Zhang Yue sat down under an ancient tree, began to empty his brain, adjust himself, and keep quiet all over, to slowly perceive the force field of the earth. In this quiet world, Zhang Yue only heard the distance faintly The sound of thunder and explosions was outside Lin Dong's heartbeat and the sound of flipping books.

It is worth mentioning that every time Lin Dong turns a page, sometimes his heartbeat speeds up, and Zhang Yue thinks he should have seen that kind of indescribable illustration.

An hour later, Zhang Yue got rid of this state helplessly. He found that he couldn't achieve that state of extreme peace of mind. A slight fluctuation in the outside world would cause his mind to beat.

"The ultimate peace of mind is like an epiphany." Zhang Yue thought to himself, feeling that he did not master the knack of peace of mind.

"Take your time, not everything is a success." Zhang Yue muttered to himself, he decided to spend an hour every day to plan for peace of mind.

Then Zhang Yue started daily training and put on a shield posture, but this time when he felt the laws of the earth, Zhang Yue felt more detailed than before, but still did not feel the Dao earth force field.

According to Huntian's statement, the earth force field he perceives for the first time is a string of vertical and horizontal lines between the earth, and the second time it is like a wave line in the sea.

Five days later, a speeding car flew over a forest.

Zhang Yue was sitting in the speeding car with a small stone floating in his hand. This was three days ago, when Zhang Yue was in the quiet, for a moment, he saw a brand new world, one that was more than the original world. There is a mysterious world.

Although it was only a moment, Zhang Yue also sensed the shallowest gravity field of the earth.

The floating pebble in his hand is the result of that moment of insight. Following the experiment, Zhang Yue found a result that shocked him.

If Zhang Yue controlled the magnitude of gravity before, it was his output energy, which was converted into the law of gravity as the standard, this was a simple addition.

However, if the force field of the earth is used to change the gravity, it will be superimposed with the law of the earth, forming a double effect, and the relationship between the two has become multiplication.

"If I could control twice the gravity of the earth's force field, at that time..." Zhang Yue imagined himself at that time The power of a gravity spear, the scene is simply picturesque.

"Brother Yue, do you miss your sister-in-law? You have been smirking recently." Lin Dong said, looking at Zhang Yue who was smirking.

Lin Dong discovered that since Zhang Yue had communicated with Huntian, Zhang Yue looked abnormal during this period, always inexplicably annoyed or giggled.

"What do you know." Zhang Yue glanced at Lin Dong and said, and told Lin Dong the result of the earth force field verification.

"What's wrong with this? It's not just changing the basic framework structure. If the law of the universe is the operating program of this world, then Brother Yue, your understanding of the earth force field is to build the lowest foundation of this world."

For Lin Dong, who often writes programs, this is something familiar.

After Zhang Yue heard what Lin Dong said, a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, but then Zhang Yue felt that what Lin Dong said was wrong.

At this time, a gentle voice reached Zhang Yue and Lin Dong's ears.

"The two friends on the speeding car, if you don't mind, sit down and sit down."

Not far away, a bright beam of light lit up, pointing the direction for the speeding car.

The speed car landed next to the skylight beam. A teenager from the White Elephant clan was waiting for them below.

Zhang Yue and Lin Dong got out of the car and looked at this young boy of the white elephant family who was full of peace.

"Two guests, welcome to the Baixiang clan. My name is Yinguang."

"Hello, Human Race, Zhang Yue (Lin Dong)."

Under a linden tree unique to the white elephant family, Yin Guang hosted a banquet to entertain Zhang Yue and Lin Dong.

"Yinguang, are you saying that your white elephant clan came alone?" Zhang Yue asked curiously.

"Yes, other people are not interested in this land of killing and killing, only I am here." Yin Guang said with a smile. He has not been a guest here for a long time.

"Then what are you doing in the Ten Thousand Clan Battlefield?" Lin Dong asked.

After listening to Lin Dong’s words, Yin Guang pointed to the Bodhi tree behind him, and said, “This is the companion tree that every member of my clan has. This Bodhi tree of mine needs some precious materials. No, so I came in and wanted to exchange some points and some materials."

"Then, are you finished?" Zhang Yue asked. In just a few minutes, the teenagers of the White Elephant clan won Zhang Yue's favor.

"It's exchanged points with the elves of the Moonlight clan, but they are out of curiosity and don't need this thing." Yin Guang said with a wry smile, secretly anxious. More than half of the time has passed since the Ten Thousand Clan Battlefield, but the remaining materials still need 10,000 points to be exchanged.

"What do you use to exchange it, I can see." Zhang Yue said, he had a hunch that this thing should be very important to him.

Yin Guang directly took out a simple wooden box with a pendant inside, which was a leaf-shaped stone like white jade.

"Bodhi tree heart. After the predecessors of my white elephant clan sit in, the companion bodhi tree will also sit in it. After a thousand years, the companion bodhi tree will condense a bodhi tree heart, which has the effect of meditation, wisdom, and wisdom.

Zhang Yue heard the effect of meditation, his eyes moved, isn't meditation what he needs now.

"Yinguang, how many points do you plan to sell for this?" Zhang Yue said, thinking that he would buy it after 5,000 points.

"10000 points." Yin Guang himself is a bit embarrassed, but the bodhi tree heart is indeed worth this value. Only the companion bodhi tree of the demigod in the clan can condense the tree heart. Each is extremely precious, no less than the existence of a semi-sacred tool. .

"No wonder, no one bought it. Yours is too expensive, and it's not a must." Lin Dong said, 10,000 points are enough for him to build a half-sky fortress~www.ltnovel.com~ I also know, I didn't expect it. This thing is so unpopular in the battlefield of ten thousand races, but I can't forcefully kill it. This is inconsistent with my practice. "Yin Guang said, scratching his head.

"I can try this, if possible, I want to buy it." Zhang Yue said, he wanted to see if this had the effect he wanted.

"Sorry, this tree heart can only be worn by one person. After it is contaminated with the breath of life, it will not have such an effect after changing the owner." Yin Guang said, shaking his head.

When Zhang Yue looked at the heart of the tree carefully, he found a small barrier in the box, isolating everything.

"However, I can let you experience that feeling."

Yin Guang condenses Huiguang on the tip of his right finger, pre-pointing Zhang Yue's brow.

"Zhang Yue, rest assured, I won't hurt you, just let you experience that feeling. This is a unique skill of my clan, called Jingxin Kaihui Shenguang."

Zhang Yue was about to refuse, but suddenly found that his soul was suppressed and he couldn't raise the heart to resist.

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