The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 170: 20% handling fee

   The world of the heavens, the moon elves, the core area of ​​the world tree.

   "Little Meng! Don't run, return my Yuelan wine!" A moon elf who has not yet reached an infant stage chased this moon on the huge trunk of the World Tree.

   "Hmph, brewing Yuelan wine while I am away, is it prepared for me." A pair of energy wings behind Yue Xiaomeng leap flexibly in the world tree with complex terrain.

  The guards of the true gods patrolling in the world tree, all thinking about looking at the two elves chasing each other.

   "The Mother God is not there, Princess Xiaomeng has caused a lot of trouble." A guard of the true **** of the elves said.

   "It's all kids playing around, it's all right." The leader of the True God Guard said.

   "Also, counting the time, the mother goddess should have returned from the star field."

At this moment, the flying Yue Xiaomeng was held in the air by a gentle force, and the Yuelan wine placed in the storage space by Yue Xiaomeng appeared in mid-air, facing the poor little girl. The elf floated over.

   The elf who took over the Yuelan wine looked at the lost Yuelan wine in his hand and said happily to the sky: "Thank you, Lord Mother, this is the fourth jar of Yuelan wine that Yue Xiaomeng has stolen during this time."

   "You dare to sue, believe it or not, I will hide yours!" Yue Xiaomeng said to the little elf milk fiercely.

"Okay, Xiaomeng won't steal your Yuelan wine in the future." A misty voice came out, as if there was a mysterious magic, forming a tiny rule, slowly drifting to Yue Xiaomeng's eyebrows and disappearing. .

   "Thank you, Lord Mother." Xiao Jing said inspiringly, and then he held Yuelanjiu and headed to his nest.

   At this time, Yue Xiaomeng's voice disappeared in midair.

   The True God Patrol, who kept saluting aside, looked enviously in Yue Xiaomeng's direction.

   "The mother goddess really prefers Princess Xiaomeng, and he will be summoned as soon as he comes back. Even our queen does not receive this treatment."

   "Can it be the same? Princess Xiaomeng will be the next patron saint of the World Tree in the future. She may also open up several holy realms, so that our clan will have a few more master gods, and will have a greater advantage in future guardian wars."

   "I hope the princess will grow up quickly."

   In the inner space of the World Tree, Yue Xiaomeng appeared in the Temple of Life.

A slender, beautiful, and kind mother goddess looked at Yue Xiaomeng and said, "Yes, you don’t have to go to the battlefield of ten thousand races in vain. At least you have made a friend. You are quite generous. You have not conceived. Three leaves of the World Tree were directly sent out."

   "No, I exchanged three requests for him with three leaves of the World Tree. Brother Zhang Yue is very powerful, and he can agglomerate this only at a low level."

   Yue Xiaomeng said and showed the mother goddess the starlight shield that Zhang Yue had given her.

   Yue Xiaomeng just took out the small starlight shield, and the mother **** who was sitting on the main seat became a little serious, waved, an invisible force took the small starlight shield into her hand, and looked carefully.

   after a moment. The mother **** returned the starlight shield to Yue Xiaomeng.

   "Yes, the three leaves of the World Tree of yours are not lost. The meaning of guarding the stars here is very pure, and you may grow to the same level as you in the future."

   "The friends I made must be very powerful people." Yue Xiaomeng said proudly.


   Half a month later, Terran base.

On the training ground, Lu Heng and Chu Feng are doing rehabilitation training. They have almost fully recovered. The remaining Ji Xiayun returned to the world of heavens when she could go down to the earth due to the weakness of the soul. When he immediately returned to the world of the heavens, he said bad news.

"Xiaoyue, you said that in such a great place on the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Races, you have to pay the 20 mall exchange fee for returning early. Fortunately, this news arrived early." Chu Yunxuan said depressed. Even the most basic things can't be taken home.

"Maybe this is because the world of the heavens restricts alien races to exit early." After saying this, Zhang Yue also started to have a headache, but he still has a lot of artifacts and semi-sacred artifacts in his hands. Enough to drink a pot by yourself.

   "According to the usual practice, Zerg cleaning is usually in the last four months. We have to collect 80,000 points to complete the basic tasks. Current points: 32106"

   "We also need to take into account the factors that have been locked in the battlefield of the ten thousand races in advance, and we are running out of time." Chu Yunxuan rubbed his temples.

   "Then let's speed up the plan to collect points." Zhang Yue also felt a little urgency, and the points seemed a bit insufficient.

"You have to speed up. I will go back and analyze if there is a suitable target. Later, you will take the team to the raid. Don't worry about whether it is a second-rate race. Just grab the one you can." Chu Yunxuan said fiercely. Said, the true **** godhead cannot be brought back, the demi godhead must be obtained.

"it is good!"

   On the training ground, Lu Heng pointed at Sauron Mina with a halberd.

   "Master, come down and practice."

   Sauron Mina looked at Lu Heng, who was full of fighting spirit, and summoned the mechanical armor without saying a word. After putting on it, he rushed towards Lu Heng.

   This is the new type of mechanical armor Zhang Yue saw from Lin Dong.

   ", after I was promoted to Legend, have we ever practiced well? Don't be merciful this time, let me see Master's true strength."

   "Okay, then try it."

   "Overclocking: Extreme Maneuvering"

   Five minutes later, a giant super alloy sword was placed on Lu Heng's neck.

   "Awesome, I didn't expect Master Sauron to be so good." Chu Feng applauded beside him.

   "Master, why do you have so much strength?" Lu Heng asked. In the past, he could hold on for half an hour at any rate, but he couldn't hold on for five minutes after being promoted to Legend.

   Sauron Mina took the giant sword away from Lu Heng's neck and said to Lu Heng: "We are all pure combat skills, I have the advantage in this respect."

   "Second, you seem to have a misunderstanding of my strength. I am a Tier 9 armor manipulator, not Tier 3, and now only mechanical armor is limiting my strength."

   "Look, this is not the armor just changed to Tier 5, my strength is stronger." Soren Mina said naturally.

   "I..." Lu Heng was a bit speechless, and Sauron Mina didn't say it, he almost forgot the Sauron Mina Tier 9 armor manipulator.

   "It seems that I want to make a new assessment of my strength." Lu Heng said depressed.

   "Evaluate what you are doing, and follow me tomorrow to collect protection fees." Zhang Yue said to Lu Heng.

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