Stormy waves were set off on the surface of the lake, and a throne composed of lake water rose from the surface of the lake, on which sat a strong man in heavy blue armor.

"Human, you broke into our territory, do you know the consequences." Zhang Yue was a little upset by the strong man's domineering voice, and he hated rhetorical questions.

"With the help of your precious land, the fairy has already been subordinated to this fairy. Why, you still want to fall back on the account." Zhang Yue looked at the strong man and said, in his perception, the strong man should be the top powerhouse at the legendary level, so Zhang Yue does not Imaginary.

At this time, the Naga girl timidly said: "You bother you, can you give me another grilled fish, it's so delicious, this kind of fish with the blood of the dragon family is not common in the sea family. I didn’t expect it to be so delicious when baked."

Zhang Yue and the strong man were speechless at the same time, while Lin Dong watched the Naga girl secretly drooling while turning the grill, she was still a foreign girl.

"Why don't we discuss and see if I am not qualified to stay here for one night with the help of expensive land." Zhang Yue said, in the world of heavens, there is an endless sea, boundless, and the alien races in the sea are collectively called sea races. Then it is divided into branches.

"Human race, do you want to die? You are provoking the dignity of the sea race. If it weren't for you to have no ill will to the princess, now you are about to die." The strong man said with a vicious expression. He is Isadelle Xue The leader of Princess Lai’s guard, this time she is specially equipped for the princess to play here.

"Let's play a game with a prize of 10,000 points. How about it, don't be so vicious, you can't scare me." Zhang Yue said slowly.

"Okay, I support, you fight a game, I will put 100 points to win the Human Race, Brother Shark, you have to come on." Naga girl Isadelle Shelley said with a smile, feeling very fun.

"Okay, Human Race, I don't bully you, I will go ashore to fight with you."

After the burly man finished speaking, he rode the waves directly and came to the open space on one side, beckoning Zhang Yue to come and fight.

"Come on, human race, I am optimistic about you." The Naga girl said in a cheerful tone, eating Lin Dong's carefully cooked grilled fish, showing a satisfied expression.

The brawny glanced at Isadele Shelley helplessly, why the princess I guarded always lacks a string, so I envy the other brothers in the family.

Zhang Yue came to this clearing and looked at the strong man.

"Human, be careful, I'm here."

A sea king fork appeared in the hand of the strong man, and he rushed to Zhang Yue.

"Mountain and Sea Power"

‘Waters: Suppression’

"It's interesting." Zhang Yue felt that the shield of the earth protection was under tremendous pressure, as if a whole lake was pressed on it. Under the tremendous pressure, countless small cracks began to crack in the shield. Recovered by the power of the earth, he became more adaptable to this pressure than before.

This is, a trigeminal sea king fork stabbed at Zhang Yue.

‘Water Diversion’

'boom! ’

All the surroundings of Zhang Yue's earth collapsed downwards. This was the result of Zhang Yue's use of the earth's unloading force, but the shield of the earth protection was not broken, and the sea king fork of the strong man only inserted one centimeter into the shield.

"Awesome, the strength of this sea clan elder brother can be ranked in the top three in the clan I meet." Zhang Yue said, this kind of power attack, when Zhang Yue did not understand the power of the earth protection, it is not necessarily Can completely defend against the attack of the strong man.

"Brother Shali, did you hear that, someone is complimenting you." Isadelle Shelley said, squinting her small eyes. It was very interesting to see her guard suffer a loss for the first time.

"Ms. Dai'er, are you a mermaid?" Lin Dong gave Isadele Shelley another grilled fish at this time.

"No, but I hate those little ladies. Every day I like too much sentimentality, what kind of love or love, every day I don't do business." Isadelle Shelley showed great disdain when she mentioned the mermaid.

"Okay, but your clansman is very powerful, and you can fight with brother Yue." Lin Dong continued to search for topics and said, entering the battlefield of ten thousand races for a long time, except for Yue Xiaomeng, finally saw other young ladies. .

"Your human race is also very powerful. When you came over, I dared to know it at the bottom of the lake. This big brother Zhang Yue, the power of the pure laws of the earth, and the kind of guardian will, even the best at defense in the endless sea. The dragon tortoise clan is rare.” Isadelle Shelley said with great interest.

"Thank you for grilling the fish, it's so delicious." Isadelle Shelley said, licking her lips.

"You're welcome, it's fate to meet on the battlefield of ten thousand races." Lin Dong said calmly. In fact, his heart had already been captured by Isadele Shelley's lips licking. It was so cute that he couldn't help himself.

Countless lake water in the lake just in the distance began to converge towards the battlefield, slowly forming a water world, spreading the entire battlefield.

Zhang Yue looked at the brawny man in the center of the water, and said, "It's a bit difficult."

Zhang Yue's Hand of the Earth was weakened by at least 60% in the water world of the strong man, and the topping of Mount Tai and the spear of gravity had no way against the strong man.

"This is a bit rascal," Zhang Yue said, and now he finally realizes the feeling of others playing against him.

"How about the draw, it's meaningless to continue the fight." Zhang Yue said, looking at the brawny man in the water world.

"A draw, how is it possible, I have already benefited the invincible place."

The brawny man said that he was carrying the Aquatic World with the Sea King Cha, and rushed towards Zhang Yue together.

An hour later, Zhang Yue and the strong man were sitting at the dining table, eating grilled fish.

"Human race, your strength has been recognized by me. Me, Shark Power, Sea Clan, Crazy Shark Branch, Naga Guardian." Shark Li held up the wine glass and said to Zhang Yue. During this hour, both sides used it. By all means, there is no way to help the other party.

"Brother Shali, you are very strong, I, Terran, Zhang Yue, the shield holder." Zhang Yue also said, and his mentality of legendary dominance was also put away.

Zhang Yue and Shali drank all they had in their hands.

" happy, Zhang Yue, I can bear to recognize your brother friend." Shali said with a smile, he only made friends with someone as powerful as his own.

Isadelle Shelley, who was next to Shali, looked at the two with a smile, and said with a smile: "It's so good, you don't have to fight and kill in the battlefield of ten thousand races, and those points can't change anything good ."

"Miss Dai'er is really a beautiful and kind person." Lin Dong said, taking the opportunity.

"Is this the way your human race compliments people?" Isadelle Shelley looked at Lin Dong disdainfully and said: "In our endless sea, sea races with these qualities will be eaten even with scum. Nothing left."

After Isadele Shelley finished speaking, her smiley face moved to Lin Dong's side, revealing her small fangs.

"Little man, you exude a strong courtship, do you want to eat me?"

"It's a pity that your strength is too weak, even the ugliest member of our Sea Clan can't look down on you."

After Isadele Shelley finished speaking, she kissed Lin Dong's cheek and said, "This is a reward for your grilled fish."

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