The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 28: New skills

   "Mom, is it that simple to sell things?" Zhang Yue felt different from what he had imagined, at least not so refreshing.

"Stupid boy, in this era, the most value is given to talents and school education. Our arms manufacturing chamber knows the virtues of their products. Generally, if the quality is not good, they dare not sell to schools. In case something happens, Even if it is a small problem, the government will arrest all the suspects, and severely penalize them."

   "This is the key competitive product of our Chamber of Commerce. There is only one company at the same level that is comparable to us, but that is the Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, and it disdains to grab low-end small orders with us."

   "It turned out to be like this." Zhang Yue suddenly realized that his product was hard enough.

   Then Zhang Yue and his mother ran for an afternoon, a total of 8 stores. Three of them have been purchased, and the remaining five were all conquered by Zhang Yuede's performance. By the way, I also think this giant sword is also good. All purchased, and all the D and C levels of the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce have been emptied. The boss of the Chamber of Commerce who got the news All smiled.

   When it went offline at night, it was in the house assigned to Li Lengzhen by the Chamber of Commerce, which was also a three-bedroom house.

   Zhang Yue decides to take a stroll in Jiangshui City tomorrow. After getting the shield, he will return to Blue City.

   At night, after Zhang Yue finished eating, he practiced holding the shield in his small courtyard. At this time, the starlight armor could cover Zhang Yue's whole body, emitting light under the night sky, and the scene was very spectacular.

   "Brother, as you continue to practice, it will become a light bulb." Zhang Luoluo took a bag of snacks that he usually likes to eat, and sat looking at his brother.

   "I still eat snacks after the meal, I am not afraid of gaining weight." Zhang Yue couldn't help but say when he saw his sister eating snacks after the meal.

   "Haha, you are now practicing holding a shield. If you have the ability, you can grab it." Zhang Luoluo said defiantly.

   "Don't think, I can't cure you." Zhang Yue mobilized the power of the earth to manipulate the soil properties into sand, entangled Zhang Luoluo like a python.

   "Ah! Brother, I was wrong! I shouldn't eat snacks, I will get this sand away soon, I am afraid of this." Zhang Luoluo said in fear

   The sand wrapped around Zhang Luoluo's body turned into a snake head, biting the snack in Zhang Luoluo's hand, and digging into the ground. After Zhang Luoluo was physically active, she looked at Zhang Yue and looked very admiring.

   "Wow, brother, you actually know arcane magic."

   "Idiot, that's not arcane magic, it's just a small application of'The Power of the Earth'." Zhang Yue explained.

"You arcane masters will also comprehend power. Power is the most basic understanding of the laws of the universe. Each profession has a different understanding of the laws of the universe. Your arcane power will comprehend the power of wind, water, and earth. Power, gold power, wood power, light power. There are many, many more, the more you understand, the more genius you will be. At the low-level comprehension of more than 3 powers, there are demigods."

   Zhang Luoluo Zhang Yue didn't fully understand these trends here, so he simply began to popularize common sense for his sister.

   "Oh, it turned out to be like this, brother, you understand a few trends." Zhang Luoluo didn't understand it very well, but he felt very powerful.

"Oh, I have understood the four trends now. They are considered to be relatively good. When you are admitted to the University of Truth, your brother may go to Tianjiao training camp. Then I will look at you and train you to become Excellent arcanist."

   "So, after I am admitted to the University of Truth, can you also go to Capital Star with me." Zhang Luoluo said happily.

   "According to the plan, there should be no problem."

   "Brother is amazing."

   "It's still up to you."

   Zhutian World, Jiangshuicheng, Qingguang Chamber of Commerce equipment manufacturing plant.

"After the upgrade of the mysterious golden shield, the weight is 520 kg, and the equipment comes with a special effect of tremor. When a foreign animal attacks the shield, it will receive a counterattack of the same power, with a tremor effect, which will cause the foreign animal to fall into a short-term dizziness. It is a Class B boutique. Master Wan handed the shield to Zhang Yue."

   looked at the shield, it was slightly larger than before, and the color had changed to bright black. Zhang Yue held the shield in his left hand, the weight was just right, so that he could feel the impact when he charged.

   "Thank you Master Wan, I am very satisfied with this upgraded Xuanjin Shield, Master Wang has bothered." Zhang Yue thanked him.

"You are the son of Director Li. To help you is to help Director Li. I am willing." Master Wan said seriously that the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce can develop to this level. It can be said that half of it is the credit of Director Li. The Chamber of Commerce Everyone, including the boss, obeyed Director Li.

   On the way back to Shuilan City as Yunying, Zhang Yue did not expect his mother to be so prestigious in the Qingguang Chamber of Commerce, and his father was not the kind of coach he had imagined. Everything was much better than he had imagined.

   After arriving at Shuilancheng, Zhang Yue did not go to his father's training hall, but went out of the city by himself. For a few days, he had to test his own ideas and create his own skills.

