The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 186: Sea Naga Branch

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Outside the Dragon Clan base, Zhang Yue and Lin Dong bid farewell to the Dragon Clan.

"Brother Zhang Yue, when you travel to the mainland, you must come to our Dragon Clan as a guest. I will treat you well." Betsy Rupert said. After the discussion, he paid more attention to Zhang Yue.

"Brother Betsy, I will definitely go." Zhang Yue said with a smile. He received a grand hospitality in the Dragon Clan and completed his own plan of discussion. He can feel Betsy Rupert's attention to him. I recognized this friend in my heart.

Zhang Yue's hand condensed a small yellow crystal shield on both sides, this is Zhang Yue's condensed earth law and starlight energy to make for his own token, more precious than the previous simple starlight shield.

"Big Brother Betsy, Jie Hai, thank you for your hospitality. This is a small gift I gave you. When you encounter mental and soul attacks, it has a protective effect."

Zhang Yue gave the small crystal shield in his hand to the two dragon people.

"What a pure condensate of laws, the gift from Brother Zhang Yue, I accept it, and look forward to our next meeting. Don't be overtaken by me at that time." Betsy Rupert took the small crystal shield and looked carefully. After looking at it, he took out an energy-enclosed box and ceremoniously put the small crystal shield in it, and received it in his storage space.

Jiehai Gatti also collected the small crystal shield.

After Betsy Rupert finished speaking, he took out the secondary biological space ring he had prepared, and handed it to Zhang Yue, "Brother Zhang Yue, at the banquet, didn’t you say that the dragontail fish unique to our clan is delicious? ."

"This is the ring for the dimensional creature space. There are ten thousand dragontail fish. It is a parting gift from me. The heavens and the world, we have the destiny to see you again." Betsy Rupert finished speaking, leading a kind of dragon race There is a special farewell ceremony for a dragon race, which is the understanding used by the dragon race to bid farewell to the distinguished guests.

Zhang Yue and Li Dong hurriedly returned the gift, somewhat flattered.

"Thank you Betsy for your love, we are meeting in the world of heaven."


Zhang Yue and Lin Dong got on the speeding car and drove away.

"The lucky race has such an enchanting evildoer. Once the Zhang Yue brothers become gods, then the human race will be the top existence among the second-rate races." Betsy Rupert said, looking at the back of the speed car, in the heavens. In the world, there are many races that have risen because of a legend or a god-level top evil spirit in the race, such as the Three-eyed Race, Bunny Race, and Stone Human Race.

"We make friends with Brother Zhang Yue. After Brother Zhang Yue becomes a god, we can open up our own realm." said Jiehai Gatishu, thinking that there might be a realm of his own in the future, he started excitement.

"Then you don't give more good things to increase your goodwill." Betsy Rupert said with a smile.

"It's too late to pass, but be a friend to be more stable."

On the speed car, Zhang Yue looked at the secondary biological space ring in his hand, and said puzzledly: "The gift here is a bit heavy."

"Compared to Brother Yue in the future, these are nothing, and I'm sure they will have something to beg of you in the future." Lin Dong said. In addition to teaching him to be a qualified mechanic, his master will also talk about something. The most basic routine in communication.

Zhang Yue looked at Lin Dong meaningfully and said: "I didn't expect you to see it thoroughly, but after you leave school, don't you have your own purpose to make friends?"

Lin Dong suddenly felt that the topic he brought up was very embarrassing, and vowed to go back to the master and thank you for how to talk.

"Brother Yue, where are we going down?" Lin Dong said, changing the subject.

"Speed ​​up, let's just walk around except the most core place." Zhang Yue said, whether it is kind or malicious, it doesn't matter if you can run into a first-class race, as long as you don't meet god-level top powerhouses, yourself and Xiao There is no problem with the safety of the partner.

"Why don't we go to the most central place first, it is said that there are only a lot of good things there." Lin Dong asked, he also wanted to see if there was a chance to dig the space **** stone.

"Let’s see from the outside now, first-class races, and go to the core area at the end, cyclically and progressively." Zhang Yue said, looking at the million-kilometer sphere of influence that Betsy Rupert passed to him.

The most central position, those places are where the top races stay, Zhang Yue wants to not go before he understands the situation.

"Brother Yue, one word, steady." Lin Dong praised.

At night, Zhang Yue and Lin Dong gathered around a bonfire and grilled a 1-meter-long dragontail fish together. The fragrance was overflowing, and there were robots cooking barbecue in the distance.

Zhang Yue looked at the sparkling lake in the distance and said, "It's not easy. You can still find such a beautiful place in the battlefield of ten thousand races."

"Yes, I watched the wasteland and desert for more than half a year in the periphery. As expected, the strong can always enjoy the best quality at any time. I don't know what scene is in the core area." Lin Dong looked at the greasy dragon. The tail fish said that he was not very interested in the scenery, but it was the delicious grilled fish that attracted his attention.

After the dragontail grilled fish was tested, Zhang Yue said to Lin Dong and Lin Dong: "Don't rush to eat, we still have guests by the side."

Zhang Yue looked at the lake in Pingjin and said, "I don't know if I borrowed the noble's guarantee. I'm sorry, we will stay overnight and leave."

While grilling the fish, Zhang Yue felt that there were life fluctuations in the lake, and he also had a feeling of being monitored, but he did not feel malice, so there was no attack. Only after the fish was grilled, the life fluctuations in the lake It started to fight before Zhang Yue came out.

This is the surface of the lake, and waves are beginning to appear, and a girl with a wonderful figure and a beautiful face girl in a sea-blue close-fitting dress is not far away from Zhang Yue and Lin Dong, her eyes look longingly Holding the grilled dragontail in Zhang Yue's hand.

Zhang Yue did not speak, but formed a set of meals next to the girl, took out a large plate from the storage space, filled it with grilled fish, and brought it to the table.

"Human, Zhang Yue. With the help of the precious land, as compensation, I invite you to eat grilled fish." Zhang Yue said while looking at the girl.

"Sea Clan, Naga branch, Isadele Shelley, thank you for your grilled fish." The Sea Clan girl whispered. After speaking, she condensed a pair of ice knives and forks and quickly started to eat the grilled fish.

At this time, Zhang Yue looked back at Lin Dong, and he was staring at Isadele Shelley in a daze.

Zhang Yue had a brain collapse and flicked Lin Dong awake, and said to him: "What are you doing in a daze, take another test, and stay at the sight of a beautiful woman?"

Lin Dong began to quickly put away his saliva, took out a dragontail from the refrigerator next to it, brushed it with the ingredients, and started to grill it.

When Zhang Yue was about to chat with the sea clan girl, an overbearing will directly locked Zhang Yue and Lin Dong.

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