The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 319: Wang Ling's Pharmacy

Zhuangling looked at the two embraced, and said to the arcanist who was full of admiration next to him: "Xiaohui, they seem to know each other."

The arcanist next to Zhuangling gave Zhuangling a blank look and said, "You don't even know that the captain has a boyfriend, that's enough."

After the arcanist finished speaking, little stars of worship appeared in his eyes.

"The captain's boyfriend is the top shield bearer and your predecessor."

"I heard that the captain and her boyfriend grew up together as childhood sweethearts."

"I really envy this kind of love. The most important thing is that our brother-in-law looks great."

The arcanist's words were approved by the whole team.

At this time, Zhao Yunshu in Zhang Yue's arms stopped crying, rubbed tears on Zhang Yue, and looked up at Zhang Yue pitifully.

"Brother Yue, you finally remembered me." Zhao Yunshu said with red eyes.

"You have always been in my heart and will never forget."

Zhang Yue's eyes were full of doting.

"Well, your teammates are looking at you, quickly introduce me to your teammates." Zhang Yue touched Zhao Yunshu's hair and said with a smile.

"[Fo] Hmm"

Zhao Yunshu is like a baby, nodded, and took Zhang Yue to the other teammates.

"Zhuang Ling, the shield bearer of our Xiaohua team." Zhao Yunshu introduced to Zhang Yue.

"Sister Yun Shu, her name is Wang Ling, what kind of majesty is that."

"Brother-in-law, oh no, hello, senior, my name is Zhuangling." Wang Ling said with a smile.

Zhang Yue took out the gift he had already prepared, with an S-class shield.

"Sister Yun Shu would agree to give such an expensive gift the first time I met." Wang Ling said, looking at the S-class shield in Zhang Yue's hand.

"Don't talk nonsense, you are all called brother-in-law, then you are not an outsider, take it, and protect your sister Yun Shu from now on."

Zhang Yue directly stuffed the big shield into Wang Ling's hands.

"Thank you brother-in-law, I will do my best to protect Sister Yun Shu from now on."

Zhang Yue nodded in satisfaction, thinking, that contribution point is not in vain.

Before Zhang Yue came, he adjusted the personnel structure of Zhao Yunshu's team and exchanged some weapons with contribution points. One was to send a meeting gift, and the other was to protect Zhao Yunshu. After all, the stronger the team, the safer the team.

"This is the great sword warrior of our Xiaohua team, Su Xiaomei."

"This is our assassin, Hua Wu."

"This is the arcanist of our team, Ma Ke Ke."

Zhang Yue gave them the weapons that suit them one by one.

"Sister Yun Shu envy you." Wang Ling said.

"You will also find your own wishful man." Zhao Yunshu said with a smile.

At this moment, Zhang Yue frowned slightly and secretly used the power of the law of the earth.

Somewhere 30 miles away, a flaming red fox had a frightened expression in his eyes.

A hand of the earth suddenly appeared next to the moon fire fox, grabbed the moon fire fox severely, and then turned into an earth boat, and flew in the direction of Zhang Yue.

After a while, the ship of the earth appeared beside Zhang Yue.

"I feel this strange beast is detecting you from a distance."

"You are besieged by individual alien beasts of this size, it should have something to do with this little thing." Zhang Yue said to everyone.

The Earth Ship began to change, and finally turned into a one-meter-square cage with Moon Firefox in it.

"Ah! It was Firefox that killed us miserably this month."

"I want to take the core of this moon Firefox, deboning, and be my moon heart potion, and a bridge for my promotion to perfect evaluation."

Wang Ling looked at Moon Firefox and said, because of this little thing, the whole team almost fell into an impossible situation.

The moon fox fire in the cage looked at everyone in panic, with extremely frightened eyes, it could imagine its future destiny.

"In this case, you are right."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he snapped his fingers and trapped the Moon Firefox's cage, turning it into five crystal rings locked on its limbs and neck.

"Do you have any other tasks today? I will accompany you to complete them." Zhang Yue said.

Zhao Yunshu thought for a while and said, "Now I'm going to accompany Zhuang Ling to take Moon Firefox to find the priest whom he has agreed to, to refine the Moon Heart Medicine, and to promote Zhuang Ling to the perfect level."

"Congratulations. Promoting to the perfect level is a big event. We must celebrate it." Zhang Yue said with a smile. It seems that there will be another level of shield holder in the profession of shield holder.

The teammates fully supported Wang Ling's promotion to the perfect level shield holder, otherwise they would not venture into the Tier 6 alien beast activity area to pursue it.

"The promotion to perfection depends on the support of sisters and brother-in-law."

Wang Ling said and bowed to everyone. She was the youngest in Team Xiaohua and the one who was taken care of the most.

"Yes." The crowd said.

"Let's go, I will take you to the pastor."

Zhang Yue said that he unfolded a small spaceship, and he exchanged many small spaceships like this to be needed from time to time.

"Wow! Brother-in-law, you are such a tyrant, you have space to fold the spaceship." said Su Xiaomei, a giant sword warrior in the Xiaohua team. For children who have lived in ordinary families since childhood, the space-folding spaceship is a legend.

Hua Wu looked at the folding spaceship in this space, and there was a trace of clarity in her eyes.

The top-level space foldable small spacecraft that Terran can make can only be exchanged for contribution points. The captain’s boyfriend may still be a battlefield killer.

In No. 56 main city, a family named Shengguang Hall.

Wang Ling held the locked Moon Firefox and said to the pastor in front: "Aunt Xin, I have captured the Moon Firefox, and I have gathered the remaining ingredients. Can the Moon Heart Medicine be refined?"

The woman called Auntie Xin flashed a strange color in her eyes after taking over the moon fire fox in Wang Ling's hand.

As a high-ranking priest, she couldn't even see the substance that locked the moon fire fox crystal lock.

"Awesome. I didn't expect that you could catch the Moon Firefox without any injuries. Now the effect will be better after being made into a potion." The priest said, motioning for people to lift the shackles on the Moon Firefox.

Zhang Yue immediately removed the shackles from Moon Firefox.

As soon as the shackles were released, Moon Firefox began to struggle violently in the hands of the senior priest.

A pair of small eyes looked at the high-ranking priest pitifully, begging her to let her go.

"Lovely little guy, let's accept destiny."

After the pastor finished speaking, he lightly covered Moon Firefox's eyes with his palm.

Move the palm of the hand, Moon Firefox's eyes have lost their The body is not struggling, so she just stays where she is.

"Moon Firefox's soul and blood, plus some materials that strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality, can be your spiritual source that is not Xiaoling's congenital deficiency."

"So Xiaoling can be promoted to perfect level."

As the priest said, his men kept moving.

There was a cloud of ghost ghosts and a cloud of blood floating in the air.

There is also an essence composed of raw materials provided by Wang Ling. The last three groups are fused with the priest's tempering, and become a tube of blue essence.

Wang Ling watched this tube of essence dripping blood in her heart. The university loaned 2 billion energy points, plus this tube of pharmaceutical materials cost 600 million energy points. She did not expect to have a debt of 2.6 billion at a young age.



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