Five thousand kilometers away from the trio, the leader of the Keren tribe was at the detection center, silently watching the trio's movements.

"Chief, these three people will deal with it."

"This race, is there any record in our database."

"Human race, third-rate race, high race potential. This is the record in the Ten Thousand Race Atlas bought with our only points."

"Forget it, I can't provoke it. A few days ago, there was also a third-rate race. The magician who looked like a gorilla directly destroyed one of our sub-bases alone. How many combat robots and weapons can't stop it. He." The leader of the Keren clan said sadly, his brother was at the base.

"These three people have been staring at them?" the investigator asked

"Yes, whoever makes us unable to keep up with our individual strength, those large powerful weapons can't be brought in either."

"This time, our task is to use the advantages of sky exploration, observe the characteristics of various races, and enrich our database. The rest is trivial development. After our transformation is successful, we will come back to the building."

"Yes, boss."

The leader of the Keren tribe looked at the three people named Zhang Yue, and thought of the battle between the two races they had detected in the first two days. A Tier 3 officer, unexpectedly, with his energy in his body, appeared early to cover such a large area of ​​the bowl shape. Architecture is really evil, those people seem to be humans.

At this time, the investigators said to the leader of the Keren tribe: "Leader, our other three or three sub-bases have human races within the scope of their base."

"Weird, what happened? It seems to be for us." The leader said in confusion.

"Are the few satellites that exploded this morning, so the low-level satellites dare to be released into the sky?" The investigator said.

"That's it, inform those bases that attacks are forbidden. We are here for scientific research, not for fighting. It's trivial. If we really want to be discovered, we should admit counsel quickly. Our lives are more important."

"Good boss."

Thinking of the history of the rise of their own race, the leaders of the Koren tribe felt that their race was a great race, and the word “steady” runs through the entire race history.

At the beginning, the planet where the Kekoran clan was located was simply a war of a hundred races. With the strength of the Koran clan, it remained stable until the final stage. The weak and weak enemies were united and annexed. The powerful enemies were all wronged and united privately. The race encountered secretly reserves its strength and finally defeats it.

In this way, they became the overlord of the planet, and then discovered that the universe server, in the past routines that began in the world of the heavens, when the strength is not strong, they are definitely not strong.

Now in the original universe, the Keren tribe has dominated several star regions.

In the middle of the night, Ning Xiu took out a space folding villa, and Xu Lingxuan was engraved with a covering arcane array.

The three of them worked out a table of dishes. The raw materials are all processed with the top fresh-keeping technology to keep them fresh at all times.

After the meal was seated, Xu Lingxuan looked at the large table of dishes and the scene of wind and sand outside. She had a strange feeling that she had not eaten in such a scene.

"For the first time, it feels amazing to eat under these conditions, right." Zhang Yue said with a smile, as he felt when he first entered the world of heavens.

"Yes, it's completely different from the wild life in the imagination. It feels very interesting." Xu Lingxuan said happily.

"Haha, I'm tired of eating outside, but I like the dishes made by our top chefs."

"Let's have a meal. After exploring the desert for a day, I'm all hungry." Zhang Yue said.

The three of them began to eat. In the upper desert outside the villa, a giant earth element over 20 meters high was guarding the villa.

When the spirit body of the earth elemental giant merged Zhang Yue's earth vein power and earth sea power, the combat power has already been level six, connected to the terrifying energy of the earth artery. At this time, the little earth is already a real one. War machine.

After dinner, daily training was carried out on the desert outside Zhang Yue’s villa, holding the shield power to perceive the starry sky and the earth. The starlight in the sky condensed into a miniature starlight river, slowly drilling into the space of Zhang Yue’s spiritual will, and integrated into the starlight shield in.

The more energy in the earth at this time is opening up energy channels for Zhang Yue's physical energy.

"Brother Yue, I don't dare to imagine that after you are promoted to a demigod, who can impress you, the body, spirit, soul, and will are all too strong."

Ning Xiu also put on a boxing stand beside him, and began to chat with Zhang Yue.

"It was decades later, who knows what will happen in the future." Zhang Yue said with a smile, fantasizing about the scene after becoming a demigod, and must travel to the mainland for a while.

At this time, Xu Lingxuan was centering on the two and began to portray the arcane formation.

"Lingxuan, what are you doing?" Zhang Yue asked suspiciously.

"I'm portraying the star formation and energy gathering array, so that you can absorb it." Xu Lingxuan said with a smile, feeling that she was doing something very interesting.

"Well, you carve slowly."

After half an hour. The tiny river of starlight above Zhang Yue's head directly turned into starlight condensed by starlight with a diameter of one meter.

A sense of coolness radiated in Zhang Yue's mind, feeling a bit too much.

"Brother Yue, the beam of light on your head is almost condensed." Xu Lingxuan said.

At this moment Zhang Yue felt that he had reached the limit, and quickly stopped absorbing the starlight energy.

"Lingxuan, the star gathering array you carved is too powerful." Zhang Yue said regretfully.

"Haha, turn down the power next time."

The next day, a desert off-road vehicle was traveling in the desert. It was configured by Lin Dong and had a detection function.

"Is there no enemy base in this area? Why do I always have the feeling of being stared at?" Zhang Yue took a sip of the iced fruit made by Xu Lingxuan.

"It's okay. Let's wait for the signals from other teams, and there will always be results in the end." Ning Xiu said. He felt that the desert scenery was also very good, and the oasis of different scenery gave him different feelings.

Zhang Yue drank all the juice in one sip, then turned to Xu Lingxuan in the back row and said, "Is there any juice? Make some more."

"Hehe, no problem, there is more juice."

Xu Lingxuan took out five kinds of fruits and began to wash, peel, shell, stir, and add ice directly with arcane magic.

After a while, a large glass of five-color juice was handed to Zhang Yue.

"Colorful, Lingxuan special juice, please pay the bill." Xu Lingxuan joked several times~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhang Yue then gathered a small starlight shield and handed it to Xu Lingxuan.

"Just discovered that this small shield can resist mental, will, and soul damage. Just leave it on your body."

"Thank you, Brother Yue." Xu Lingxuan took it over happily, but she didn't expect to say that she had something good.

"Brother Yue, do you want juice, I will do it too."

Ning Xiu took out a fruit and a quilt cup, and began to squeeze the juice.

"Don't, both have."

Zhang Yue gave Ning Xiu another starlight shield.

"Brother Yue, you have no money. You can sell this. This condensate of the Law of Starlight is worth 1 million energy points. This can also be used as hard currency when you travel to the mainland and meet foreign races."

Ning Xiu looked at Starlight Xiaodun and said.

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