The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 131: Dark Snake Terran Chief

Three days later, all areas were explored by Zhang Yue and the other three teams were all normal.

"Could it be that race was persuaded?" Zhang Yue said depressedly. In three days, whether to go out for exploration or to explore.

At this time, Zhang Yue's communicator began to ring.

"Brother Yue, help! The escape route has been sent to you. It is the group of dark snakes we encountered when we first entered. We are running towards your area." Lu Heng's panicked voice came.

"Understand, run away with peace of mind! We will be there soon." Zhang Yue said quickly.

At this time, Ning Xiu had already begun to open the space-folding spacecraft, and the three of them quickly entered the spacecraft and started searching towards the marked route.

At this time, a desert off-road vehicle was fleeing frantically, and a small spaceship was following them behind.

"Just now I shared the position with Brother Yue. It takes an hour for him to be rescued." Lu Heng said. At this time, he was a little bit big, and he met the leader of the Dark Snake Clan. Now it is estimated that he has walked at most 20 times in his hands. trick.

"If you really want to fight, we will hold on for 10 minutes at most." Ji Xiayun has a deep memory of the six sharp knives led by the dark snake tribe.

"Run for your life first, and let my summoned beast stand on top for a while."

After Ji Xiayun finished speaking, he summoned the water elves.

"Water Spirit: Fog Clone"

In an instant, the mist covered several thousand square meters, and then two identical off-road vehicles rushed out of the mist, trying to drive in different directions.

But it didn't have any effect. The Dark Snake Terran spacecraft still wanted to pursue the real car the most.

Standing in the main control room of the spacecraft, the leader of the Dark Snake race looked at the fleeing vehicle and smiled: "This fake car is well made. The weight, heat, and smell are all perfect. It's a pity that it won't pretend to be a soul."

"Human, I didn't expect to meet again so soon, this time I see if you can escape."

"Slowly chase them to see if there is a human race to rescue them. I am very impressed with their human defenders."

The leader of the dark snake human race said, and licked his lips, thinking to himself, dedicate the souls of these people to the snake gods, I don't know if they can be gifts from the gods.

The spacecraft was still following behind him unhurriedly, but at this time the people in the car were a little relaxed.

"Pretend to be nervous, or the other side will leave." Lu Heng said. At this time, his heart began to cheer and he asked me to come for reinforcements. Okay, I'll bring you over.

Lv Heng thought of the last time that Brother Yue and his own combat power were not fully utilized due to weapon problems. The strength of the leader of the Dark Snake Human Race should be between the ape shot and the ape technique. This is Lu Heng's vs. the dark snake The positioning of the strength of the Terran leader.

"I know, I don't know if Brother Yue's current strength can abuse them." Ji Xiayun said, pretending to ask for help while talking.

"No problem, Brother Yue can fight two Snake People chiefs at this time." Lu Hengxing said, he is very much looking forward to Zhang Yue's performance when he beats the Dark Snake People chief.

"You seem to be a little excited." Chu Ying said suspiciously.

"You didn't say anything, I thought it was just me and Sister Ji." Lu Heng looked at Chu Ying, as if he was sure that this person existed, then Lu Heng said again: "This kind of pretense is forcing a face. At the bridge section, you girls don't understand, the boss of the Snake Race opposite, his haughty tone, seemed like the gods in the sky."

"Looking at us is like watching little ants."

"Yes, I also seem to look forward to the scene when Xiaoyue beats the leader of the Dark Snake Race," Ji Xiayun seemed to be suddenly interested.

"Well, I started to look forward to it too." Chu Ying said silently, but the two people's attention was no longer on her.

55 minutes later, the escaping off-road vehicle stopped, and the three of them got out of the vehicle and waited for Zhang Yue's rescue.

The small spacecraft of the Dark Snake People also stopped, and 10 Dark Snake People came down.

"Why don't you run away? Will anyone come to rescue you? If not, your life will be hard for you." A bloodthirsty voice came from the leader of the Dark Snake Race.

"I will treat you with the highest courtesy of our snake-human race, thirty-six thousand dollars, not only the body, but also the soul."

Speaking of excitement, a dark aura radiated from the leader of the Dark Snake Clan, and his tribe began to greedily dilute this aura.

And the three of Lu Heng saw the screams of countless souls behind the Dark Snake Race.

"Yes, it's this proud and godlike look. Keep it." Lu Heng said to the leader of the Dark Snake Clan. It was another expression of supremacy, but at this time Lu Heng liked this expression a bit.

"Suddenly I don't want to play with you anymore. I grabbed these human races, and the rest of the human races who rescued them are grabbing."

"Yes, boss."

The five dark snakes took their orders and rushed towards the three of Lu Heng with knives.

"Look at me, right."

Just when Lu Heng planned to go out and hold on for a while.

