The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 306: Zhou Tiancheng Array

Zhang Yue lay on the ground for half an hour before regaining his mobility.

First, I went to look at Lu Heng and found that he was still in trial, so I went back with confidence.

Although this place has been shrouded by Xu Lingxuan's hidden formation, there are countless ways to get in.

After returning to the room, Zhang Yue began to read "Wanxing Zhenyu Jue" in his mind.

"Mind communicates with the stars, visualize the star map in the spiritual space, and turn it into the foundation of the star map."

"After visualizing the stars, the power of attracting the stars turns into a spiritual star, embellishing the spiritual star chart, and completing the visualization of three stars can become a demigod."

"Ten is the true god."

Zhang Yue looked at "Ten Thousand Stars Zhenyu Jue" and exclaimed that this cultivation method is really too powerful. He used unimaginable means to gather stars and stars in the spiritual space.

Every time you visualize a star, you need to use different methods, and different stars have different effects.

"Visualizing the star map, based on a hundred days, so it will take more than three months to advance to the Intermediate level." Zhang Yue talked, and it seems that the combat power will not increase much in a short time.

Looking at the sky full of stars, Zhang Yue began to run the opening chapter of "Ten Thousand Stars Zhenyu Jue" with a star-building map.

At the moment Zhang Yue ran "Ten Thousand Stars in the World Jue", the entire starry sky seemed to shake, and a ten-meter-diameter pillar of light appeared between the sky and the earth, which could be clearly seen from a hundred kilometers away.

The beam of light leads directly into the depths of the starry sky.

For a time, the strong men of the human race and the diamond ape race simultaneously sensed the turbulent starlight energy.

The beam of light remained tightly for a while, and then dissipated.

Zhang Yue stopped visualizing the star chart, because his teacher appeared outside his room with a very alert expression.

After seeing Zhang Yue finishing work, Wei Duntian said to Zhang Yue hurriedly: "Xiaoyue, first take your teammates back to Yanwu City. This is probably going to be very lively for a while."


Seeing Master's stern expression, Zhang Yue didn't ask too much, and directly awakened the teammates, and flew towards Yanwu City in a small spacecraft.

The spaceship just flew, and not long after, there was an astonishing explosion in the area where Zhang Yue's team was stationed, with fighting sounds.

Yanwu City, the temporary station of Zhang Yue team.

"The movement of cultivation is too big, right." Zhang Yue said with a headache. If he was practicing in the field, it would be finished soon in case the demigod was attracted.

"This problem must be resolved, otherwise the war zone will not be able to stay."

In the early morning, Wei Duntian came to the temporary station of Zhang Yue's team.

"Master, the battle was not injured, right." Zhang Yue asked with concern. There were few demigods that couldn't make a melee of the battle yesterday.

"Haha, what can I get hurt."

"There are four demigods from the Diamond Ape Clan. They have bombarded me for several hours, and now they are suspecting life in their camp."

"A bunch of useless guys, the four demigods can't even weaken my domain by one point." Wei Duntian said triumphantly.

"Master is fine."

Then Zhang Yue told Wei Duntian that he had been passed down in the battlefield of ten thousand races, and it was an extremely powerful cultivation method. It was the first time he tried cultivation today, but he didn't think so much.

Wei Duntian thought for a while and said, "Xiaoyue, wait for a while. I remember one day in the treasure house, Zhou Tiancheng's formation, I asked you to bring it for you. This should hide the movement of your cultivation. ."

"Zhou Tiancheng is a realm formation, this name is so mysterious." Zhang Yue said curiously.

"The original name was the asylum of the small world, I found it unpleasant to change it." Wei Duntian said casually.

"That's it."

Wei Duntian knew the reason and left.

It didn't take long for a courier to hand a package to Zhang Yue.

After opening it, it was found that it was an arcane array disk, which was also specially equipped with high-purity energy blocks. According to the above statement, these energy blocks can be used for one year.

"It's quite caring." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

In the next time, Zhang Yue, in order to seek stability, has been leading the team to do the task of destroying the enemy in the war zone.

Three months later, Zhang Yue led everyone to escape quickly in the jungle.

Zhang Yue was at the back of the team, holding a shield to resist the attacking magic skills of the eighth-order King Kong Ape Clan magician behind him.

"Dao Cai, can you chop it."

As Zhang Yue ran, he said to Cai Celadon, who was running in front of him, that now Cai Celadon has been promoted to the fifth-order ancient swordsman.

"It's difficult, I'm going all out, I'm dead, he hurts."

"Do you need me to take action?" Cai Celadon said lightly, with no sadness or joy in his eyes.

"Why, I think you kill the seventh-order King Kong Ape Clan with one sword, but it won't work when you reach the eighth-order."

Zhang Yue raised a huge shield wall behind him, blocking the corrosive sulfuric acid cannon of the magician behind him.

'boom! ’

The shield wall shattered, and another shield mountain rose from the ground, blocking the corrosion sulfuric acid cannon of the eighth-order magician.

"Brother Xiong, stand it up, you will reach Yanwu City in 800 kilometers," said Lu Heng, who opened the road in the front. This should be the third time they have been hunted down by high-level teams.

Only the first two successful counter-kills, but this time I encountered the Diamond Ape Clan high-level elite team, with three eighth-order Diamond Ape Clan leading the team, with extraordinary strength.

Had it not been for Zhang Yue's gravitational force and shielding force, the King Kong Ape Clan in the rear would have caught up.

Zhang Yue felt the oppressive power of the Diamond Ape Clan in the semi-domain, and he secretly said in his heart that after 10 days, the star map in his spiritual space will complete the last corner. After reaching the intermediate level, the scene he wants to be in will definitely be reversed.

That is to chase them yourself.

At this time, a Tier 8 giant hammer warrior of the Diamond Ape clan chasing behind him, like a cannonball, ejected from the rear to the sky above Zhang Yue.

The giant hammer in his hand has now turned into two mountain-opening giant hammers, the size of a room, and smashed against everyone.

‘Ball Mountain! ’

Zhang Yue looked at the two in the air facing the sledgehammer he had dropped, and said to the teammates.

"Flash it, the opposite side is widened."

A five-meter-long earth scuttle suddenly emerged from the ground swallowed Zhang Yue's entire team in one bite, and quickly dived underground.

In no time, there was an aftershock of amazing energy in the earth, but it was just sneaking in the earth.

"Brother Yue, this hand is great." Lu Heng praised.

"It's simply a magical ability to escape. This terrestrial, ordinary high-ranking diamond ape clan can hardly catch up with us in the earth." Xu Lingxuan said with a smile, and when he ran away just now, she was a little startled.

"Haha, it's also good luck, there is no magician who specializes in the earth system."

Zhang Yue controlled the arrogance of the earth and dived towards Yanwu City.

In these three months, Zhang Yue led the team to perform five missions arranged by the military, all of which were successfully completed. The remaining time was to hunt and kill the mid-level diamond ape team in the battle zone outside Yanwu City.

Zhang Yue's firefighting team became well-known in the military, and it was 100% successful in carrying out intermediate tasks. Subsequently, the military organized several firefighting teams with obvious results.

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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