Yuexi, who was in the crevice of space, felt the faint gravitational pressure on his body, and was slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yue's law of gravity could be so strong that he barely touched the edge of the **** level.

"Your law of gravity is increasing over time. It is definitely not a problem to become a god-level powerhouse, but it's still a bit close now."

"Second arrow."

This arrow appeared directly in front of Zhang Yue as if piercing the space, looming, once again piercing the ground protection, and directly concealed into the void, passing through Zhang Yue’s divine iron giant shield, and hitting Zhang Yue’s shoulders. And then, hit the inner wall of the arena.


The air wave radiated from the impact.

Zhang Yue looked at the shield that was being broken down and the shoulder that was bleeding, and the shock in his eyes lingered, just like that.

If the arrow were to hit his heart, Zhang Yue could not imagine that scene.

Zhang Yue got up and said to Void, "Thank you Yuexi for being merciful."

Not far from Zhang Yue, a slender figure appeared and looked at Zhang Yue and said: "If I am not majoring in the law of space, even if I am a god, I can't help you."

"Your whole body shield and shield, if you want to break it head-on, even I have to pay a certain price."

"Your gravity, if I don't enter the cracks of space, it will definitely affect my combat power."

Yue Xi's tone was a little surprised, because she felt the horror of Zhang Yue's law of gravity as soon as she came out of space.

While revoking the law of gravity, Zhang Yue said to Yue Xi: "There is only one life, there are not so many ifs. Thanks again to the leader of Yue Xi for letting me realize my weakness."

"It's fine if it helps you." Yuexi said, taking out a beautiful small wooden bottle from the storage space and handing it to Zhang Yue.

"This is the water of life unique to my Moonlight Clan, and it can speed up your recovery from injuries."

Zhang Yue said thank you, took the small wooden bottle, and found it was quite heavy. After opening it, Zhang Yue found that it was a storage space with thousands of liters of life water, and there was an unknown magic circle in it to maintain the vitality of life water.

"This is also a space container that specializes in storing the water of life, which can guarantee the activity of the water of life for a thousand years. This is a gift from our clan." Yuexi explained.

At this time, even Zhang Yue was a bit embarrassed. Isn't this a free prostitute? The key is that he has nothing to do with him.

Reluctantly, Zhang Yue only took out the small crystal shield that symbolized his friendship, and used the earth force field to change the internal material of the small shield to make him permanent solidification.

Making this small shield Zhang Yue directly instilled his 3 months of starlight absorption energy into it.

"Thank you for the water of life. At this time, my thanks. Although the water of life is not precious, it is still my heart." Zhang Yue said, handing the small crystal shield in his hand to Yuexi.

"You are too kind."

Yuexi couldn't refuse, so she simply accepted the small crystal shield. After holding it in her hand, she realized that it was unusual. The starlight energy contained in this small crystal shield was of great help to her, and even allowed her to be promoted spiritually. Small level, and the guardian will inside can also strengthen her soul strength.

No wonder Yue Xiaomeng would give the World Tree leaves to the human race in front of her. This method of condensing the starlight is of great help to the Moonlight Elf.

Yuexi took out a box made of earth energy spar, put the small crystal shield in it, and grandly received it in her storage space.

This scene made Zhang Yue feel a little embarrassed, thinking about whether to buy a batch of boxes that looked high-end.

"I accept your gift of thanks. I hope that your friendship with my clan will last forever." Yuexi said seriously.

This sentence surprised the moonlight elves who were watching the battle, because this sentence would only be spoken to the outside world when the moonlight elves were greatly helped.

The commander received something that made her take it so seriously, this was the idea of ​​all the moonlight elves present.

The Moonlight Clan Elf ancient tree base, the largest VIP lounge, is located on a large leaf of the ancient tree.

Lin Dong looked at the distant scenery and said, "Brother Yue, what status do you think Yue Xiaomeng is? With the leaves of the World Tree she gave us, we received such a grand reception."

Zhang Yue looked at the wound that had healed, and sighed softly and said, "I am definitely the top of the moonlight elves."

"Because when I met Yue Xiaomeng, I always felt a very powerful breath protecting her."

"The key is that the person who protects her should be no weaker than Yuexi today."

Zhang Yue recalled that at that time, he didn't have the current strength, and he felt that breath vaguely. Looking back, that breath was extremely powerful, even if it was to kill the current self in a flash.

Lin Dong looked at Zhang Yue who was sighing, and said, "Brother Yue, don't be frustrated, you are already very good."

"The leader of Yuexi is an elite of the world's top race, a god-level top powerhouse, you can't compare it to normal."

Zhang Yue heard Lin Dong's comfort, laughed, and said, "I'm such a person who can't accept blows. I haven't been crazy yet. I'm number one in the world."

"I'm just worrying about my weakness. This space system really kills me."

After speaking, Zhang Yue scratched his head again, and according to the book describing power, it was the best way to restrain the space system and the extreme power of the earth.

But now Zhang Yue didn't have a clue at all, and he was almost killed by a spike, even if the Wanzu Mall exchanged the corresponding original world to understand, he still had no clue.

"Don't have a headache, let's set off for a while, maybe take a look at the scenery, and the robbery problem will be solved." Lin Dong said, his gaze shifted to the girl who was riding a wind chime patrol in the distance.

"Okay, let's rest. When we meet someone from the space department, we will run away."

Zhang Yue simply didn't want to think about it, this kind of thing could be resolved from time to time. Returning to his room, Zhang Yue lay down on the bed and began to rest. Yuexi’s arrow pierced the rock armor. The spatial will contained in that arrow caused Zhang Yue’s spirit to be slightly damaged. Can recover.

Lying on the wooden rattan bed unique to the Jingyueguang Elves, Zhang Yue smelled very comfortable with the faint fragrance of flowers. After a while, Zhang Yue fell asleep.

On the other side, Yuexi and several leaders of the elves were gathered together and looked at the small crystal shield placed in the center of the wooden table.

"This small shield contains starlight energy, which is of great help to us, no wonder the little princess will give him the leaves of the World Tree." said a moonlight elf.

"For this kind of low-level, you can condense the starlight and will to this point, I also want to send the World Tree leaves, but unfortunately I now have 3 pieces." Another moonlight elf leader said.

"Haha, don't think about it, let Yuexi lead it. Then we will get the light behind the lead." said an elf leader with a giant sword on his back.

"It depends on how many leaves I have." Yuexi glanced at the giant sword moonlight elf, and she also had this idea in her heart.

"Yes, you can still get rewards from Lord Mother from time to time~www.ltnovel.com~ We have no chance at all."

"It's sour, who made you reluctant to bear those few leaves of the World Tree when you were in the trial of the gods." Yuexi said.

"It can only be said that the skills are not as good as humans." The moonlight elf sighed. If she was willing to do everything then, it is probably another scene now.

The next day, in the morning, Zhang Yue got up and after washing up, he and Lin Dong ate the breakfast delivered by the elf guard.

In the morning, under the **** of Yuexi and a group of moonlight elves, Zhang Yue and Lin Dong drove a speeding car and flew towards the core area.

On the speeding car, Zhang Yue took a small wooden bottle and poured a cup of moonlight blessings for himself and Lin Dong.

"The top race is the top race. The shot is really too generous. I directly gave the blessing of 1000 liters of moonlight, enough for us to drink for a while." Lin Dong said excitedly, unexpectedly there would be so many benefits following the thigh.

"They only gave us off because of Xiaomeng's face. These are all to be paid back. There is nothing good about whoring under the sun." Zhang Yue said, looking at the small wooden bottle filled with moonlight blessings in his hand.

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