The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 169: Chu Feng's big brother

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"Your ten thousand points seriously insulted me, so I decided."

Zhang Yue said that the earth element giant rose up behind him, and after grasping the ground of the spiritscale assassin, it turned into a guillotine.

The Earth Elemental Giant took the metamorphosis guillotine in his hand and looked down fiercely.

"So I decided that your little friend is gone." Zhang Yue looked at the leader of the Linglin clan and said.

Lin Dong looked at Zhang Yue with the eyes of Little Mystery. Brother Yue was too domineering this time. He raised the knife and fell without ambiguity.

Under Zhang Yue's control, the head of the spiritscale assassin rolled to the feet of the leader of the spiritscale tribe. The spiritscale assassin was suppressed by Zhang Yue until his death, and there was no resistance at all. .

"Say it again, you who don't have one hundred thousand points will die."

Zhang Yue directly used the hand of the earth to smash the spaceships that were still stretching out in space.

"Human race, it seems that you never thought about letting us off. Are we really bullying?" The leader of the Linglin tribe said sharply, but he was terrified in his heart. He knew the horror of the legendary top powerhouse.

"We lied to you, as long as 100,000 points, all of your spirit scales can survive."

"Linglin Clan, the battle prepared by all, the final battle of glory." The leader of the Linglin Clan said loudly, planning to make the final struggle.

Suddenly all the Linglin clan entered a state of fighting, and more than a hundred people stared at Zhang Yue, planning to fight to the death.

"Forget it, don't let you play, your life is not good, you sneaked on my teammates, all of you go to see your true god."

"Shield Power"

"The Power of the Earth and the Sea: The Vortex of the Earth"

When opening the shield, Zhang Yue took special care of the alien races in the front row of the Linglin tribe. At a glance, those alien races knew that it was either the team leader or the leader. There was always nothing wrong with focusing on them.

"Brother Yue Niubi (broken sound Lin Dong said excitedly as he looked at the neatly arranged guillotines. Now the number is no longer useful for Brother Yue.

"It's a bit worse than a truly powerful god-level powerhouse." Zhang Yue said modestly. Since he experienced the ten-day battle with Zhanshan, Zhang Yue has completely put away any pride in his heart. The powerhouse of the first class has forced himself to the point of being exhausted.

Zhang Yue couldn't imagine the horror of those god-level intermediate and other powerhouses, and he might be able to kill himself in seconds.

"Those are too far away. In my eyes, Brother Yue is invincible of the same rank, and this is no exception in the battlefield of the ten thousand races." Lin Dong worshipped, Zhang Yue was so gentle in the battle he and Zhang Yue participated in. Yun Dan, there has never been any foreign enemy that can hurt Zhang Yue. .

"Haha, let's do business now." Zhang Yue said. Although Zhang Yue has strong resistance to these words, he can't help but feel happy every time he hears them.

"Okay." Lin Dong summoned his mechanical army.

The earth element raised one foot and stepped on the ground fiercely. More than one hundred ground thorns accurately pierced the heart of the spirit scale clan.

"The weak eat the strong, human race, you will have this day soon!"

With the last unwilling cry from the leader of the Linglin clan, more than one hundred Linglin clan died.

Lin Dong said with a sigh of relief; "I thought that Brother Yue was dumb and all their heads were cut off."

After speaking, he looked at the guillotine axe held in the hands of the earth elemental giant, feeling a little frustrated.

A small hand of the earth grabbed the head of the spiritscale assassin and handed it to Zhang Yue's body.

"There is no deep hatred, it is enough to have this assassin's head." Zhang Yue put the spiritscale assassin's head into the wooden box that was already prepared.

"This is good, not too bloody." Lin Dong said.

"But there was a little loss this day, with only over 18,000 points." Zhang Yue said, looking at the points balance of the Wanzu Mall, even if it is a half-artifact and half-artifact, there is still a loss.

"Wait until the Mechanical Legion has cleaned up the battlefield, but this juvenile dagger is worth a lot of points." Lin Dong picked up the dagger of the Spiritscale Assassin from the ground and said, and opened the ten thousand clan. The mall began to look for the same model to see how many points this dagger was worth.

"I hope there is something good." Zhang Yue said as he looked at the battle robots packing up the spoils.

"The space equipment of the Lingscale tribe is their golden lower molars. We want to classify them and see if there are any good things."

"Good!" Lin Dong took out the control panel he brought with him and started to operate.

An hour later, the four teams piled up neatly scrambled trophies before them.

"Equipment category, an artifact dagger, four semi-artifacts, one hundred various A-level golden fine weapons, and a bunch of inner armors that Zhang Yue does not seem to have. The visual value is 16,000 points."

"In the potion··················worth 3000 hit points"

"Linglin clan technology equipment."

"Minerals, 1,000 tons of SSS metal steel, worth 5,000 points."

"There are still a bunch of inconvenient warfare items. After I go back, I will study them slowly. It is estimated that there are bad things."

"So, we didn't run in vain on this trip." Lin Dong said, the list of good trophies.

After listening to the data reported by Lin Dong, Zhang Yue felt better, and he did not lose money.

"Then let's pack our things and get ready to go home." Zhang Yue said, before leaving, he sank all the corpses of the Linglin tribe.

At the Terran Base, Zhang Yue told Chu Yunxuan what happened, and transferred the points collected by the Linglin Clan from the Linglin Clan to Chu Yunxuan.

"Just as their medical expenses, Lu Heng and Chu Feng can't let them call me Brother Yue, let alone Sister Ji." Zhang Yue said to Chu Yunxuan.

"After returning to the world of the heavens, these points will be replaced by contribution points. You have helped the team enough." Chu Yunxuan said with some emotion, he felt that Zhang Yue would be given another 50 years in the future, waiting for Zhang Yue After becoming a demigod, at that time the human race area was regarded as a remote corner of the world of the heavens, completely worry-free.

