The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 134: Ji Xiayun's Commitment

"Brother Yue, can you give me this young semi-divine tool."

Xu Pofeng stared straight at the black golden rattan wood war bow. It happened to be a young version of the wood and metal artifact, which matched his own attributes perfectly.

"Take it if you like it, it's all comrades-in-arms." Zhang Yue said, although he is a semi-artifact, but it is not of much use to himself, it is better to give it to Xu Pokong as a favor.

"Brother Yue, don't say anything, you are my own brother, and Brother Yue's business will be my business in the future." Xu Pofeng said gratefully, and he had already determined that Zhang Yue was his eldest brother for a lifetime.

"Brother Yue, I also want you to be my own brother, but unfortunately the conditions are not allowed." Chu Feng said jokingly. From his perspective, Zhang Yue's handling method is very profitable. The archer with the most potential will definitely be the most loyal brother in the future.

"Brother Yue, can the ore divide me a bit? I have an experiment to use." Lin Dong said.

"Get as much as you use."

"Thank you Brother Yue!"

Then Zhang Yue said to everyone: "Open it and take it away when you see it. This is also one of the team's trophies."

"Thank you Brother Yue." The group began to look at the things left by the Shen Huan clan and began to check the remaining spoils.

Zhang Yue put away the semi-artifact juvenile giant sword and staff.

This hand Chu Yunxuan walked to Zhang Yue and said, "Xiao Yue, your trophy is your trophy. They won't take it for nothing. They will come back at the original price when they return to the world of heaven."

Chu Yunxuan complained a little bit about Xu Pokong's open mouth, which led to Zhang Yue's practice behind the uneven ownership of the loot, which was also the reason for the unevenness of the team.

"Brother Chu, I'm okay. These things are valuable when they are used. If they can be used, our tasks can be completed faster." Zhang Yue knew what Chu Yunxuan meant, and he was afraid that he would be dissatisfied.

"One yard is one yard. If this thing is used in a mission, the country will replenish you according to its value when you go back."

"talk about it later."

When people choose me to fight, they are also very measured, and only take things that are used on the battlefield.

"Xiaoyue, I won't take the Heart of Summoning for nothing. In the future, I will give you a true god-level summoned beast." Ji Xiayun said to Zhang Yue. Although a little bit of suspicion, things are too expensive and there is no suitable thing. That exchange.

"Okay, I'm waiting for sister Ji's god-level summoned beast." Zhang Yue said with a smile. He didn't doubt that Ji Xiayun promised to be true or false. As the low-level and top-level summoner of the human race, he is qualified to say this. .

Xu Pokong walked to Zhang Yue's side with a little self-blame, feeling that he was talking, but Zhang Yue's words were blocked.

"The promise of the Human Race's future demigod Arrow God is not enough for a young artifact."

"Brother Yue, thank you." Xu Pokong said seriously.

"That's right, big man, don't take care of your mother, look at Fat Dong, how natural you want things." Lu Heng patted Xu Pokong's shoulder and said.

Lin Dong, who was planning the use of this batch of ore experiments, instantly exploded and said to Lu Heng loudly: "These are all Yue brother's investment, and the future earnings are all Yue brother's. Don't talk nonsense."

Then he turned his head madly, as if very angry.

"This kid can't help but tease." Lu Heng shook his head and said.

"How can you make a joke like that." Zhang Yue was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Well, well, I was wrong." Lu Heng said, and then joined the army looking for useful loot for him.

Half an hour later, Zhang Yue received the remaining trophies into his storage space, and returned to the convoy with the crowd to continue driving.

After experiencing the battle just now, Zhang Yue was refreshed, and looking at the newly rising sun, his mood improved infinitely.

Sitting in the main control room of the front of the car, looking at the endless desert ahead, holding the juice that Xu Lingxuan had just delivered in her hand, I felt that the desert ahead was not very boring.

"Brother Yue, I am in a good mood."

Lin Dong was watching the data of the wave detector beside Zhang Yue, and his hands had been calculating some data on the void panel.

"I have gained, of course I am happy."

Having nothing to do, Zhang Yue chatted with Lin Dong.

"Did Xiaodong's grades be particularly good when he was in school?" Zhang Yue said, looking at the incomprehensible formulas on the void panel operated by Lin Dong.

"Go to school? What kind of school do you think those university professors give me classes alone?" Lin Dong said with some confusion. It seems that after 8 years old, no one teaches himself when he is out of the master.

"You never went to school? Then where did you learn this knowledge."

"I can understand those simple knowledge at a glance. When I was 5 years old, I found that university knowledge was a bit difficult, so I invited a university professor to teach me knowledge. When I was 8 years old, I entered the world of heaven and It was the master who taught me. By the time I was 14 years old, the master could not teach me anymore. Now I teach myself."

Zhang Yue suddenly felt that he had asked some nonsense, how could the mechanic who can be sent here come out of school.

"Why are you eight years old and entered the world of the heavens? Isn't it 18 years old?"

"That's an average person. I was invited in when I was 8 years old to tackle a very important project."


Zhang Yue sighed that the life of Xueba cannot be inferred by common sense.

"By the way, Brother Yue, Sauron Mina and I are planning to establish a chamber of commerce in partnership to manufacture their armor. You are the president, with 90% of the shares."

"What are you doing with so many copies? Too much money is useless." Zhang Yue said that if this mission is completed, 100 trillion energy points will be established.

"Brother you are indeed not short of money for the low-level. When you reach the high-level or the demigod queen, then the money we reward will not be enough."

"The high-end is SSS equipment. The better ones are hundreds of billions of energy points. No, at that time, it was based on energy cores. One energy core compares to 100 million energy points."

Zhang Yue was shocked and asked: "A piece of A-level equipment only has more than 10 million energy points, how come it becomes hundreds of billions of energy points below the S level."

"A-level weapons are made of raw metal. Terrans have mining areas in many places in the world of heavens, in the wild, in the world of small to medium fragments."

"Metal veins above S-level can only be produced in the world of large fragments. They are particularly rare. The world of large fragments is too difficult to conquer. There is no large fragment of at least the size of a planet, and all of them are strong or weak. The race and wisdom of the alien group."

"Each large fragment world is guarded by a demigod. With the strength of Tier 9, it is possible to fight the demigod with the strength of the ninth level. With the addition of 500 top tier ninth professionals and output at the cost of life, it is possible to complete the slaughter of the demigod and overcome A feat in a world of large fragments."

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