The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 191: Bodhi Tree Heart

Zhang Yue was shocked. The first time he encountered this situation, it was definitely not the kind of mental suppression, because the starlight shield that guarded his consciousness space did not react at all.

"This is the unique psychic force field of my white elephant clan. If you don't want to experience it, you can refuse." Yin Guang said. Now he hasn't fully mastered the psychic force field, so he couldn't help it.

At this time, Zhang Yue raised his hand and held Yinguang's hand, and said: "No need to experience it, Bodhi tree heart, I will buy it."

A strange thing flashed in Yin Guang's eyes. Except for a god-level powerhouse, he had never seen this person who was about to get rid of his spiritual field.

Zhang Yue was suppressed by the soul for a few short breaths, as if he had experienced life and death. He did not expect that he still had such a big weakness, being suppressed by the same legendary printing light.

He tried to explode all the power to resist this kind of spiritual suppression, but these powers that originally belonged to him were out of control at this moment, and finally he regained control of the power only when he entered that state of spiritual peace.

"Thank you for your purchase, you will bring the Bodhi tree heart in the future, and all the mental power fields will not take effect on you."

"Moreover, I feel that this thing is predestined to you."

Yin Guang pushed the wooden box in front of Zhang Yue, and Zhang Yue also transferred the points to Yin Guang.

"From the moment you touch the heart of the Bodhi tree, you are his master, treat it well."


Zhang Yue said that he stretched out his hand to directly break the barrier in the wooden box and touched the heart of the bodhi tree. Suddenly, Zhang Yue and the heart of the bodhi tree felt connected.

After putting the bodhi tree heart on his neck, Zhang Yue found that the whole world was different, as if a nearsighted person was wearing glasses.

At this time, Zhang Yue felt that he could enter the state of extreme peace of mind at any time.

"Yin Guang, thank you, the Bodhi tree heart is very helpful to me." Zhang Yue said sincerely to Yin Guang, with the help of the Bodhi tree heart, he felt that his strength was about to usher in an explosive period.

"You got what you wanted, I got the points I wanted, and I was very complete." Yin Guang said with a smile, and he secretly sighed. The raw materials for linden tree cultivation are finally available, and there will be no hindrance to promotion in the future. .

"Well, it is very complete."

After Zhang Yue and Lin Dong had a good talk with Yinguang, they said goodbye and embarked on their journey again.

In the evening, the speeding car descended on a small lake in the forest and began to camp.

After dinner, Zhang Yue sat down by the lake and began to comprehend the force field of the earth.

When Zhang Yue's mind calmed down, he entered that wonderful world.

In Zhang Yue's perception, the entire earth seems to be composed of wavy lines, and different lines control different functions.

In this world, Zhang Yue became a curious baby and began to experiment with different lines.

In reality, the environment around Zhang Yue began to change. In some places, soil became hard rock, in some places it turned into crystalline carbon stone, the gravity in some places changed, and in some places it became a quicksand hell.

In the early morning, Zhang Yue opened his eyes and found that the terrain in his position had all changed. The forest had turned into a mountain range, and the lake had turned into a desert. In the distance, huge rocks were floating in some places.

Even Zhang Yue's whole body has soil turned into carbon stone, and the gravity is more than twice the previous.

Zhang Yue looked at the camp built yesterday and found that it had disappeared.

At this time, a small spacecraft landed beside Zhang Yue.

Lin Dong walked down from above.

"Brother Yue, did you know that you had a blast yesterday." Lin Dong admired Zhang Yue and said.

"My X didn't explode, just say what you want to say." Zhang Yue said blackly, isn't this cursing me.

"Brother Yue, after seeing you enter the epiphany yesterday, I didn't bother you."

"But when I was about to go back to the villa to rest, you told him the truth, and the terrain under the villa turned into quicksand, engulfing the villa."

"Helpless, I can only float in the air as a spacecraft, and dare not leave you too far."

"Slowly, huge mountains began to rise in the distance, and the surrounding terrain was all changing."

"It can be said that Brother Yue, you have changed the terrain within 30 kilometers of the surrounding area completely beyond recognition."

"Brother Yue, did you find the entrance to the World of Editing Heavens? The whole process of your transformation, there is no rule fluctuation." Lin Dong exclaimed, feeling Zhang Yue was like finding a game cheater.

"I know, now I change him back."

As Zhang Yue spoke, he began to slowly restore the surrounding terrain based on the earth force field he had felt yesterday.

Like going back in time, the changes made last night have returned to their place.

Lin Dong looked at the power of changing the world, exclaimed: "It's terrifying, Brother Yue is probably a god-level powerhouse now."

Lin Dong's understanding is very simple, Zhang Yue can kill the god-level powerhouse Zhanshan, and now his strength has become stronger, and now he is definitely a god-level powerhouse.

After everything was restored, Zhang Yue looked at the most core area and said with a smile: "Go, let's go to the core area now."

"Really! I can finally go and take a look at the legendary race." Lin Dong said excitedly. The legendary dragons, protoss, angels, protoss, and Titans can finally meet.

Zhang Yue looked at the excited Lin Dong, the corners of his mouth raised, and said: "It is said that all the Angel Protoss are beautiful and beautiful."

"In the book I gave you, I wrote about how to marry the beautiful Angel Protoss home, have you read it?"

"I saw it, what I said was serious, but the last sentence was really cheating."

As Lin Dong said, he was a little depressed. He had read that particular article very carefully, but was eventually brushed.

"Haha, let me tell you in the end that the prerequisite must have the strength of the main god, isn't it a pleasant surprise?" Zhang Yue said, watching his stepped pits and being guessed by others, it feels very interesting.

"It's very upset, but just think about it. I didn't really have such a dream."

Three days later, in an area full of fire elements, Zhang Yue was a little excited as he watched the front three rob his fire dragons. On the battlefield of ten thousand races, it was really unaccustomed to just encounter those more kind races. The most important thing is , Points can only go out but not in.

Three giant fire dragons Looking at the tiny humans in front of them, thinking that even if they only have 1,000 points, they can have a good meal in the evening. The food made by Tianshizu is really delicious. .

"Human race, being weak is the original sin, hand in the points, and the great dragon race can let you go." The fire dragon headed said, and now he was thinking about what food to order by then.

"Weakness is the original sin, this sentence is right."

"Thanks to your last bit of kindness, now, by handing over the points, I can also let you go." Zhang Yue said calmly.

Zhang Yue lifted his right foot slowly and stomped gently towards the ground.

"Mind Position: Double Gravity"



‘Earth Vein Power: Dungeon Cage’

On the ground around the three fire dragons, three super-giant hands of the earth directly raised, like a chicken, grabbing at the three fire dragons.

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