"Ning Xiu, go, it's time for you to take the lead." Lu Heng said a joke at this time.

"Do you think I'm stupid? This group of summoned beasts is rarely called Tier 4 summoned beasts, and there are many Tier 5 and Tier 6 summoned beasts. I guess I will stick to it for five minutes when I go in." Ning Xiu said as he traveled. When I was on the mainland, I encountered a lot of more powerful monsters, and some of them used their talents and supernatural powers, and were often talented at the perfect level.

According to Ning Xiu's observation, most of this group of summoned beasts are of excellent level, and they are obviously trained.

Looking at the group of summoned beasts in the sky and underground, Zhang Yue smiled in his heart, this formation, this number, this is the target prepared for him, where he is least afraid of group attack.

"Xiaoyue, it's up to you." Chu Yunxuan said to Zhang Yue. If there were only ordinary shield bearers in the team, he would have made people run 800 miles away.

"Leave it to me." Zhang Yue said.

In a place 50 kilometers away from the convoy, a 50-man team of the God Summoning Clan is maintaining a large summoning world portal.

At this time, Rudd Fowler, the leader of the God Summoning clan, was beginning to observe his prey through visual sharing with the summoned beast.

"It's not bad that I didn't look at the appearance of this team. It should be a third-rate intermediate race, or a relatively powerful one, otherwise I dare not pass this area so blatantly."

"Chief, look at how many points we can get this time," said a member of the God Summoning Clan.

"There are still 1,000 points, and I hope that this time there will be no trouble." Rudd Fowler said, the second summoning heart, start immediately, when you return to the world of heavens, you can also explain to the family.

"The leader can rest assured, what can happen to a small third-rate race."

"Be cautious."

When the summoned beast wave was about to attack the convoy, Zhang Yue walked down with the iron giant shield on his back.

Looking at the tide of the opposite summoned beasts advancing in unison, Zhang Yue thanked the summoner again.

‘The Power of Earth Vein’

"The Power of the Earth and the Sea: The Vortex of the Earth"


Zhang Yue directly set the triptych.

At this time, a super-large vortex enveloped the summoned beast herd, and the flying alien beasts in the sky were also affected by gravity and fell into the earth vortex.

After a while, all the summoned beasts were sent to the depths of the earth by Zhang Yue.

Fear hung over Rudd Fowler, the leader of the God Summoning clan.

"Stop! Stop the portal. There is a legendary top evildoer on the opposite side. Run away." Rudd Fowler said hurriedly. He has seen the horror of a legendary top genius. There is no room for resistance at all.

At this moment, Zhang Yue had already been sitting on Ji Xiayun summoning flying strange beasts, and found a group of people who had attacked them. These few Ji Xiayun strongly suggested Zhang Yue to find the God Summoning clan, which was a scum after being close. The premise is able to beat their summoned beasts.

"You only thought of running away at this time, don't you think it's too late."

Zhang Yue's voice reached the ears of the Shen Huan clan team, making them agree to shudder.



All the divine callers were all charged,

When Zhang Yue was planning to summon Xiaotu to get rid of them, Rudd Fowler shouted: "Don't kill me, I have important things to offer. I can take things to redeem me and my people."

Rudd Fowler's words caused Zhang Yue to stop his actions behind him, only summoning the earth elemental giant, still holding a guillotine in his hand, just like an ancient executioner.

"I killed you and all of your points are mine. Why should I take the effort?" Zhang Yue said with a smile, looking at the gods call clan just like looking at a group of points to be killed.

"My out-of-me space is in the Summoning World. You kill me and you can only get points. I still have a lot of valuable things. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the tribe next to you, she is a summoner, She knows."

Zhang Yue looked at Ji Xiayun, who nodded, not that he was right.

At this time Rudd Fowler said again: "My points are all for you as a penalty. I also have a juvenile artifact and three semi-artifact juveniles. These things redeem our lives. Do you think it is okay? "

"Show things first, and if things are what I want, I will let you go."

Zhang Yue didn't have any sympathy for the aliens, and the killing intent to the Shenhuan clan was not for the opponent to take out something to let them go.

"I want to sign the Wanzu Mall contract with you. You can promise not to kill me."

As soon as Rudd Fowler, the leader of the God Summoning clan, finished speaking, Zhang Yue directly gave orders to the earth element giant.

"Xiaotu, do it."

The loser is not qualified to negotiate terms.

The head axe in the hands of the earth elemental giant was raised high, and when it was about to be cut off, the leader of the God Summoning clan Rud Fowler hurriedly said loudly: "The young divine weapon, the heart of summoning."

"Heart of Summoning!" Ji Xiayun said overjoyed. This is something he wants to have in his dreams. The price of 5,000 points in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield Mall makes her stop the fantasy.

"Xiao Yue, stop for a while." Ji Xiayun said hurriedly.

Zhang Yue asked the earth element giant to stop, looking at Ji Xiayun suspiciously, and said, "What's wrong with Sister Ji."

"Xiaoyue, the heart of summoning is very important to me. It can at least increase my combat power by more than three times. In the future, with it, there is a glimmer of hope to summon a true god-level summoned beast." Ji Xiayun said a little embarrassed. After getting the heart of summoning, she can definitely become the first summoner of the human race.

"It's worth it?" Zhang Yue asked

"Special value!"

After Zhang Yue got the answer, he looked at Rudd Fowler, the leader of the Shenhuan clan, and said: "The mall contract can be signed. At that time, a condition was added that you must give me all valuable things. This is written in the contract. "

"Okay, I promise you."

After Zhang Yue and Rudd Fowler, the leader of the Shenhuan clan, signed a contract in the mall, everyone in the Shenhuan clan transferred their points to Zhang Yue, a total of 7,450 points, and a pile of neatly arranged items, which were then owned by the Shenhuan clan. The man left directly sitting on the flying alien.

"The heart of summoning! The heart of summoning!" Ji Xiayun happily held a summoning heart that exudes spatial fluctuations~www.ltnovel.com~ and touched her lovingly.

Zhang Yue looked at the three semi-artifacts, a purple giant sword, a light blue wind staff, and a black gold

The vine and wood bow, there are some messy things, all kinds of potions, weapons, and some exercises of various races.

What attracted Zhang Yue's attention most was a pile of refined ore, about half a ton, not sure what metal it was.

"Brother Yue, you are rich!!"

A figure threw down on the pile of ore and began to fumble, Lin Dong said excitedly: "These are SSS-grade refined ore spirit concentrates. When building a semi-artifact, adding this can greatly increase the success rate."

At this time, Chu Yunxuan and his party also arrived, and Xu Pokong looked straight at the black and golden rattan wood bow.

"Are they here to deliver supplies?" Chu Yunxuan said in a group.

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