The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 173: Star God Heavy Armor, Royal Star Shield

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   After watching Zhang Yue's operation, the orc leader sighed helplessly. He was also a legendary top genius, and he seemed to be a defender specializing in the Earth Element. The battlefield of the ten thousand races became more and more difficult.

   "You are the one who singled out Zhanshan in the Ladder Arena." Kuntian said with a headache.

   "No, that's not the stone human race." Zhang Yue pretended to be stupid, saying that this can't be admitted, what if it attracts revenge from the bear.

"Don’t pretend. I guess the legendary top level. I can’t think of any other races besides the stone people. Don’t pretend. At that time, the rock armor on your body is okay. Be a fool." Soul Tian said slowly, not caring about the tribe who was dragged into the ground.

"Whatever you say, your clan is in my hands now, what do you say, or how many points do you use to get your clansman." Zhang Yue said, ignoring the matter of identity being exposed, just don't admit it. .

   "Do you think you have the upper hand?"

   ‘The Power of the Soul: Ju Ling’

   "Shield Power: Guardian of the Stars"

   Zhang Yue suddenly felt that his soul received a slight impact, and saw that his teammates next to him looked a little lost, and he quickly turned on his shield to protect his teammates.

   It is possible that there is no problem with the teammates beside Zhang Yue, and the souls of the tauren underground are captured by the soul.

   "These souls can only stay outside for 30 minutes, and then they will be broken down by natural forces."

   "To make a long story short below, first, I will not reveal your identity. Second, you let my people go, and I return this soul to the tauren."

   "In the future, the sky is high and the road is far away, how can the two not meet each other. To be honest, I don't want to be with a legendary Dao like you, and the bull-headed souls in my hand have begun to become restless and start to struggle and scream.

   "Brother Zhang Yue, if you really start the fight, even if you win, it will be the result of both losers. It's not as good as this." Niu Dazhi hurriedly said to Zhang Yue after hearing what Huntian said.

"I promise, you will return your soul to the tauren first, and I am releasing your clansman. There is nothing to discuss about this." Zhang Yue thought for a while and said that the method of the soul on the other side made Zhang Yue dare not. The main reason for the adventure was that the star guard of his shield had been blessed to the underground tauren, but in this way their souls were still captured by the soul.

After    Soul Heaven stopped Zhang Yue's words, he directly drove the souls in his hands into the ground, and these souls returned to their own bodies. Under Zhang Yue's perception, all the tauren were alive.

   "This is ok, I still have this kind of sincerity, after all, your starlight guardian power can't protect everyone." Kuntian said nonchalantly.

"it is good."

   The tauren and the orcs were slowly sent up from the earth by Zhang Yue at the same time, and both of them returned to their camps.

   "Well, since it's okay, let's go away."

   After the soul day, he took his own people back to the orc clan's spacecraft and flew far away.

  In the spaceship, the deputy commander of the orc race walked to the soul of the sky.

   "The leader, we actually paid a price just now to have a chance to destroy them." The deputy commander of the orc tribe said, before using normal combat power, there is definitely a chance to wipe them out.

   "The price, the price is that only you and I can survive, and the rest of the clansmen will be wiped out. That human race is suitable for the one who fought in Zhanshan for ten days and ten nights. Can you withstand the attacks of Zhanshan for ten days and ten nights?"

   "The commander was all injured under Zhan Shan, let alone me."

   "The human race on the opposite side understands the power of the earth veins. Standing in the earth, he has infinite energy. If he wants to kill him at the same level, only those who are above the medium power of the **** level can do it."

   "The legendary top powerhouse comes out, and everything else goes up to give food."

   "Could it be that another three-eyed tribe is going to rise."

"This human race is still far away. Legend has it that the evildoer participated in the battlefield of ten thousand races when their race was in the third-rate and low level, and directly suppressed the entire ten thousand race battlefield. At that time, the Zerg race, the machine race, and the necromantic race were killed by him. The remaining top races were directly forced back by him and returned to the world of heavens in advance."

"In that ten thousand race battlefield, almost 60% of the points were in the pocket of the enchanting evildoer. It is said that after the return, the three-eyed race became a second-rate intermediate race. For more than a thousand years, he simply Just like opening a plug-in, leading the three-eyed race to a first-class intermediate race."

   "Up to now, among the first-class races, they have not dared to go to the Three-Eyed Clan to find trouble, just because their enchanting main god, even the **** king is worthy."

"The evildoers are from other people's houses." After Huntian said, he remembered those god-level geniuses in the clan. The main **** was afraid of being caught by the necromantic clan to become puppets and forbid them to come to the battlefield of ten thousand clan. Cultivate that kind of evildoer.

"Brother Zhang Yue, we Tauren remember your kindness. When you return to the world of heavens, my clan will give you a big gift." Niu Dazhi said gratefully. If it weren't for Zhang Yue this time, it is estimated that he was for the clan. Really compromise.

   "We have a good relationship between the two clans, this is what it should be, is mutual benefit?" Zhang Yue said with a smile, although he did not earn points, it feels good to save the tauren clan.

   After Zhang Yue and Niu Dazhi chatted for a while, they started looking for targets in the outer area.

   At this time, Zhang Yue suddenly received a message from the Wanzu Mall who claimed to be the Moon her name was Yuexi.

   "Moon Elf, Yuexi, is it Yue Xiaomeng's older sister?" Zhang Yue said in a puzzled manner, and then he opened the message without much thought.

   After Zhang Yue saw the beginning of the message, his expression began to show seriousness. The message said,

, The insect mother sweep is a foregone conclusion. The time sweep will be four months later, and the sweep location will be sent along with the map, indicating that this is when Yue Xiaomeng asked her to inform her of the final result of the news when she left, suggestion 4. Return to the world of heavens in advance to prevent being locked in.

   "Brother Yue, what's wrong." Lin Dong looked at Zhang Yue and looked a little wrong.

   "Someone sent me a message just now that the Zerg cleaning is an inevitable thing, and it is recommended that we return to the world of heavens in 4 months."

   "Um, it seems that I really have to pay a handling fee."

   "You thought it was a joke." Zhang Yue hit Lin Dong with a brain collapse.

   "Then what shall we do now."

   "What else can I do, hurry up and earn points, what else can I do."

At this time, Zhang Yue missed the traveler family a bit, and wanted to sell all the things he didn’t use for points. Zhang Yue recently saw a set of heavy armor in Wanzu Mall, plus a huge shield, the star **** heavy armor. And Royal Star Shield, both of which are young artifacts, a full set of 30,000 points, if you count the handling fee, it will be 36,000 points.

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