The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 195: Offended Angel Protoss

Five days later, outside the Angel Protoss base, a speeding vehicle was fleeing frantically, and its horsepower had been increased to its maximum. After the speeding vehicle, three small angels of the Protoss spacecraft were followed.

"Now it's all right, let's stab the hornet's nest." Zhang Yue looked at Lin Dong anger.

"Brother Yue, I was wrong, do you think we can still run away?" Lin Dong said timidly, he really regretted saying that.

At this time, a holy light bullet directly hit the shield of Zhang Yue's Dihu Shishi. This is because Zhang Yue specially expanded the shield to protect the speed of the car.

"Human race, stop the speeding car, and wait until my angel protoss trial, otherwise, your soul will burn for 100 years in the trial flame. My angel protoss must not be insulted."

The cold voice hit Lin Dong's soul.

Lin Dong shuddered and looked at Zhang Yue next to him and said, "Brother Yue, can you speed up? The consequences of being caught are very serious."

"Catch it, grab it, who asked you to tell the truth."

"Forgot to tell you that the Angel Protoss can collect all the information around. If you really want to marry home, then you have no secrets at all."

Zhang Yue wasn't very panicked at this time. The angel protoss chasing them were all of the legendary top level, and the scene was still controlled.

Among the spacecraft of the Angel Protoss chasing from the rear, a tall and glamorous Angel Protoss with a pair of light wings formed by the light behind him, standing in the spaceship's main control room, is watching the speeding car fleeing ahead with cold eyes.

"Damn, I must catch him and let him know that the warriors of the Angel Protoss cannot be defiled."

A filthy third-rate race unexpectedly uttered wild words, wanting to marry himself home, and if he didn't kill him, he would always be reduced to a joke of the same race.

"Boss, there is a legendary top defender in the speeding car ahead, we will not be able to break the shield outside the speeding car for a while." said the angel protoss driving the spaceship.

"Authorization, array, sacred arrow." said the cold angel protoss.


The three small Angel Protoss spacecraft that were chasing Zhang Yue's speed car formed a triangular formation, and the top of each spaceship shot a holy light toward the center of the triangle.

The three holy lights merged into one, and slowly became an angel of light composed of holy lights holding a bow and arrow, hitting the strings, holding the arrow, and pulling the bow, aiming at the speeding car in front of Zhang Yue.

"Damn it, isn't it just teasing, it's too much." Lin Dong said as he looked at the bow holding angel composed of holy light.

"They made a big move, Xiaodong, you said you want to hand you over." Zhang Yue said jokingly, and at the same time ordered the speed car to find a place to land.

‘Wow! ’

A sound of terror tearing the air sounded, and a giant arrow burning with holy light shot directly at Zhang Yue's speed car.

When the giant arrow of the holy light approached the ground, countless shield walls appeared on the only way of the giant arrow. In the distance, on the route that the speeding car flew over, countless peaks rose to intercept the giant arrow of the holy light.

In the sound of the explosion, the giant arrow of the holy light was consumed by countless shield walls and mountains.

"Abominable defender!" The glamorous angel protoss said loudly. At the same time, he was secretly surprised. I didn't expect that the defender on the speeding car was so strong, comparable to the giant arrow of the holy light hit by a god-level powerhouse. Consumed.

"The order continues to attack and guide the giant arrow of the holy light."


The beam of light that was maintaining the angel of light was increased to its maximum power, and a giant arrow burning with golden holy light was taken out by her and placed on the holy bow.

"Brother Yue, you'd better hand me over, depending on the posture, we can't run away." Lin Dong said, he felt that the golden giant arrow that was about to be launched, the speeding car could not escape.

"I actually suspected that I would abandon my teammates."

Zhang Yue frowned and looked at Lin Dong.

"That's not what I meant. I'm afraid of hurting Brother Yue." Lin Dong said.

"Xiaodong, it seems you still don't know my strength."

"The current me, that is, I am invincible below the **** level." Zhang Yue's mouth raised up and said, since he understood the force field of the earth, his strength has improved every day.

At this time, the speed car quickly landed on a plain.

Zhang Yue got off the car, looked at the golden holy light giant arrow that was shot over, and said softly.

"Earth Force Field: Everlasting Shield Mountain."

