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In Yanwu City, the fire fighting team gathered together.

"Brother Yue, I feel that I should be able to fight." Lu Heng said, touching his chin, he always felt that he could smash the Tier 8 magician on the opposite side with all his strength.

Lu Heng's words drew everyone's eyes.

"Give you a chance, next time you encounter this kind of situation, you come to the end." Zhang Yue glanced at Lu Heng and said, he suspected that this guy wanted to lie to himself about the leaves of the World Tree.

Thinking of the leaves of the World Tree, Zhang Yue felt a little pain. Knowing the result long ago, he could restore his peak state without taking the leaves of the World Tree.

After everyone chatted for a while, Zhang Yue asked: "Should I continue the mission or take a rest? I have been fighting for this period of time. I need to relax my spirit."

"Brother Yue, take a rest for a while. After this period of training, I should be promoted to the Intermediate level." Xu Lingxuan said. In fact, when the firefighting team was established, her Tier 3 strength was already complete. She just has a trace of the legendary stage. Fantasy, the old feeling is just so close.

"Me too." Chu Feng said. He has experienced battles in the past three months. He has already entered the legendary evaluation. He feels that this has reached the limit.

"Same." Ji Xiayun said.

"Uh, I feel like I can break through," Ning Xiu said.

"Have you discussed it?" Zhang Yue was a little dazed, and it seemed that he would also be promoted to the Intermediate level. After this calculation, after returning from this vacation, the entire firefighting team would be promoted to the Intermediate level.

"In this case, let's renovate the fire brigade for half a month."

"It's time to advance, it's time to rest."

"Now it's time to disperse." Zhang Yue said, and he also wanted to find a good place to advance to the middle level.

Several teammates who needed to be promoted to the intermediate level bid farewell to each other, and they all returned to their homes. Cai Celadon followed Chu Feng. Now there are only Zhang Yue and Lu Heng in the entire resident.

"Lu Heng, did the trial pass?" Zhang Yue looked at Lu Heng and said with a smile. Since Lu Heng began to accept the inheritance, every day he looked bitter and bitter.

After hearing Zhang Yue's words, Lu Heng's face instantly collapsed.

"Brother Yue, first the leaves of the World Tree, and then the inheritance of the halberd. It is not an exaggeration to call you my reborn parent."

"But the inheritance you gave is really too difficult."

"Everyone in the Great Qin Dynasty is abnormal. The teammates and the enemies are too." Lu Hengxin said with lingering fear. With his legendary combat power, he now only has a deputy captain in it.

"In the Great Qin Dynasty, those who are above ten thousand chiefs are all god-level powerhouses."

"Every move and every move has the power of heaven and earth."

Lu Heng told Zhang Yue about my experience in the trial space.

"Which step is your trial?" Zhang Yue asked. It has been three months, so it should be over.

"Inheritance is divided into four parts: power, power, mind, and god. Now that it has reached the part of mind, it is estimated that it will be over in three months." Lu Heng thought for a while and said.

Every time Lu Heng passes a part of the trial in the trial space, he will get a secret technique and corresponding halberd. Now he is close to the legendary top combat power.

"That's fine. I will also be promoted to the Intermediate level. I hope you will be qualified to stand in front of me by then." Zhang Yue said with a smile. After Lv Heng was promoted to the Intermediate level, he was able to survive his offense for a while.

"Brother Yue, come on, standing in front of you, I have no extravagant hopes in my life." Lu Heng said with a curled mouth. He had dreamed about it before. Now after fighting with Zhang Yue for a period of time, he has quit this dream. .

"There is hope."

Lu Heng left the station after talking with Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue looked at the empty yard, feeling very relaxed.

"Now, I can go to the star realm to take a look."

Zhou Tiancheng's circle opened, and Zhang Yue's surroundings became a self-contained world, and a pillar of light from the sky directly connected to the sky, linking the star realms in the star field.

"Still where it first appeared."

Zhang Yue looked around and said.

"Finally back here, it's still comfortable."

A little starlight snake appeared beside Zhang Yue, wandering around happily.

"I think the situation of your human race has stabilized a lot from my point of view. Just stay here."

"Here, both the power of law and the power of starlight are very strong."

"Cultivate your "Wanxing Zhenyu Jue" honestly here, and within 20 years, you will be promoted to a demigod, and you will be able to suppress those ancestors of the sky ape at will."

"That's so cool, that's not good?"

Starlight Little Snake got more and more excited as he spoke, as if Zhang Yue would be like a fool if he didn't do this.

"I still like to fight in the world of heaven, that's the same." Zhang Yue said.

"It's too far! It will take you at least 30 years in the world of the heavens to be promoted to the demigod." Starlight Little Snake Baka said, saying all his previous words for nothing.

Zhang Yue ignored the Starlight Snake and unfolded the Yunjian, and then piloted the spacecraft towards the sea of ​​galaxy recorded in the Yunjian spacecraft.

"This kid, it's just such an axis."

After speaking, Baka, the little starlight snake, disappeared in place and appeared beside Zhang Yue.

"I don't want to carry it in the star realm."

"Knowing that you don't want to miss the war of the human race, it's normal, I don't blame you."

Starlight Little Snake sat on Zhang Yue's shoulders and said, he understood this emotion very well.


It sounded like a child's hoof.

The surrounding area of ​​Zhang Yue became completely transparent, and the scene around the spacecraft emerged.

Zhang Yue looked around, and a huge eyeball appeared not far away from Zhang Yue, shocking Zhang Yue.

"Damn, what is this?" Zhang Yue said in surprise, such a big alien beast would not attack his spaceship.

"Didn't I tell you, this is called Xingkun, the lowest-level universe star beast." Starlight snake Baka said with his tail wagging.

"This is too big, a head is as big as Yunjian. It won't attack us." Zhang Yue worried.

"No, the breath on you makes him feel very comfortable, so he will not attack you."

"You go to his head silently, maybe you will get a gift from it."

"Also, this little star Kun is still in his infancy, he is not big."

Starlight Little Snake Baka said while spinning around Zhang Yue.


"Yes, someone once got the heart of the universe."

"Of course, it's just impossible."

After listening, Zhang Yue silently took out the personal aircraft from the storage, and opened the hatch. "

"Roger that."

Zhang Yue jumped from the spacecraft door and flew in midair.

"Fortunately, the speed of the spacecraft at the beginning was not adjusted faster."

Zhang Yuefei said in the air.

At this time, Zhang Yue felt that the sky was dark,

Looking up, he found that huge star Kun appeared above him.


Xing Kun made a childlike voice and looked at Zhang Yue with kindness in his eyes.

An idea spread to Zhang Yue's mind, meaning to let Zhang Yue sit on it.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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