The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 132: Space God Stone

Periphery of the core area of ​​the ten thousand race battlefield

The base of the Dark Snake Human Race, built beside a piece of dark magic iron mine.

"The third squad was completely wiped out." The leader of the dark snake human race watched as the representative in his hand completely extinguished the third squad's soul card.

In the soul card, the souls of the ten members of the team exhausted the last trace of energy, conveying to him the picture they saw at the last moment of life.

"Human race, interesting, has a top defender."

"Waiting for me to get rid of those pesky vampires, I am solving your human race."

After speaking, the leader of the Dark Snake Race crushed the soul card in his hand.


Coron base.

"This first-class race was destroyed like this." The leader of the Keren clan said in disbelief. When this group of dark snakes came, they shivered with fear every time.

"Notify the other bases, start the three-level concealment plan, and decide not to be discovered by the people and can't be unreasonable."

"Also, if they send a WeChat closer to the ground, don't write it down. They will pass on our apologies and express our goodwill."

"Remember, stability is the cornerstone of a person's racial development."

"Yes, boss!"

Several people from the Karen tribe responded enthusiastically that the coolness of everyone in the Karen tribe is at the moment before the final, 100% turnaround.

After Zhang Yue and others finished fighting, they received news from Chu Yunxuan and returned to the base.

"Not looking for it?" said Lu Heng and his group. He also looked forward to practising his hands after encountering several groups of enemies.

"It seems that the opposing base has expressed goodwill. It is estimated that we can't wait for the enemy." Ji Xiayun said looking at the communicator.

"Then how to withdraw."

"it is good."

Terran base.

Lin Dong was deciphering the light brains of those dark snakes, and Chu Yunxuan looked at the deciphered materials with a heavy expression.

"It's all deciphered. Fortunately, none of them put an advanced message lock on their devices."

Lin Dong sent the information to Chu Yunxuan.

"I took a look at it roughly. The Dark Snake People are very good at the Law of Souls, but they can only be used at higher levels. At lower levels, they are just simple applications."

"But the news of the deaths of the ten dark snakes must have been received at the headquarters opposite, maybe even our identity can be guessed."

As Lin Dong said, he flipped through other things in the Dark Snake Race.

"To be on the safe side, we have to move the base. When Xiaoyue and the others killed the Dark Snake Clan, the opposing headquarters also received the spirits of several people from Xiaoyue."

"Let's not talk about the distance of more than 50,000 kilometers away from here."

Chu Yunxuan said solemnly looking at the Dark Snake Human Race's information.

"Ah, we have to move the base again."

There was a reluctant expression in everyone's foreheads, and the last difficult experience of moving to the base was still fresh in everyone's memory.

"Okay, it just happens to be able to see all kinds of strange races." Ning Xiu said happily. Although you can't see all kinds of wonders here, you can see the third-rate and above foreign races that are usually difficult to see. More expected.

"Well, then Ning Xiu will take the lead." Ning Xiu said at that time.

"No problem." Ning Xiu responded.

Chu Yunxuan called up a large map and marked several areas.

"Based on Lin Dong's deciphering of the Dark Snake Tribe's data, it is inferred that the base of the Dark Snake Tribe will probably be in these areas. Let's choose the location below. There is nothing particular about it, as long as it is 100,000 kilometers away from those areas."

"Then go to that ore area. There must be a lot of foreign races. It's easier for us to collect points." Lin Dong suggested, and then said: "We have the top combat power of Brother Yue, which is completely worthy of those second-rate races. Close to the core area, there is no problem with the decision."

"The 12-kilometer straight-line distance can be selected. Does anyone have any other opinions?" Chu Yunxuan asked. This phrase area really fits his mind.

"I think this place is pretty good." Zhang Yue said. There are many alien races, which means more points. Recently, I saw the heavy armor of the **** iron, which is matched with the **** iron giant shield, with 10,000 points.

"Just put it here."

Everyone agreed that there was no good choice elsewhere.

"Well, let's go directly to build an all-terrain vehicle this time. The safety factor is higher than that of the spacecraft." Chu Yunxuan was a little afraid that the spacecraft would be blown up.

"On the ground, I can guarantee that there will be no problems with the vehicle." Zhang Yue's eyes are a little bit. This is a good idea. As long as he is on the ground, he is his home court.

"Commander Sauron, is there any problem?" Chu Yunxuan asked.

"Employed by the human race, wherever the human race goes, our Austrian race will go wherever we go, and follow the arrangement." Soren Mina said without hesitation, thinking that this will make the demigods of your human race a guest in our race.

"Okay, Xiaodong, how long will it take to build 10 A3 all-terrain vehicles."

"Three hours is fine."

"Everyone prepares, and set off in three hours."

"Roger that!"

After three hours, 10 all-terrain vehicles parked outside the base.