I saw an open space in front of Zhang Yue, and in the blink of an eye, a magnificent crystal peak rose rapidly, blocking Zhang Yue's body. This is the hardest mountain that Zhang Yue can condense by using the earth force field.

At the low level, Zhang Yue said with confidence that he could defend against any attack, even the god-level powerhouse was no exception.

'boom! ! ’

A flame that skyrocketed, the entire sky was dark, everyone's eyes were attracted by the explosion of fire.

After the explosion, all the angel protoss were shocked, and the mountain that blocked the golden arrow was only blown off by a layer of mountain skin.

Encountered hard stubble, this is the idea of ​​the angel protoss.

This Shield Mountain was still not hard enough, it was blown off a layer of mountain skin, and needed improvement, Zhang Yue thought.

At this time, three small angel protoss spacecraft landed not far from Zhang Yue's speed car, and 90 soldiers of the angel protoss descended from above.

"My people just said something on their lips, wanting to marry them home. This is because my people praise you for being beautiful."

"It may be offensive to you, but you want our life because of this sentence, isn't it a bit too much."

Zhang Yue looked at the crowd of angels and protoss opposite him and said that now, the number of enemies is no longer useful for Zhang Yue.

The angel protoss in the front, apart from the god-level strong, even if there are 10,000. Zhang Yue is not afraid.

"Dirty third-rate race, you have offended the Holy Light and attempted to defile our warriors. This has constituted a capital crime. Now you must accept the trial." said the glamorous head of the Angel Protoss.

After Zhang Yue heard the words of the dirty third-rate race, his indifferent face immediately became serious.

"Xiaodong, you apologize first." Zhang Yue said coldly, since he said something wrong, he should admit it.

Lin Dong looked at Zhang Yue's serious expression, knowing that the words of the opposite angel protoss angered Zhang Yue.

"Noble Angel Protoss, I apologize for what I said just now, I'm sorry." Lin Dong said seriously, he really didn't expect that a word could be heard 10 kilometers away.

"Apologize, it's late, use your soul to atone for your sins." The cold Angel Protoss said disdainfully, if in the world of the heavens, if you disrespect the Angels Protoss, maybe all his people will be purified.

"Late, not too late, this is the etiquette of our human race."

"Now, it's your turn to apologize and apologize for what you said just now. Our human race must not be insulted." Zhang Yue said coldly, a trace of killing intent in his eyes gathering.


"What did I hear. It's ridiculous that a third-rate race wants to make the noble Angel Protoss apologize."

"Now, I want to purify you, are your souls ready for baptism."

"Union: Lord of the Sword of Light"

As soon as the glamorous angel protoss finished speaking, a pillar of holy light rose up, and the light of the 90 angel protoss was connected as one.

A holy light warrior more than 100 meters high appeared in front of Zhang Yue, and a 90-meter long holy light giant sword burned the holy flames and struck Zhang Yue and Lin Dong.

At this time, in front of Zhang Yue, a 50-meter-high shield earth elemental native rose up. This was Zhang Yue’s only trace of the earth element spiritual body, and the little soil that was made up by Zhang Yue behind, understood the earth in Zhang Yue After the force field, the strength greatly increased.

The holy sword was directly blocked by the earth elemental giant's shield, and the earth elemental giant's other hand, a gravity spear, has been condensed, and the gravity spear in Zhang Yue's hand has also been condensed.

With a ‘swish’, the two gravitational spears exploded directly in the middle of the Angel Protoss, strongly attracting all matter to the center.

‘Earth Force Field: Double Gravity’



The giant of light dissipated everything is settled.

Zhang Yue broke up the big sphere formed by the gravity spear, and moved all the angel protoss inside into the newly condensed guillotine.

At this time, the Angel Protoss hadn't come back to the taste. It was a good killer situation, how could it become this situation in an instant? Even the god-level powerhouses made up of them have a fight.

"From now on, don't let me hear such words as dirty waiting, just say, you die a tribe." Zhang Yue said while looking at the angel protoss who was trapped on the guillotine on the ground.

The earth elemental giant who originally held a shield now has a guillotine in his hand, standing in place, waiting for Zhang Yue's order.

"Human race, if it weren't for my clan leader's absence..."

Zhang Yue interrupted the cold-blooded angel **** clan before he finished speaking.

"There is nothing to say about the winner and the loser," Zhang Yue said coldly.

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