A giant earth hand rushed out of the earth directly, grabbing the five dark snake human races in the palm of the hand, and directly lifted them into the air and squeezed them.

At this time, the three of Zhang Yue slowly walked to the side of Lu Heng.

At this time, the expression of the dark black tribe leader began to become solemn, and the power of that earth hand was beyond his imagination.

"Human race, tell me your name, your strength now allows me to face you squarely."

"Dead Light·Black Snake Man." Zhang Yue said an interesting name.

‘Darkness is coming’

"Darkness Plus Body"

"Soul Blade Force"

As soon as Zhang Yuegang reported the name, he was immediately enveloped by a burst of darkness, and all the Dark Snake Human Race An on the opposite side was like a gunpowder barrel, which exploded directly and killed the six.

"I want your soul to never be overborn."

Zhang Yue said to Xu Lingxuan in the dark, "Lingxuan, turn on the lights! More power."


‘Big Illumination’

A small sun rose in the darkness, but apart from Zhang Yue's team, the three still felt that there was darkness all around.

"I forgot all about it." Zhang Yue directly shot a star guard at Lu Heng's team, and the three were able to find the light.

"Exactly six, we are one by one, and I will help you stop if there is danger." Zhang Yue said as he looked at the attacking dark snake tribe.

"No problem, we can't help but give us a shot." Everyone said.

The six people thought about their goals and started rushing over.

‘Earth Vein Power: Dungeon Cage’

Zhang Yue directly sealed the two kilometers of space to prevent them from escaping.

The leader of the Dark Snake Race looked at the sealed shield wall building on top, and said to Zhang Yue: "I haven't seen you for a while. It seems that you have a great chance. You can understand this most difficult rule. It seems that you must It's time to solve you quickly."

"Haha, you think too much, today your battle damage is here." Zhang Yue looked at the aloof expression of the Dark Snake Race.

The giant hand of the earth just grabbed the leader of the dark snake human race.

A yellow phantom flashed past, directly avoiding the hand of the earth and attacking Zhang Yue.

'clang! ! With a loud noise, Zhang Yue held his shield to block the approach of the Dark Snake Tribe, and then the leader of the Dark Snake Tribe turned into a phantom and watched frantically around Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue was like a giant tree rooted in the earth in the blade storm, resisting the attack of the leader of the Dark Snake Race.

"Is your soul not harmed?" said the leader of the Dark Snake Race, even if it blocked his sharp knife, but his soul blade power can directly hurt the soul through matter.

"It seems that you only have this ability, you can go with peace of mind."

Zhang Yue did not respond to the words of the leader of the Dark Snake Race.



"The Power of the Earth and the Sea: The Vortex of the Earth"

At this time, Zhang Yue's shield potential and gravity can already affect the leader of the dark snake people under the blessing of the earth veins.

"What is this. Wait, we vote..."

Before the words were spoken, the leader of the Dark Snake Race was directly sucked into the earth vortex, and then a hand of the earth held him in the air.

"Human Race, you'd better not kill me. The leader of my race on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Races is a legendary top genius. If you kill me, your entire human race will not kill him."

The threat from the leader of the Dark Snake tribe didn't play a role.


The Earth Hand directly turned into a guillotine, firmly controlling the leader of the Dark Snake Terran.

An earth elemental giant of more than 20 height raised up a decapitating axe that Zhang Yue worked so hard to condense, and cut it down. A big snake head rolled on the ground a few times, and his face turned towards Zhang Yue, his eyes staring fiercely. Looking at Zhang Yue, it seemed that countless hatred was venting.

"They're all dead, so what are they going to brush?" After collecting the spoils, Zhang Yue directly sank the leader of the dark snake tribe into the ground.

After doing all this, Zhang Yue looked around and found that the battle was over.

"Brother Yue, you have nothing to put on a shield. The snake man was taken aback and was cut by me by mistake. What a good training partner." Lu Heng said to Zhang Yueshu.

Everyone also said that they had disturbed their battle.

"You have been a little fluttering lately. You get cheap and sell well, and how many points you have earned." Zhang Yue said with a smile. He knew that without his own help, his teammates could also win. In other words, they are also the top talents of the human race. The soldiers are not as good.






Lu Heng's most Lingxuan's least.

"Brother Yue, how many are you?" The six asked curiously. These points were beyond their imagination. They didn't expect that the average soldier would have so many points.

"6000" Zhang Yue said with a smile, this time after half of the points were handed in, he had 9014 points in his hand.

"Brother Yue, I saw an A-level weapon in the mall, the Shaking Halberd, which only has 4000 points. Look." Lu Heng rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly. Since he saw this Shaking Halberd, he has gotten it every day. Look, every time it's very itchy.

"Hehe, let's stay cool, my points are not enough." Zhang Yue directly rejected Lu Heng. These points also wanted to redeem something for his relatives and Master, especially Master. It is said that the young origin was injured. See if I can make it back.

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