The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 175: Hard fight

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At this time, a blue light flashed by Zhang Yue's side, and Lin Dong appeared beside Zhang Yue, sweating profusely and his face was shocked.

"Human race, bear my anger, you cut off my hope of becoming the Lord God."

An extremely angry voice came over, and then I saw Zhan Shan rushing over, not in the direction of Zhang Yue, but in Lu Heng, the nearest to him.

"Lv Heng be careful and go back quickly."

When Zhang Yue wanted to drag Lu Heng into the ground, he found that a large area had been suppressed by Zhanshan, and Zhang Yue could not control the earth element.

Lu Heng saw the Zhanshan rushing towards him and found that it had been dragged beyond retreat. If he really exposed his back to the enemy, the death would be even worse. It would be better to fight him and explain the retreat.

Lv Heng rushed towards Zhanshan with his halberd.

‘Break Slash’

Lu Heng's powerful blow was directly resisted by Zhanshan's random punch, and then another punch hit Lu Heng's heart directly.

At this time, Lu Heng's eyes flashed with a sharp light. What he was waiting for was this punch. Fang Tian painted a halberd in his hand. He directly blocked the punch and flew out to the distance. It just fell not far from Zhang Yue, unconsciously. personnel.

"Human race, kill me 6 teams, today I want your teammates to pay for their lives." The leader of a 6-meter-tall dark snake human race, each holding six semi-sacred artifacts in his hands, rushed towards Zhang Yue from the other direction. The initial goal of him and Zhan Tian was to kill the human race around Zhang Yue.


Bending the faint green light of the knife, it struck Xu Lingxuan next to Zhang Yue.

"Shield Power: Guardian of the Stars"

"Endless Water Shield"

The two defensive skills were simultaneously applied to Xu Lingxuan.

However, the blade of light passed directly through Xu Lingxuan's endless water shield, penetrated into Xu Lingxuan's body, and fell into a coma.

‘Shield Wall’

A semi-circular shield wall directly blocked Zhanshan and the leader of the Dark Snake Race, a gentle force of the earth. Surrounding his teammates and dragging them towards the ground, Zhang Yue planned to send them directly under the ground. 300 meters is the limit of Zhang Yue's perception.

Zhang Yue watched his teammates sink into the ground, and he was relieved. At least his teammates are safe now.

"Human race, I want your teammates to run first, no way."

With a roar, the golden battle mountain, which was more than ten meters away, smashed the outer shield wall, and before Zhang Yue responded, he directly lined up on the earth with his full palm.

"The Power of Opening a Mountain"

Zhang Yue saw that Zhanshan shot the ground and went straight to harden the ground with the shield wall, but it was already a step too late. The power of that palm passed directly through the ground to the teammate who had just dived ten meters underground.

At this time, the leader of the Dark Snake Race also broke through the shield wall, setting off a storm of sword light and slashing towards Zhang Yue.

‘The Power of Rock Armor’



"Double blessing"

Zhang Yue directly summoned the giant of the earth element and activated the double blessing.

At this time Zhang Yue had already begun to become furious. It should be because he felt that six of his teammates who had sunk into the ground had lost their breath of life.

Zhang Yue directly summoned the Hand of the Earth to block Zhanshan, holding a shield to resist the sword light storm of the Dark Snake Race, and the earth element giant fired a gravity cannon against Zhanshan.

It wasn't until Zhang Yue sent his teammates 300 meters away from Dao Earth that Zhang Yue began to look seriously at Zhanshan and the leader of the Dark Snake Race.

"Today, I will never die with you!" Zhang Yue said angrily. He was certain that his six comrades had died in battle, and two were unconscious.

"Humanity, today I want to see how long you can bless under our siege and break my path. Do you know how much it will cost me to repair it? I spent 10,000 points to get a sentence. The essence of the soul of a master god, so today I will fight you to the end!"

Zhanshan also said angrily that he was originally the biggest candidate to be promoted to the main god, and all the top resources in the Torn Sky Bear Clan were given priority to him. He is the only hope in the clan to advance to the main god, and he will be in charge of the entire Torn Sky Bear Clan in the future. , He will lead the tribe to the pinnacle of the heavens, and now it's all gone because of Zhang Yue.

"Earth Vein Power: Earth Body"

"Earth Vein Power: Endless Cage"

"The Power of the Earth and the Sea: The Earth Millstone"

The shield wall directly encloses the entire battlefield. In the battlefield, the gravity blessed by the small earth vortex of fifty attracts the creatures on the earth.

"I haven't seen you for a while, you are stronger than before." Zhan Shan said while looking at Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue didn't care about Zhanshan, but attacked the leader of the Dark Snake Race. The five hands of the earth attacked the leader of the Dark Snake Race frantically, making the leader of the Dark Snake Race a little messy.

At this time, over the outer shell of Zhang Yue's shield wall, there was a large mountain more than 300 meters high, which was slowly condensing, relying on Zhang Yue's anti-gravity control, floating in the air, ready to drop down at any time.

"Human, no one dared to ignore me." Zhan Shan's eyes lit up a raging fire.

"Absolute Power: Triple Blow"

Zhan Shan fully punched the bearer's golden battle energy, directly hitting Zhang Yue's divine iron shield and huge shield, and another wave of air churned.

Zhang Yue retreated half a step in order to relieve his strength. At this moment, the Dark Snake Tribe commander broke through the hand of the earth's attack, reentered Zhang Yue's side, and a stunning blade light slashed towards Zhang Yue's back.

‘Cut! ’

Taking advantage of Zhang Yue's flanking attack, the Dark Snake Tribe directly activated its ultimate move and slashed towards Zhang Yue.

"Knife Light World"

'Fear deepens'

‘Dark Invasion’

The Dark Snake Clan made a full stab and looked at Zhang Yue's neck, only to cut directly to the head of Rock Armor.

"It's over?" The leader of the Dark Snake Race said in surprise, killing the defender so easily.

"I want to be beautiful!" Zhan Shan said, smashing Zhang Yue's fake body here with a punch, staring not far a bit of violence! ’

At this time, a small light yellow ball of light rose from Zhang Yue’s broken rock armor, and it exploded directly between the two of them. In an instant, all the matter was pulled by gravity and gathered crazily towards the small light spot, as if A small black hole is average.

"No, get away!" The leader of the Dark Snake Race was shocked. He felt that his mind and body would be attracted to that point. A voice in his mind told himself that he must break free, otherwise it would be over.

"All laws do not invade"

"War Eruption"

Zhanshan directly hit the ground with a heavy fist, causing an astonishing explosion. With this kind of power, Zhanshan and the leader of the Dark Snake Race were able to get rid of that point of endless gravity.

The Dark Snake Human Race suddenly regretted agreeing to ambush the Human Race with Zhanshan. The top-level defender of this Human Race legend is really too difficult.

Not only was he invincible in defense, he was a bit unable to stand up to his attack methods.

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