The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 27: Mystic shield upgrade

   "You heard that Director Li's genius son is coming to our Chamber of Commerce today. Have you seen the photo? It's so handsome and manly." A young girl in a red welcome cheongsam said idiotically.

   "Handsome is handsome, and genius is also a genius, but what does it have to do with us? If you are an idiot, do you really want to come to be a young lady?" said another little girl.

   "How can you know if you don't try it, if it becomes that."

"Ha ha."

   "It's boring to chat with you, I don't understand the humor of life at all." The little girl turned her head to look at the scene outside the door and didn't speak.

   Zhang Yue saw the sign on the door of the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce, which was a thunder giant sword inserted into the ground, and the sword said Qingguang Chamber of Commerce, and walked into the door.


   Two beautiful tall beauties bow and welcome.

"Is there anything I can serve you." The little girl sitting at the front desk said, looking at a young man in heavy black armor and a dark red shield, but she thought that she would feel too safe. If I were his daughter Friends are just fine.

"I'll find Li Lengzhen Li in charge of your chamber of commerce." Zhang Yue said with a smile. He still has a good impression of the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce. His mother has been working in the Chamber of Commerce for more than 10 years and has always said that the atmosphere in the Chamber of Commerce is very good. What a mess of intrigue.

"Ah! I know, you are Aunt Li's son, I will take you to Aunt Li." The little girl at the front desk became so enthusiastic in an instant that she almost posted on Zhang Yue, taking Zhang Yue thinking about the office area. Go.

   "You see, you don't want it, some people do." The little girl who greeted the guests at the door said to her partner.

   Another little girl turned her head angrily to ignore this strange partner.

When    walked through the office area, because the office area was all glass partitions, many young ladies in the office area stared at Zhang Yue, seemingly curious about him, and many of them had admiring and slightly seductive eyes.

   Zhang Yue wondered, when did he have such a big charm.

   The little girl at the front desk took Zhang Yue to the door of an office and walked out. Zhang Yue opened the door and saw his mother working.

   Li Lengzhen looked up and saw her son, and said with a smile: "Sit for a while, and I will process the documents immediately. After processing, I will accompany you out for a stroll."

   "Mom, don't worry. Anyway, I'm fine today. I have time. I saved a bunch of people on the road." Zhang Yue didn't want to disturb his mother's office.

"Really, let me know if it’s a hero to save the United States. Don’t be afraid to disturb my office, it’s not an important thing. Talk and office." Li Lengzhen asked curiously when he heard his son was on the road and saved a wave of people. stand up,

"That is, when I came here as a cloud eagle this morning, I was looking at the earth and found that............ (3 thousand are omitted here) word

   "Xiaoyue, now Tier 2 monsters can't hurt you anymore, my son is really amazing."

   "Haha, that little girl who only likes to summon rabbits is so cute, but her mentor taught her that there is nothing wrong with her teammates."

   "It's a pity, a young dragon, you don't like it. It seems that my son has big ambitions."

   That's it, when the matter is over, Li Lengzhen takes care of the things at hand.

   Li Lengzhen took his son to the Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce, and visited the Weapon Hall, Armor Hall, and various crystal runes.

"Is there anything Xiaoyue matches about these weapons and equipment? Let's take them home. How about this C-class meteorite sword? At the beginning, your dad liked this sword, but it was too expensive to buy." Li Lengzhen gave The son introduced.

   "This meteorite iron giant sword, let me put it aside, when I have the ability to cure my father's disease, I will send him off."

"Your dad's illness cannot be rushed for a while. The law of fire damages your dad's soul, and only demigod-level healing artifacts can be healed. Recently, with your spiritual water essence, your dad is now like a normal person. "

   "No matter what, my dad's disease is the first. Everything else is easy to say."

   "Well, I don't know you yet. Do you want to go to the equipment manufacturing place, maybe you can upgrade your equipment."

   "Okay, I just want to upgrade my Profound Golden Shield to a lower level." Zhang Yue's eyes lit up after hearing it, and he remembered that there was still a piece of trembling metal in the storage space, to see if he could upgrade the Profound Golden Shield.

   Li Lengzhen led Zhang Yue to the front of a large factory building. As soon as he opened the door, a heat wave hit, and the factory buildings were separated into manufacturing areas.

   "Director Li, you are here, do you have any tasks." After seeing Li Lengzhen entering the door, a middle-aged man in charge immediately ran over.

"It's okay to take my son to see if he can upgrade his equipment." Li Lengzhen said lightly. In the Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce, the boss is the first, she is the second, and the weapon and equipment manufacturing craftsman is the third. Only these little supervisors are the rest. . Why can she be ranked second, because all the high-end business of the Qingfeng Chamber of Commerce is her own.

   "Ah, this is the young master, he is really a tall and mighty talent. The so-called stranger is like a jade, the son..."

   "Stop, you go and do your job, I'll do it myself." Li Lengzhen watched as the supervisor couldn't stop, and stopped it.

   After the supervisor left, Zhang Yue smiled and said to his mother: "Mom, you, the director of the Chamber of Commerce, are really interesting. These words are a set."