   Zhang Yue went out of the South City Gate, found a very remote place, and began to test his own ideas.

  "Shield up", a row of earth walls that are smaller than before rises. The earth walls have already turned into crystals at this time, and they feel very solid. The only difference is that there are many anti-collision nails on the front of the earth wall, one of which is more than one meter long, scattered on the front of the earth wall.

   Zhang Yue took the meteorite iron giant sword that his mother gave him. This was a labor fee from his mother. It was a reward for emptying the previous inventory in the afternoon. Zhang Yue picked up the giant sword and slashed at the anti-collision spikes, but instead of cutting it down, only a small gap broke open.

Zhang Yue thought for a moment. The application of this soil wall in battle, if it can rise instantly, should kill a lot, but it should not be effective against physically flexible monsters. It should be useful in large-scale battles, but it needs Keep going.

   Zhang Yue has summoned an earth wall, but the earth wall is as thick as a normal wall, 2 meters wide and 4 meters high. The soil wall is stronger and the color more pure.

   In order to test the hardness, Zhang Yue launched a full charge against the earth wall with his shield and ran into it.

With a loud "bang", Zhang Yue collided with the earth wall with his shield, Zhang Yue did not resist, and took a few steps back, seeing the earth wall still standing, Zhang Yue estimated that it should be able to defend the attack of Tier 4 monsters , Can be used in emergency situations, just like the last time the earth wall was launched to rescue Zhao Yujue and Ren Feipeng.

   The energy of his physical stamina is only enough to activate the ordinary earthen wall ten times and the special earthen wall five times.

   After experimenting with this skill, Zhang Yue began to develop his own narrow sense and skill, transforming the giant shield.

  According to Zhang Yue's idea, he condensed the earth attribute power to the shield. Zhang Yue began to mobilize the power of the earth and let the earth element slowly start to gather the giant shield according to his own ideas.

The mysterious golden shield in Zhang Yue's hand grew bigger and bigger, and in the end it became a huge shield with a height of 4 meters and a width of 3 meters, and he felt that he and the mysterious shield were connected by blood. Even with such a big shield, Zhang Yue didn't feel any added weight either.

   Zhang Yue took the shield and started to charge, and then slammed into the small dirt wall. This time, the dirt wall was damaged all at once. However, Zhang Yue didn't feel any effort at all. This skill can be judged to be very practical, strengthening the quality of the giant shield and increasing the power of collision.

Zhang Yue tried his other ideas again, but they were not practical. Zhang Yue did not go down, instead, he went back to the Blue City and started to wander around. He had two more skills to use, and his future battles would be more flexible. change.

   While wandering around, it suddenly occurred to me that Master would allow me time to go to the Shield Holders’ Union to become a professional certification, and I don’t have to work hard, just get an excellent evaluation.


   The capital of the world area of ​​the stars, the country’s barrier base.

Wei Duntian looked at the new group of new members and sighed. The best thing about this group of shield bearers was that they held the shield for the first time for 3 hours. Like any of his stupid apprentices, he hoped to be inside. There is a strong understanding of several trends.

   Wei Duntian is currently the strongest Tier 9 shield bearer in the Xia Kingdom, and is also the organization leader of the National Barrier. He is currently more than 200 years old, and he is at the peak of his strength.

"There are demigods in other professions, just our shield How can he be so difficult? No one has ever appeared. There is also the demigod arcanist old Chen, day by day Show me off his enchanting apprentice Li Daoyi, but I'm bored. Don't think he is a demigod, really want to fight, he will not hurt my hair even to death."

   "Master, our shield holders have too high requirements for aptitude, and in the later stage, they have higher requirements for understanding. It is too difficult to be a demigod. We can only wait for God to give us a monster." The giant beside Wei Duntian responded carefully.

"Hey, now the werewolves in the northwest and the diamond apes in the east are looking at our human race. Fortunately, the werewolves are too powerful for the diamond ape race demigods, and our human race high-end power is not enough. If everything is resolved, a shield-bearer demigod can bring a few demigods to kill through the Diamond Ape Clan. What a pity!"

   "Master, can you really not advance to a demigod."

"I hurt my foundation when I was young, and now I can reach the ninth rank. Don’t even think about it. Unfortunately, there are too few human shield-holders in the frontier area, and the shield-holders have a large battle damage. If the shield-holders can follow If there are as many Arcanists, our human race will die at the border by more than half a year. Those are good young boys." Wei Duntian sighed.

   "If we get started, can't we lower the standard code?"

   "I tried a batch in secret, no, I might as well be a fighter." Wei Duntian shook his head and said again.

   "I always feel that our shield-bearer's Tianjiao has appeared, but I don't know where it is hiding."

"In the current situation, either our human race will have 5 or 6 demigods in 50 years, or we will have a shield-bearer demigod, or it will be another race war." Wei Duntian is from that year. Those who came out of the battle knew how terrible the race battle was.

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