"Then these contribution points can be exchanged for two sets of high-level professional training systems." Zhang Yue said jokingly, he was always thinking about this thing.

"Haha, I will make it up for you if it is not enough." Chu Yunxuan said with a smile.

"Okay." Zhang Yue also found a similar training system in the Wanzu Virtual Mall. They are all too expensive. The lowest grade is 30,000 points and the highest grade is 50,000 points, which directly extinguished Zhang Yue's thoughts.

In the medical room of Lu Heng and Chu Feng, when Zhang Yue showed them the heads of the Linglin tribe assassin, they almost cried.

"Brother Yue, don't tell me, good brother, for a lifetime." Chu Feng left tears of touch. Apart from his big brother, he didn't expect to meet someone so good to him.

"Except for the last time you were beaten and cryed by your dad, the first time I saw you cry." Lu Heng said next to him.

"Brother Yue has done such a big thing for us, so we shouldn't be moved." Chu Feng turned his head and said unhappy.

"My life is Brother Yue, and I will return it later." Lu Heng said.

"Forget it, don't let you talk nonsense, I now thank Brother Yue first, and thank my big brother, Cai Celadon, if he hadn't advanced to Tier 4 earlier, I wouldn't have seen Brother Yue." Chu Feng thought of his big brother who looked the most like his father and was also a master, who was independent from the world and his sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, you should thank your big brother, or you really won't have your turn." Lu Heng said, Chu Feng's big brother, this is the only person he dare not provoke to dominate the younger generation.

Zhang Yue looked at Lu Heng's expression when he talked about Senior Brother Chu Feng, and instantly became interested, and asked: "Big Brother Chu Feng, what background? Even Lu Heng is so convinced."

"Chu Feng's daddy's big disciple is a sword infatuation, and his love is rooted in the sword, very pure."

"I just shot him once. At that time, Chu Feng and I were both Tier 2 and he was Tier 3. Chu Feng and I were experimenting outside the city. A Tier 6 Soul Eater Vulture treated me and Chu Feng as At lunch, he rushed over to us directly, terrifying Chu Feng and me."

"By the way, Chu Feng almost peeed his pants at that time."

"I do not have!"

"Don't explain, let me continue." Lu Heng was interrupted very unhappy.

"At that time, Chu Feng and I were both stunned. Seeing that the Soul Devouring Vulture was about to catch us, the guard who was secretly protecting me was about to take action. At this moment, I felt a sword light flashing between the sky and the earth, almost blinding me After catching my eyes, the Soul Devouring Vulture was smoothly divided into two halves, and then I saw Chu Feng's big brother taking the sword not far away."

"By the way, Chu Feng, your senior brother is a bit biased. The blood of that bloodthirsty vulture has been spilled on me. You don't have a drop on your body. He definitely did it on purpose."

Lu Heng has been obsessed with this matter until now.

"Awesome! The sixth-order monster is slashed with one sword." Zhang Yue said in surprise, this kind of combat power should have reached the legendary level.

"Drawing swordsmanship, my senior has been raising that sword for 5 years, which is a bit of a loss."

"Is that a loss? That's your big brother's love for you." Lu Heng said with a smile.

"Ha ha"

"You swear," Lu Heng said angrily.

"Ha ha"

Zhang Yue looked at the two people who started to quarrel again, smiled and left the medical room, and went to the next medical room to look at Ji Xiayun.


Somewhere near the outer core area.

"Little bat, do you think you can run away?" The orc leader said while looking at the vampire leader who had been blown up and turned into countless avatars.

The orc leader faced the little bat that flees in the void, stretched out his right hand burning with soul fire, and claws at the void.

"Soul Fire: Hell of the Nether"

Suddenly, countless soul fires appeared in the sky and formed a huge cage in the void, directly trapping countless cloned little bats inside, and slowly shrinking them, igniting all the little bats, and finally turned to ashes.

"Soul Tian, ​​see you in the world of heavens." A very painful voice came, and then slowly, then disappeared.

"Hey, there is no way. It's almost impossible to completely wipe out this kind of evildoer favored by the main god." The orc leader Soul Tian said to the cautious dark snake human leader next to him.

"Yes, it's a pity that the glory of our clan chief **** only falls on those god-level geniuses."

"It's all the same. Our first-class and low-level races sent us in when the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield was opened. In the end, the resources they exchanged were still the most occupied by those god-level geniuses." Kuntian said unwillingly. .

"What can be done, those **** necromancers, every time the ten thousand race battlefield likes to collect the god-level geniuses of our first-class small race, so far, maybe even those second-class race teams can't beat it."

"I was abused by a torn sky bear some time almost killed by him."

"Our six ten-man squads also overturned a car on a small third-rate race. They were all destroyed. It was a defender who took the shot. I am now thinking whether to retaliate and go back."

As the leader of the soul sky and the dark snake human race said, they looked at each other and laughed bitterly.

"Forget it, when I go back, I will say a few good things for your dark snake human race when I report to my clan leader. You have passed my level," said Soul Tian.

The leader of the Dark Snake Race suddenly became ecstatic, which showed that his most important task in the world of the heavens was completed, and the rest was collecting points.

"By the way, I’ll give you a piece of advice. If you are not sure about the evil spirits of those small races, forget it. Sometimes the evil spirits of those small races are very evil. There are lessons for you. Don’t forget the three-eyed race. The entire Three-Eyed Clan was changed from a small race that was not influential to a first-class intermediate race, and now it has occupied a large area in the outer star field."

"Okay, I understand." Soul Tian's words made the leader of the Dark Snake Race almost dispel the idea of ​​revenge on the Race.

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