   "He is the problem, don't worry about him. You want to upgrade the shield. Then let's go to Master Wan here, who is good at building weapons and armors."

In a large corner of the factory building, there is a separate manufacturing room. A tall middle-aged man who is half thick in his hands is hitting a giant sword embryo with a big hammer. This is a new project of the Chamber of Commerce. To approve high-end materials and thousand-year-old cold iron, it is necessary to build 6 ice giantswords and burn various frozen runes. By then, the ice giantsword can reach A grade overall, which is also his pinnacle work.

  At this time, Li Lengzhen brought in Zhang Yue. After seeing the strong man, he put down the work in his hand and hurriedly greeted him. If you offend no one can offend Director Li, or you have no work to do.

   "Master Wan, are you busy these days."

"Director Li, there are currently 6 A-level ice giant swords on hand. We are rich in time, so we have to polish and polish our weapons to a higher level." Master Wan said with a smile. He needs to continue to build mid-level top-level equipment, because he feels that he is going to make a breakthrough. After the breakthrough, he will be a high-level craftsman who can make equipment above A-level.

   "Yes, it is to improve the quality. After this batch of work is finished, I will pick up a batch of Class A heavy duty saber jobs."

   "Then I will trouble Director Li." Master Wan laughed.

   "I want to ask you for a favor this time. My son wants to upgrade his shield and see if you can spare the time. I'll take it as a rush. I place an order."

   "No, upgrading equipment is a little problem, Director Li seems to be incapable of being a human being when he spends money."

   "Well, then trouble Master Wan, Xiaoyue, take out your shield and raw materials, and tell Master Wan how you want to upgrade,"

   Hearing what his mother said, Zhang Yue took the profound golden shield from behind, took out the tremor metal from the storage space, and handed it to Master Wan.

   Master Wan took the Profound Golden Shield, looked at his lips and praised: "This Profound Golden Shield was made by a master at first glance. It has fully utilized the material properties of Profound Gold. This is a piece of equipment that can be passed on."

   When I saw the trembling metal, my eyes lit up. It's like a chef sees good ingredients.

   "Master Wan, I want to incorporate the tremor metal into the Profound Golden Shield, and want to make it heavier. The weight should be up to half a ton." Zhang Yue said his thoughts.

   "Okay, add tremor metal, and add a little heavy star iron, you can upgrade to the B-level boutique equipment. Come and get the shield tomorrow afternoon."

   "Thank you Master Wan, then."

   "You are welcome."

   At noon, Li Lengzhen took Zhang Yue to the special restaurant here, the Jiangdi Hotel. It is really at the bottom of the river. A big river runs through the city, so it is called Jiangshuicheng. The fish and animals here are especially popular.

   "Come on, Xiaoyue tastes the special color river fish here. Although it is not as good as the clear spirit fish, it is still delicious."

   "Well, thank you mom." Zhang Yue saw this big fish. The compact disc occupies half of the table. This fish weighs less than 10 kilograms. How can he finish it?

   In the end, Zhang Yue ate up the big fish and couldn't hold back his mother's persuasion, and almost crushed Zhang Yue to death.

   "Mom, what are we doing this afternoon." Zhang Yue said with a full burp. He has to exercise now, otherwise everyone will be gone.

"Come with me to sell the business, did your dad teach you the ability of the giant sword warrior." Li Lengzhen thought that the junior students of various universities would start to try again during this period, and hurry up to sell a wave of inventory weapons~www.mtlnovel .com~ Don't worry, mom, all the skills my dad taught me are printed in my bones. I can't forget. I picked up the giant sword to be an excellent giant sword warrior, no problem. "Zhang Yue boasted that he couldn't forget his ability from elementary school.

   "That afternoon, let's go to the major universities to sell a batch of inventory. You can perform harder when you do."

   "No problem." There is no problem with his ability to appear.

   In the afternoon, Li Lengzhen took his son and took 1,000 D-class alloy greatswords and 500 C-class meteorite iron greatswords in the warehouse, and started the sales journey.

   The first trip to the Bihai University resident, Aquastar ranked 86.

   "Hello, Director Li, our Bihai University really needs a batch of high-quality weapons and equipment for students to replace the equipment. How can you prove that your weapons are better than others." The logistics leader of Bihai University said straightforwardly.

   "Do you have any training stakes here, I will show it to you."

   "Yes, follow me to the training room."

   "Xiaoyue, you can demonstrate the advantages of our Chamber of Commerce's alloy giant sword to Leader Xu."


   Zhang Yue picked up the alloy giant sword, and faced the stakes with ten consecutive cuts, each layer of which cut off a thin layer of the stakes. After the incident, he took 10 pieces of paper-thin wood chips and handed them to Leader Xu.

   Leader Xu secretly marveled with 10 pieces of paper-thin wood chips. The sword is a good sword. This young man is even more powerful. He has a solid foundation.

"The sword is a good sword. I want 200 D-class alloy greatswords and 100 C-class meteorite iron greatswords. In addition, I will send a sample of armor and equipment. Let's check the quality. And this guy, are you interested in coming to our school? what."

   "Thank you for your love, I already have land." Zhang Yue said.


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