The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 192: Foodie dragon

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As soon as the three fire dragons wanted to resist, they were directly pressed on the ground by a terrifying gravity, and then a shield appeared in their minds. The suppressor's three fire dragons had the spiritual space and completely lost their ability to resist.

After the three super giant earths, he directly grabbed the three fire dragons and pinched the three fire dragons in the palm of his hand like a chicken.

At this moment, on top of Zhang Yue's head, a giant gravity spear was condensing, exuding the terrifying law of gravity, making the three fire dragons feel life threatening.

"Stop! Terran, we were wrong!" The fire dragon headed by the fire dragon looked at the situation and directly acknowledged that the last straw that overwhelmed the camel was the peak of several hundred meters above their heads.

"Yes, we just charge a protection fee." The fire dragon next to him hurriedly said, for fear that the gravity spear in Zhang Yue's hand and the mountains in the sky would fall down.

"Yes, we are very kind and did not kill." The last fire dragon said. He was right. The dragons of the low-level period almost all lived in the Dragon Sacred Realm, and they had no chance to learn various knowledge and skills. Kill.

Zhang Yue looked at the three fire dragons in front of him with interest. This was the first time he watched the dragon clan at such a close distance.

"Oh, so I should let you go." Zhang Yue said with a smile, slightly surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that after adding the earth force field to change the gravity, his combat power would increase so much.

In the past, the three legendary top powerhouses, Zhang Yue had to deal with them for a period of time before they were able to control them, but if they wanted to escape, Zhang Yue would really not be able to stop them.

"Yes, Human Race, if you let me go, you will get the friendship of our three fire dragons."

Seeing that Zhang Yue didn't mean to do anything, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, a little thankful that he didn't say anything too cruel just now.

The other two dragons also hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"That's OK, since I am happy to meet each other, I will also charge a protection fee for those things, come on, call out the points and high-value things." Zhang Yue said with a big white tooth, the feeling of reverse protection fee really It's so cool.

Lin Dong looked at Zhang Yue with admiring eyes all the time. With his hands up, the three dragons were easily taken down. It was so handsome.

"Human race, don't go too far, blackmail our dragon race, have you figured it out clearly."

The headed fire dragon said sternly, the dragons must have the dignity of the dragons, and they will be threatened by a third-rate small race casually, and they will be jokes by other branches. The most important thing is that he really wants to hand over the points, which is even more embarrassing.

"Scare me, are you stupid? You can represent your entire dragon clan, and I didn't kill you. It doesn't involve the dignity of your dragon clan."

"Also, when I came, I saw your clan leader and the Titan clan leader fighting, can I send you over to see if the Titan clan leader can kill you in a second." Zhang Yue sinisterly faced the three. Fire Dragon said.

The mountain peaks in the sky also lost their support and smashed towards the three fire dragons pinched by the giant hand of the earth.


"Hurry up!!!"

"We pay protection fees!!"

The three dragons looked at the fallen mountain and shouted, if this thing was smashed down, the immortality would be gone.

I couldn't stop it. Once the smashed mountain peaks started, even Zhang Yue could not stop it, so he could only use anti-gravity to make it smash to other places.

'boom! ! ’

The mountains broke and the ground cracked, and the roar resounded throughout the world.

"Say it earlier, it took this effort." Zhang Yue said, there is no special situation, Zhang Yue really does not want to kill the dragon clan, it is easy to cause trouble.

"Human, when we show the points, you have to trust your own eyes." The fire dragon headed said a little embarrassingly.

"Why, there are still 100,000 points." Zhang Yue said, still a little excited, in case of 100,000 points, then he directly buys a true god, and then fights, only to the end of the ten thousand race battlefield.

But the following scene shocked Zhang Yue.

"You elites of the three top races, they add up to less than 2000 points!!!"

Zhang Yue is depressed, this is more difficult than 100,000 points for him to accept, even the better third-rate race.

"Our points are all spent on food. The food made by the Tianshi clan is simply to please, so there is only this point." Huolong said that he was a little embarrassed, he hadn't realized his situation of being robbed.

"For things, you always have artifacts and everything, take them out."

"Those are all in the world of the heavens, and more are useless. There are few opportunities to use semi-sacred tools here."

"Then take out all the valuable things on his body." Zhang Yue was a little bit short of breath, and finally he could search and compare, but he didn't expect to encounter these three unfortunate things.

After a while, Zhang Yue fell into helplessness again, because there was a mountain of meat in front of him, and the only thing that was more gratifying was that there was a pile of SSS-grade metal.

Lin Dong saw the SSS metal, his eyes lit up, he took out the instrument and started to detect it, and after a while he reluctantly returned to Zhang Yue.

"Brother Yue, these SSS metals have been refined by their dragon's unique flames, and have no recovery value." Lin Dong said, he opened his eyes today, and there is such a poor dragon.


Finally, Zhang Yue revoked control of the three fire dragons.

"Let's go, I have never seen such a poor top race." Zhang Yue said. According to Zhang Yue's judgment, each of the three dragons was in the original ape technique. Such strength, without 20,000 points, is simply Zhang Yue did not expect to insult their strength.

"Really, no more points?"

"We found less than 2000 points from the three dragons, and it is not glorious to say it." Zhang Yue waved his hand and said, indicating that they can leave.

Zhang Yue and Lin Dong also plan to return to the speed car and continue on the road.

Zhang Yue was so embarrassed that the three dragons were a bit embarrassed. Don't resist hijacking and let yourself be pitiful by the opposite The three fire dragons have never felt as embarrassed as they are today.

"Human race, wait."

Zhang Yue, who was about to get on the speeding car, heard the voice of the dragon clan, turned around and looked at the three fire dragons, and found three dragon scales of flame-like color floating in the air.

"This is the scale of the law of my dragon clan, and it also symbolizes the friendship of my fire dragon."

"You are a strong man, and you are qualified to be a friend of my dragon clan."

"Well, when you become a god, you can come to the area of ​​our fire dragon line to seek a breakthrough when you encounter difficulties."

The three fire dragons, one dragon and one sentence, instantly turned the scene of the robbery into a picture of the strong people cherishing each other.

Zhang Yue looked at the three fire law scales in his hand a little bit dumbfounded.

Zhang Yue shot three small crystal shields with his hand, and used the earth force field to turn them into the hardest state.

"I accept your scales. This is a return." Zhang Yue said.

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