"A3 level all-terrain vehicle, 5 meters high, 6 meters wide and 20 meters long. The shell armor is made of A-grade metal titanium pole steel, equipped with a top-level detection system, fully automatic intelligent driving, and can deal with all terrains and fly close to the ground. , One can carry up to 30 people."

"Brother Chu, you will quote me the points you exchange for the energy core. An energy core has 30 points, 300 points, and a set of fluctuation detectors, 200 points, a total of 500 points."

Lin Dong said that he also showed the data of the wave detector.

"Detecting all the fluctuations in a 50-kilometer radius, detecting energy fluctuations, and soul fluctuations. In this way, 200 points are still worthwhile."

Chu Yunxuan gave Lin Dong the points casually.

Finally, after the Lindong base robots were put away, everyone got on the car and began to travel long distances again.

Zhang Yue sat in the lead car, looked at the desolate scenery outside the window, and sighed: "We are all in this desolate area in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Races. I don't know what the core area is."

At this time, Lin Dong approached Zhang Yue and said, "Brother Yue, I know that the core area is all spectacles, corresponding to the five most basic elements, as well as diamond ore above S grade. It is said that the core area is still There are god-level ore, and you can directly make artifacts.

"But these have nothing to do with us."

Lin Dong explained to Zhang Yue that these were all seen from the light brain materials of the Dark Snake Race.

"Xiaodong, do our Humans have god-level ores?" Zhang Yue asked curiously when he heard god-level ores. He knew that even semi-sacred artifacts are very scarce today.

"No, the most advanced mine is the SSS-level, Star Steel Mine in the super-large fragmented world that our human race conquered."

"Can this build a semi-artifact."

"It can be, but it's only the lowest-level semi-sacred artifact. The semi-sacred artifacts of our human race are bought from the tauren clan, even if it is a second-rate race, it is not a lot. Every semi-sacred artifact costs a huge price to buy. of."

At this time, the iron giant shield next to Zhang Yue moved and sent a message to Zhang Yue, meaning that it can become a semi-sacred tool by swallowing SSS-level metal, and it can be promoted to an artifact by swallowing semi-god-level metal.

Lin Dong enviously looked at Zhang Yue’s divine iron giant shield. Since Zhang Yue took it out, he knew that it was a juvenile divine weapon. At present, only the top races can refine it. Except for the battlefield of ten thousand races, he wants to take it in the world of heaven. Don't even think about it when it comes to the juvenile divine weapon. These are all prepared for the elite tribesmen of the top race.

Zhang Yue looked at Lin Dong's envious expression and said with a smile: "Xiaodong, what do you want."

"Of course it is the space **** stone. When I reach a high level, I can build a mechanical **** city that truly belongs to me, rooting in the void, and when the **** city is immortal, I am immortal." Lin Dong said excitedly, this is his greatest master. The ideal is a **** stone of virtual space.

"How many points are in the mall?" Zhang Yue asked, how can such an amazing thing get more than 5,000 points.

"Standard unit, a 50,000 points." Lin Dong said in a loss, this point has put an end to his thoughts.

Zhang Yue suddenly regretted that he was the cheapest, a little bit of points was like a wave.

"At that time, let's see if we can go to the core area. Maybe there will be space gods." Zhang Yue said, isn't there a god-level ore in the core area, maybe there will be space gods too.

"Brother Yue, there really is."

Lin Dong looked at Zhang Yue eagerly, and only Zhang Yue could go to the core area of ​​the Human Race.

"After completing the basic tasks, I will go to the core area to take a look." Zhang Yue could only say hard.

"Thank you Brother Yue, then." Lin Dong thanked him, if he really found the space **** stone, wouldn't it make a lot of money.

At this time, the sudden fluctuation detector started to sound an alarm.

Lin Dong rushed to the main control room instantly and began to look at the detection data, while Zhang Yue notified all vehicles to stop moving forward.

At this time, Lin Dong's voice came to mind in all the vehicles.

"50 kilometers away there are a large number of alien beasts that may also be summoned beasts. They rushed towards one's own side and detected the highest combat power, Tier 6 combat power."

"It should be a summoned beast handle. There are strange beasts in this place." Zhang Yue said suspiciously.

At this time, Ji Xiayun came over and said: "These are summoned beasts, I feel it, the breath of the summoning world portal."

"This is a second-rate intermediate race of the Divine Summoning Clan. This tribe is born with a special sensitivity to the Summoning World. Everyone is an excellent Summoner, who can directly open the Summoning World Portal."

"The God Calling Clan, with such an arrogant name, are you not afraid of being beaten?" Ning Xiu said. The race that dared to name it with the word of God was rarely a first-class race.

"This race is not the strongest, but the number of true gods is the largest. In the summoning world, it occupies half of the country." Ji Xiayun said, he has dealt with them in the summoning world, a very arrogant race.

At this time, in response to the ray of sunshine that the sun had just risen, tens of thousands of different beasts, running on the ground and flying in the sky, were attacking ten terrain vehicles.

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