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Terran Base

"Today's gain of 6000 points is not bad, if you can get so many points every day, so is it."

Zhang Yue said to Chu Yunxuan while eating in the restaurant.

"How easy is it? According to my investigation, the Ten Thousand Race Battlefield will actually allocate resources. After a while, the Ten Thousand Race Battlefield will use invisible means to force you to move."

"Just like the Tauren clan I met today, that location is at least 500,000 kilometers away from the base of the original Tauren, plus the time you met, I am sure they have moved their base."

"Forgot to tell you that Zhanshan already knows your identity."

"Oh, what can he do if he knows, find our base and continue to fight?"

"No, he just wants to have a chat with you. Thanks to him, he doesn't want us to participate in the arena. All races know that the human race has produced a legendary top-level defender, stronger than the old stone. , If you can’t win, no race is willing to compete with the human race"

Chu Yunxuan told Zhang Yue about the latest news.

"Hunting on the periphery with peace of mind." Zhang Yue said, it seems that in the future, he can only go shopping in the city of games.

"If you really want to participate in the arena, you can only fight with those first-class races, you are not sure of winning.

"You decide." Zhang Yue said, he always believed that Chu Yunxuan had a choice.

Zhang Yue started daily training after dinner, and Lu Heng and others were also honing their spirits beside Zhang Yue.

On the other side, the core area of ​​the Ten Thousand Races battlefield, the Dark Snake Human Race base.

"When I came in, there were 25 teams, but now there are only 10 teams left, 8 teams have been lost in the perimeter sweep, and 7 teams have been lost in attacking the vampires. The current strength is no longer ranked among the first-class races on the battlefield." The Dark Snake Human Race Leader Tree said that in that battle with the Orcs to strangle the vampires, all the points of the big head were taken away by the Orcs, and only a few thousand points were spent on their own.

"Boss, what shall we do next, continue to sweep the periphery, or develop resources in the core area." A dark snake human race said.

"First, finish mining the resources in our area, and stop the peripheral raids." After the Dark Snake Race finished speaking, he thought of the words of the Orc Race Soul Sky, and asked the clansman next to it.

"Are you sure that the news you told me just now is true? It is really an individual who is fighting the God-level Sky Torn Bear Clan?"

"The news is certain that the human race pretended to be the stone human race to participate in the battle that day."

"Okay, where to go to mine the resources in the area in the rest of the time." The leader of the Dark Snake Race finally chose to listen to the suggestion of Soul Heaven. He could resist the existence of the god-level powerhouse for ten days, and it is estimated that he would not benefit.

On the second day, in the spacecraft elevator, Zhang Yue looked at the heavily armed Chu Yunxuan, a little puzzled.

"Brother Chu, are you not looking for a target?" Zhang Yue asked

"I'm not looking for it. I will go hunting with you. Recently, I have been a little restless in the City of Games, so it's better not to go to the City of Games for some time. I always feel very accurate." Chu Yunxuan said with a smile. He didn't say the real reason. In Game City, he found that someone had begun to inquire about the position of the human race.

"With Brother Chu's command, it is estimated that our points will be gathered soon."

"Is there any good command? Generally speaking, if you are in the line, no big problems will arise."

"Okay, press us to start hunting."

"set off!"

Three months later,

After a fierce battle, Lu Heng looked at the alien race that had been subdued, and felt very fulfilled. In the past three months, he has experienced countless battles of all sizes, and his combat power is also steadily improving, especially the mad war. The momentum has come to an end, and he has gotten rid of the problem of love-playing tricks.

Zhang Yue looked at the teammates who were skilled in cleaning up the battlefield, and felt that something was wrong. For three months, fighting occurred almost every one or two days. Zhang Yue did not interfere too much, but only helped when necessary. They resisted the fatal injury.

This is, Chu Yunxuan came over. Said to Zhang Yue: "With another 3000 points this time, our task of redeeming the demigod status has been completed."

"Counting the handling fee, all of our important things can be brought back. After the return, with the things in our hands, the human race can develop rapidly for a period of time."

"Various exercises suitable for our human race, detailed introduction of various professional systems and laws of the heavens, a large number of precious materials and scientific and technological theories, and the most important thing is the demigod."

"With the demigod, the situation of our human race can be stable for some time. I hope that after we return, the situation will not be too bad." Chu Yunxuan said.

"By the way, I have always wanted to ask who I have a demigod, and who will it be used when I go back?" Zhang Yue asked. In fact, Zhang Yue has already felt that this demigod may belong to his master, but he has not been sure.

"You don't know!" Chu Yunxuan said in surprise.

"You don't know, you should be able to guess."

"That's right, it's your master. Otherwise, why do you spend so much effort in getting a demigod? In Human Race, only after your master has become a demigod can you be qualified to stabilize the situation." Chu Yunxuan said, even after he went back. , Wei Duntian's first plan to become a demigod queen can already be expected.

Zhang Yue scolded himself secretly, isn't this something obvious.

The crowd gathered all the alien races that had lost their combat power.

"Sign the contract, take out the points and valuable things, you can survive." Zhang Yue looked at the alien leader of this system and said.

At this moment, the alien leader showed a weird smile at Zhang Yue.

"Human race, this is your burial place,"

At this time, two spaceships flew down from the clouds and quickly flew to the ground, encircling Zhang Yue and others.

"Dark Snake Terran spaceship!" Zhang Yue said~www.ltnovel.com~ Terran, don’t you know that spaceship, let me tell you, it’s the spaceship of the Torn Sky Bear Race, and that god-level powerhouse is looking for you Revenge, and my clan is the bait, isn't it very sad? "

The alien leader began to laugh frantically. The core genius has returned to the world of heaven under their witness. The rest of the tribe is led by him to be the bait, the bait of the tribe, and so on. After two months, I finally waited.

"Since your mission is completed, then go to death." Zhang Yue said coldly.

Then Zhang Yue dragged all the alien races into the earth, and was pierced into the heart to die.

Not surprisingly, only the most basic 2000 points and more.

"All the clansmen gather, Zhang Yue plans to escape." Chu Yunxuan said loudly.

At this moment, a huge palm of combat spirit appeared in the air, directly smashing the Condor that was parked in the distance.

"Xiaodong!!" Zhang Yue shouted.

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